2 research outputs found

    Stratigraphy, age and correlation of middle Pleistocene silicic tephras in the Auckland region, New Zealand: a prolific distal record of Taupo Volcanic Zone

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    Coastal sections in the Auckland region reveal highly carbonaceous and/or highly weathered clay-dominated cover-bed successions with numerous discrete distal volcanic ash (tephra) layers, fluvially reworked siliciclastic (tephric) deposits, and two widely distributed pyroclastic density current (PDC deposits generated from explosive silicic volcanism within the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ). The younger of the two PDC deposits (informally named Waiuku tephra) is glass-isothermal plateau fission-track (ITPFT) dated at 1.00 ± 0.03 Ma and occurs in a normal polarity interval interpreted as the Jaramillo Subchron. Waiuku tephra is correlated with Unit E sourced from the Mangakino Volcanic Centre of the TVZ. Waiuku tephra can be subdivided into two distinctive units enabling unequivocal field correlation: a lower stratified unit (dominantly pyroclastic surge with fall component) and an upper massive to weakly stratified unit (pyroclastic flow). At many sites in south Auckland, Waiuku tephra retains basal "surge-like" beds (<1.4 m thickness). This provides clear evidence for primary emplacement and is an exceptional feature considering the c. 200 km this PDC has travelled from its TVZ source area. However, at many other Auckland sites, Waiuku tephra displays transitional sedimentary characteristics indicating lateral transformation from hot, gas-supported flow/surge into water-supported mass flow and hyperconcentrated flow (HCF) deposits. The older PDC deposit is dated at 1.21 ± 0.09 Ma, is enveloped by tephras that are ITPFT-dated at 1.14 ± 0.06 Ma (above) and 1.21 ± 0.06 Ma (below), respectively, and occurs below a short normal polarity interval (Cobb Mountain Subchron) at c. 1.19 Ma. This PDC deposit, correlated with Ongatiti Ignimbrite sourced from the Mangakino Volcanic Centre of TVZ, has laterally transformed from a gas-supported, fine-grained pyroclastic flow deposit at Oruarangi, Port Waikato, into a water-supported volcaniclastic mass flow deposit farther north at Glenbrook Beach. The occurrence of Ongatiti Ignimbrite in Auckland significantly extends its northward distribution. Large numbers of post- and pre-Ongatiti rhyolitic tephra layers, ranging in age from c. 1.31 to 0.53 Ma, are also recognised in the region, with some up to 0.5 m in compacted fallout thickness. Although some tephras can be attributed to known TVZ eruptions (e.g., Ahuroa/Unit D), many have yet to be identified in proximal source areas and remain uncorrelated. However, some can be reliably correlated to tephra layers occurring in marine to nearshore sequences of Wanganui Basin and deep-sea cores retrieved east of North Island. The identification of previously unrecognised mid-Pleistocene TVZ-sourced tephra deposits in the Auckland region, and their correlation to the offshore marine record, represent an advance in the construction of a higher resolution history for the TVZ where, close to eruptive source, the record is fragmentary and obscured by deep burial, or erosion, or both

    A late early pleistocene tephrochronological and pollen record from Auckland, New Zealand

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    A late Early Pleistocene pollen record was obtained from a coastal site in Auckland, New Zealand. A combination of isothermal plateau fission track ages on interbedded tephras, palaeomagnetism, palynostratigraphy and orbital tuning to the marine oxygen isotope record of Ocean Drilling Program Site 677 constrained the age of the topmost 28 m of sediments to c. 1.4-1.0 Ma (Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 45-28). For this interval a diverse pollen record consisting of mostly extant pollen types shows multiple compositional shifts from a Nothofagus-dominated to conifer-dominated regional vegetation. These shifts are broadly correlated to changes in the marine oxygen isotope record. The inferred climate was moist, temperate, stable, and cooler than at present, but never as cool as the last glacial maximum. A permanent increase in Nothofagus forest in the region after MIS 35 seems to be related to a long-term palaeoclimatic shift that probably included greater temperature extremes between warm and cool stages and decreases in humidity and increased seasonality during cool stages. Although the Patiki pollen record predates the mid-Pleistocene revolution by c. 100 ka, the nature of climate change itself was already in transition, and becoming more similar to the climate regime experienced in northern New Zealand in the Late Pleistocene