3 research outputs found

    Density-Dependent Capture Efficiency of a Survey Dredge and Its Influence On the Stock Assessment of Eastern Oysters (\u3ci\u3eCrassostrea virginica\u3c/i\u3e) in Delaware Bay

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    A reliable measure of gear capture efficiency is required to calculate unbiased estimates of population size and fishing mortality from survey data in a stock assessment. However, capture efficiency can vary spatially and temporally due to changes in abundance, stock area, the environment, and the sampling gear itself. Therefore, periodic reassessment of this parameter is necessary to ensure that the catchability coefficients being applied accurately reflect the capture efficiency of the survey sampling gear, especially when catchability is being estimated outside of the stock assessment model. Using data from field experiments conducted in 1999, 2000, 2003, and 2013, we evaluated spatial and temporal variability in capture efficiency for a commercial dredge used to conduct a fishery-independent survey of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) population in Delaware Bay, USA. A spatial gradient in capture efficiency was detected, but no temporal trend. Capture efficiency was a function of the density of oysters in the sampled area. To our knowledge this is the first time density-dependent capture efficiency has been identified for a sessile invertebrate stock survey. Since density dependence in capture efficiency leads to hyperstable catch-per-unit-effort, caution is advised when deriving oyster abundance from dredge survey catch-per-effort data, especially at low oyster density and when high spatial resolution estimates of survey dredge capture efficiency are not available

    Wave attenuation experiments over living shorelines over time: a wave tank study to assess recreational boating pressures

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    With sea level rise, erosion, and human disturbances affecting coastal areas, strategies to protect and stabilize existing shorelines are needed. One popular solution to stabilize while conserving intertidal habitat is the use of “living shoreline” techniques which are designed to mimic natural shoreline communities by using native plants and animals. However, little information is available on the success of living shoreline stabilization. This project evaluated the wave energy attenuation associated with living shorelines that contained Crassostrea virginica (eastern oyster) and/or Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass) in a wave tank. Four living shoreline techniques were assessed, including a control (sediment only), oysters alone, cordgrass alone, and a combination of oysters plus cordgrass. Time since deployment (newly deployed, one-year after deployment) was also assessed to see how wave energy attenuation changed with natural oyster recruitment and plant growth. Wave energy was calculated for each newly deployed and one-year old shoreline stabilization treatment using capacitance wave gauges and generated waves that were representative of boat wakes in Mosquito Lagoon, a shallow-water estuary in Florida. All one-year old treatments attenuated significantly more energy than newly-deployed treatments. The combination of one-year old S. alterniflora plus live C. virginica was the most effective as this treatment reduced 67 % of the wave energy created by a single recreational boat wake, compared to bare sediment. Natural resource managers and landowners facing shoreline erosion issues can use this information to create effective stabilization protocols that preserve shorelines while conserving native intertidal habitats