224 research outputs found

    Identification of differentially expressed genes in chickens differing in muscle glycogen content and meat quality

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The processing ability of poultry meat is highly related to its ultimate pH, the latter being mainly determined by the amount of glycogen in the muscle at death. The genetic determinism of glycogen and related meat quality traits has been established in the chicken but the molecular mechanisms involved in variations in these traits remain to be fully described. In this study, Chicken Genome Arrays (20 K) were used to compare muscle gene expression profiles of chickens from Fat (F) and Lean (L) lines that exhibited high and low muscle glycogen content, respectively, and of individuals exhibiting extremely high (G+) or low (G-) muscle glycogen content originating from the F<sub>2 </sub>cross between the Fat and Lean lines. Real-time RT-PCR was subsequently performed to validate the differential expression of genes either selected from the microarray analysis or whose function in regulating glycogen metabolism was well known.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among the genes found to be expressed in chicken P. major muscle, 197 and 254 transcripts appeared to be differentially expressed on microarrays for the F vs. L and the G+ vs. G- comparisons, respectively. Some involved particularly in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism were selected for further validation studies by real-time RT-PCR. We confirmed that, as in mammals, the down-regulation of CEBPB and RGS2 coincides with a decrease in peripheral adiposity in the chicken, but these genes are also suggested to affect muscle glycogen turnover through their role in the cAMP-dependent signalling pathway. Several other genes were suggested to have roles in the regulation of glycogen storage in chicken muscle. PDK4 may act as a glycogen sensor in muscle, UGDH may compete for glycogen synthesis by using UDP-glucose for glucoronidation, and PRKAB1, PRKAG2, and PHKD may impact on glycogen turnover in muscle, through AMP-activated signalling pathways.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study is the first stage in the understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying variations in poultry meat quality. Large scale analyses are now required to validate the role of the genes identified and ultimately to find molecular markers that can be used for selection or to optimize rearing practices.</p

    Transcriptome profiling of the feeding-to-fasting transition in chicken liver

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Starvation triggers a complex array of adaptative metabolic responses including energy-metabolic responses, a process which must imply tissue specific alterations in gene expression and in which the liver plays a central role. The present study aimed to describe the evolution of global gene expression profiles in liver of 4-week-old male chickens during a 48 h fasting period using a chicken 20 K oligoarray.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A large number of genes were modulated by fasting (3532 genes with a pvalue corrected by Benjamini-Hochberg < 0.01); 2062 showed an amplitude of variation higher than +/- 40% among those, 1162 presented an human ortholog, allowing to collect functional information. Notably more genes were down-regulated than up-regulated, whatever the duration of fasting (16 h or 48 h). The number of genes differentially expressed after 48 h of fasting was 3.5-fold higher than after 16 h of fasting. Four clusters of co-expressed genes were identified by a hierarchical cluster analysis. Gene Ontology, KEGG and Ingenuity databases were then used to identify the metabolic processes associated to each cluster. After 16 h of fasting, genes involved in ketogenesis, gluconeogenesis and mitochondrial or peroxisomal fatty acid beta-oxidation, were up-regulated (cluster-1) whereas genes involved in fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis were down-regulated (cluster-2). For all genes tested, the microarray data was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. Most genes were altered by fasting as already reported in mammals. A notable exception was the <it>HMG-CoA synthase 1 </it>gene, which was up-regulated following 16 and 48 h of fasting while the other genes involved in cholesterol metabolism were down-regulated as reported in mammalian studies. We further focused on genes not represented on the microarray and candidates for the regulation of the target genes belonging to cluster-1 and -2 and involved in lipid metabolism. Data are provided concerning PPARa, SREBP1, SREBP2, NR1H3 transcription factors and two desaturases (FADS1, FADS2).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study evidences numerous genes altered by starvation in chickens and suggests a global repression of cellular activity in response to this stressor. The central role of lipid and acetyl-CoA metabolisms and its regulation at transcriptional level are confirmed in chicken liver in response to short-term fasting. Interesting expression modulations were observed for <it>NR1H3, FADS1 </it>and <it>FADS2 </it>genes. Further studies are needed to precise their role in the complex regulatory network controlling lipid metabolism.</p

    Detection of a Cis eQTL Controlling BMCO1 Gene Expression Leads to the Identification of a QTG for Chicken Breast Meat Color

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    Classical quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis and gene expression QTL (eQTL) were combined to identify the causal gene (or QTG) underlying a highly significant QTL controlling the variation of breast meat color in a F2 cross between divergent high-growth (HG) and low-growth (LG) chicken lines. Within this meat quality QTL, BCMO1 (Accession number GenBank: AJ271386), encoding the ÎČ-carotene 15, 15â€Č-monooxygenase, a key enzyme in the conversion of ÎČ-carotene into colorless retinal, was a good functional candidate. Analysis of the abundance of BCMO1 mRNA in breast muscle of the HG x LG F2 population allowed for the identification of a strong cis eQTL. Moreover, reevaluation of the color QTL taking BCMO1 mRNA levels as a covariate indicated that BCMO1 mRNA levels entirely explained the variations in meat color. Two fully-linked single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) located within the proximal promoter of BCMO1 gene were identified. Haplotype substitution resulted in a marked difference in BCMO1 promoter activity in vitro. The association study in the F2 population revealed a three-fold difference in BCMO1 expression leading to a difference of 1 standard deviation in yellow color between the homozygous birds at this haplotype. This difference in meat yellow color was fully consistent with the difference in carotenoid content (i.e. lutein and zeaxanthin) evidenced between the two alternative haplotypes. A significant association between the haplotype, the level of BCMO1 expression and the yellow color of the meat was also recovered in an unrelated commercial broiler population. The mutation could be of economic importance for poultry production by making possible a gene-assisted selection for color, a determining aspect of meat quality. Moreover, this natural genetic diversity constitutes a new model for the study of ÎČ-carotene metabolism which may act upon diverse biological processes as precursor of the vitamin A

    Identification of QTL controlling meat quality traits in an F2 cross between two chicken lines selected for either low or high growth rate

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    Meat technological traits (i.e. meat pH, water retention and color) are important considerations for improving further processing of chicken meat. These quality traits were originally characterized in experimental lines selected for high (HG) and low (LG) growth. Presently, quantitative trait loci (QTL) for these traits were analyzed in an F2 population issued from the HG × LG cross. A total of 698 animals in 50 full-sib families were genotyped for 108 microsatellite markers covering 21 linkage groups. The HG and LG birds exhibit large differences in body weight and abdominal fat content. Several meat quality traits [pH at 15 min post-slaughter (pH15) and ultimate pH (pHu), breast color-redness (BCo-R) and breast color-yellowness (BCo-Y)] were lower in HG chickens. In contrast, meat color-lightness (BCo-L) was higher in HG chickens, whereas meat drip loss (DL) was similar in both lines. HG birds were more active on the shackle line. Association analyses were performed using maximum-likelihood interval mapping in QTLMAP. Five genome-wide significant QTLs were revealed: two for pH15 on GGA1 and GGA2, one for DL on GGA1, one for BCo-R and one for BCo-Y both on GGA11. In addition, four suggestive QTLs were identified by QTLMAP for BCo-Y, pHu, pH15 and DL on GGA1, GGA4, GGA12 and GGA14, respectively. The QTL effects, averaged on heterozygous families, ranged from 12 to 31% of the phenotypic variance. Further analyses with QTLExpress confirmed the two genome-wide QTLs for meat color on GGA11, failed to identify the genome-wide QTL for pH15 on GGA2, and revealed only suggestive QTLs for pH15 and DL on GGA1. However, QTLExpress qualified the QTL for pHu on GGA4 as genome-wide. The present study identified genome-wide significant QTLs for all meat technological traits presently assessed in these chickens, except for meat lightness. This study highlights the effects of divergent selection for growth rate on some behavioral traits, muscle biochemistry and ultimately meat quality traits. Several QTL regions were identified that are worthy of further characterization. Some QTLs may in fact co-localize, suggesting pleiotropic effects for some chromosomal regions.https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2164-8-15

    Minimising woody breast in broiler meat

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    International audienceLately, poultry industry is facing the emergence of meat quality defects linked to a loss of muscle tissue integrity. These phenomena are all the more frequent as the animals are fast growing and have high pectoral muscle yields. The most known defects are White Striping, Wooden Breast and Spaghetti Muscle. The Wooden Breast is characterized by abnormal muscle stiffness and loss of elasticity that corresponds to an extension of the extracellular matrix leading to fibrosis and to a lesser extent adiposis. Breeders and more broadly chicken farmers are waiting for genetic, nutritional or management solutions to reduce the incidence of these defects that appeared less than 10 years ago but their incidence in slaughterhouses is growing very rapidly. Until now, only dietary strategies limiting animal growth and muscle development or the use of less productive strains have been shown to be effective in reducing the incidence of myodegenerative defects in slaughterhouses, thereby affecting the costs of production.In this context, it is urgent to understand the biological processes at the origin of myodegenerative defects in chickens to develop genetic or breeding solutions to reduce their impact in slaughterhouses. It is well established that the quality of broiler meat is under a complex control including genetics, rearing and slaughter factors. These factors influence the way muscle develop and therefore its chemical composition, cellular pattern and metabolism (pre and post-mortem) which are all involved in the determinism of meat technological and sensory quality. Recent studies have used high-throughput omics approaches, such as genomics or metabolomics, to unravel the molecular mechanisms involved in the control of meat quality traits. These studies aimed at determining genes or molecular pathways to be targeted by either genetic selection or rearing practices to decrease the incidence of meat quality defects in poultry production. A direct application for poultry production is the development of genetic or biological markers useful for selecting breeders with a high meat quality potential. The identification of pertinent biological markers, such as blood metabolites, can also help to build predictive models to optimize the quality of poultry meat in relation to several rearing or nutritional factors. This review aims to present recent advances in the understanding of biological control of meat quality including myodegenerative defect Wooden Breast

    Predicting the Quality of Meat: Myth or Reality?

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    This review is aimed at providing an overview of recent advances made in the field of meat quality prediction, particularly in Europe. The different methods used in research labs or by the production sectors for the development of equations and tools based on different types of biological (genomic or phenotypic) or physical (spectroscopy) markers are discussed. Through the various examples, it appears that although biological markers have been identified, quality parameters go through a complex determinism process. This makes the development of generic molecular tests even more difficult. However, in recent years, progress in the development of predictive tools has benefited from technological breakthroughs in genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. Concerning spectroscopy, the most significant progress was achieved using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to predict the composition and nutritional value of meats. However, predicting the functional properties of meats using this method&mdash;mainly, the sensorial quality&mdash;is more difficult. Finally, the example of the MSA (Meat Standards Australia) phenotypic model, which predicts the eating quality of beef based on a combination of upstream and downstream data, is described. Its benefit for the beef industry has been extensively demonstrated in Australia, and its generic performance has already been proven in several countries

    Muscle and meat: the challenge of hot conditions

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    Émergence de nouveaux problĂšmes de qualitĂ© de la viande de filet chez le poulet de chair : quelles sont les connaissances actuelles et les perspectives de progrĂšs ?

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    Émergence de nouveaux problĂšmes de qualitĂ© de la viande de filet chez le poulet de chair : quelles sont les connaissances actuelles et les perspectives de progrĂšs ?. 12. JournĂ©es de la Recherche Avicole et des PalmipĂšdes Ă  Foie Gra

    The evolution of production systems in relation to economical and societal expectations: link with genetic and animal welfare, consequences on poultry meat quality

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    International audienceIn recent years, the poultry industry is facing increased meat quality problem but also a consumer rejection of intensive production methods based on the use of fast growing strains. The scientific literature is unanimous in linking the current issues of quality and animal welfare to the tremendous progress made in terms of growth but also in meat yield. Many studies are underway to find innovative and sustainable strategies, including selection, management, and nutrition, responding to the expectations of manufacturers and consumers

    How can metabolic challenges affect muscle physiology and meat quality in chicken?

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    International audienceMeat quality has become an important issue in recent years in poultry. Indeed, with the progress made in terms of growth and muscle development, severe quality defects have appeared, which penalize the competitiveness and image of standard chicken production. According to the literature, these defects, especially White striping and Wooden breast, involve lesions related to inflammation, oxidative stress and cell regeneration processes that are partly explained by energy deficits and metabolic reorientations at the muscle level. In this presentation, we will review the mechanisms that lead to the development of muscle defects in chickens and the possible solutions to reduce their incidence at slaughter
