23 research outputs found

    Novel Gd Nanoparticles Enhance Vascular Contrast for High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Gadolinium (Gd), with its 7 unpaired electrons in 4f orbitals that provide a very large magnetic moment, is proven to be among the best agents for contrast enhanced MRI. Unfortunately, the most potent MR contrast agent based on Gd requires relatively high doses of Gd. The Gd-chelated to diethylene-triamine-penta-acetic acid (DTPA), or other derivatives (at 0.1 mmole/kg recommended dose), distribute broadly into tissues and clear through the kidney. These contrast agents carry the risk of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF), particularly in kidney impaired subjects. Thus, Gd contrast agents that produce higher resolution images using a much lower Gd dose could address both imaging sensitivity and Gd safety.To determine whether a biocompatible lipid nanoparticle with surface bound Gd can improve MRI contrast sensitivity, we constructed Gd-lipid nanoparticles (Gd-LNP) containing lipid bound DTPA and Gd. The Gd-LNP were intravenously administered to rats and MR images collected. We found that Gd in Gd-LNP produced a greater than 33-fold higher longitudinal (T(1)) relaxivity, r(1), constant than the current FDA approved Gd-chelated contrast agents. Intravenous administration of these Gd-LNP at only 3% of the recommended clinical Gd dose produced MRI signal-to-noise ratios of greater than 300 in all vasculatures. Unlike current Gd contrast agents, these Gd-LNP stably retained Gd in normal vasculature, and are eliminated predominately through the biliary, instead of the renal system. Gd-LNP did not appear to accumulate in the liver or kidney, and was eliminated completely within 24 hrs.The novel Gd-nanoparticles provide high quality contrast enhanced vascular MRI at 97% reduced dose of Gd and do not rely on renal clearance. This new agent is likely to be suitable for patients exhibiting varying degrees of renal impairment. The simple and adaptive nanoparticle design could accommodate ligand or receptor coating for drug delivery optimization and in vivo drug-target definition in system biology profiling, increasing the margin of safety in treatment of cancers and other diseases

    Sensorineural correlates of failed functional recovery after natural regeneration of vestibular hair cells in adult mice

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    Vestibular hair cells (HCs) are mechanoreceptors that sense head motions by modulating the firing rate of vestibular ganglion neurons (VGNs), whose central processes project to vestibular nucleus neurons (VNNs) and cerebellar neurons. We explored vestibular function after HC destruction in adult Pou4f3+/DTR (DTR) mice, in which injections of high-dose (50 ng/g) diphtheria toxin (DT) destroyed most vestibular HCs within 2 weeks. At that time, DTR mice had lost the horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex (aVORH), and their VNNs failed to upregulate nuclear cFos expression in response to a vestibular stimulus (centrifugation). Five months later, 21 and 14% of HCs were regenerated in utricles and horizontal ampullae, respectively. The vast majority of HCs present were type II. This degree of HC regeneration did not restore the aVORH or centrifugation-evoked cFos expression in VNNs. The failure to regain vestibular pathway function was not due to degeneration of VGNs or VNNs because normal neuron numbers were maintained after HC destruction. Furthermore, sinusoidal galvanic stimulation at the mastoid process evoked cFos protein expression in VNNs, indicating that VGNs were able to regulate VNN activity after HC loss. aVORH and cFos responses in VNNs were robust after low-dose (25 ng/g) DT, which compared to high-dose DT resulted in a similar degree of type II HC death and regeneration but spared more type I HCs in both organs. These findings demonstrate that having more type I HCs is correlated with stronger responses to vestibular stimulation and suggest that regenerating type I HCs may improve vestibular function after HC loss

    Induction chemotherapy followed by chemoradiotherapy versus chemoradiotherapy alone as neoadjuvant treatment for locally recurrent rectal cancer: Study protocol of a multicentre, open-label, parallel-arms, randomized controlled study (PelvEx II)

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    Background: A resection with clear margins (R0 resection) is the most important prognostic factor in patients with locally recurrent rectal cancer (LRRC). However, this is achieved in only 60 per cent of patients. The aim of this study is to investigate whether the addition of induction chemotherapy to neoadjuvant chemo(re)irradiation improves the R0 resection rate in LRRC. Methods: Thismulticentre, international, open-label, phase III, parallel-arms study will enrol 364 patients with resectable LRRC after previous partial or total mesorectal resection without synchronous distant metastases or recent chemo- and/or radiotherapy treatment. Patients will be randomized to receive either induction chemotherapy (three 3-week cycles of CAPOX (capecitabine, oxaliplatin), four 2- week cycles of FOLFOX (5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, oxaliplatin) or FOLFORI (5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, irinotecan)) followed by neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and surgery (experimental arm) or neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and surgery alone (control arm). Tumours will be restaged usingMRI and, in the experimental arm, a further cycle of CAPOX or two cycles of FOLFOX/FOLFIRI will be administered before chemoradiotherapy in case of stable or responsive disease. The radiotherapy dose will be 25 × 2.0 Gy or 28 × 1.8Gy in radiotherapy-naive patients, and 15 × 2.0Gy in previously irradiated patients. The concomitant chemotherapy agent will be capecitabine administered twice daily at a dose of 825mg/m2 on radiotherapy days. The primary endpoint of the study is the R0 resection rate. Secondary endpoints are long-termoncological outcomes, radiological and pathological response, toxicity, postoperative complications, costs, and quality of life. Discussion: This trial protocol describes the PelvEx II study. PelvEx II, designed as a multicentre, open-label, phase III, parallel-arms study, is the first randomized study to compare induction chemotherapy followed by neoadjuvant chemo(re)irradiation and surgery with neoadjuvant chemo(re)irradiation and surgery alone in patients with locally recurrent rectal cancer, with the aim of improving the number of R0 resections

    A Novel Human Multidrug Resistance Gene MDR1

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    Effects of Garlic on Cytochromes P450 2C9- and 3A4-Mediated Drug Metabolism in Human Hepatocytes

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    Several reports suggest garlic supplements may inhibit the metabolism of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C9 and CYP3A4 substrates, such as warfarin and saquinavir. To characterize the effects of garlic extract on CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 enzyme activity immortalized human hepatocytes (Fa2N-4 cells) were exposed to garlic extract (0–200 μg/mL). CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 enzyme activities were evaluated in parallel with enzymatic activities, expression of respective RNA transcripts was also assessed. Exposure to increasing concentrations of garlic extract led to progressive reduction in Fa2N-4 CYP2C9 activity as detected by diclofenac hydroxylation. CYP2C9 mRNA expression also revealed a concentration-dependent reduction. Greater than 90% reduction in CYP2C9 activity was observed following four days of exposure to 50 μg/mL garlic extract. In contrast, exposure to garlic extract had no effect on the CYP3A4 enzymatic activity or RNA transcript concentration in Fa2N-4. Therefore, suppression of CYP2C9 expression and activity is a heretofore unrecognized mechanism by which garlic extract may modulate CYP activity. Exposure of hepatocytes to garlic extract may reduce the expression and activity of CYP2C9 with no detectible effects on CYP3A4