8 research outputs found

    An Experimental Area for Short Baseline Neutrino Physics on the CERN Neutrino Beam to Gran Sasso

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    A new neutrino beam line from the CERN SPS to the Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy is presently under study. The new neutrino beam will allow both long baseline and short baseline neutrino oscillation experiments to be performed. This report presents a conceptual design of the short baseline experimental area to be located at a distance of 1858 m from the neutrino target

    The CERN Neutrino beam to Gran Sasso (NGS)

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    The conceptual technical design of the NGS (CERN neutrino beam to Gran Sasso) facility has been presented in the report CERN 98-02 / INFN-AE/98-05. Additional information, in particular an update on various neutrino beam options for the NGS facility, has been provided in a memorandum to the CERN-SPSC Committee (CERN-SPSC/98-35). In the present report, further improvements on the NGS design and performance, in particular new scenarios for SPS proton cycles for NGS operation and a new version of the NGS "high energy" neutrino beam for nt appearance experiments, are described. This new NGS reference beam is estimated to provide three times more nt events per year than the beam presented in the 1998 report. The radiological aspects of the NGS facility have been re-examined with the new beam design. An updated version of the construction schedule is also presented

    Le CERN, chance ou risque pour GenĂšve

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    Le CERN, Chance ou Risque pour Gen?ve? D?bat public contradictoire organis? avec le soutien de la Tribune de Gen?ve Lieu: Salle II, CICG,15 Rue de Varemb?. Date: Lundi 19 octobre 1998, 20h00 D?roulement de la soir?e: 1. Ouverture M. Ren? KÏchlin, Pr?sident du Grand Conseil M. Luciano Maiani, Directeur g?n?ral d?sign? du CERN 2. Introduction: Un regard critique sur le CERN (? d?signer) Le projet LHC (Manfred Buhler Broglin CERN) 3. D?bat th?matique men? par le mod?rateur (Marco Cattaneo, r?dacteur en chef de la Tribune de Gen?ve) entre trois representants de lÕopinion publique (Ren? Longet, d?put? socialiste; Yves de Pr?ville, physicien; Jacques Mirenowicz, chercheur) et trois repr?sentants du Cern (Horst Wenninger, Directeur de la Recherche/Technique, CERN; Manfred Buhler Broglin, Administra-teur du projet LHC, CERN; Maurice Bourquin, Professeur de Physique ? l'Universit? de Gen?ve et D?l?gu? de la Suisse au Conseil du CERN). Les th?mes abord?s seront: Ð A quoi sert le CERN? Ð Quel est lÕimpact ?conomique du CERN sur la r?gion? Ð Existe-t-il une risque de radiations au CERN? Ð Le CERN participe-t-il ? des recherches ? des fins militaires? Ð Comment la radioactivit? est-elle contr?l?e au CERN et dans ses environs? Ð Quels avantages lÕUniversit? et le syst?me ?ducatif de Gen?ve retirent-ils du CERN? 4. Questions. Le mod?rateur invitera ensuite le public ? poser des questions.The debate on the place and role of the Cern in the life of Genev

    Le LEP en bref

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    The LEP in short

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    Etude d'impact du projet LHC: résumé

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