212 research outputs found

    Quantification of Volatile Metabolites Derived From Garlic (Allium sativum) in Human Urine

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    The consumption of garlic (Allium sativum) is widely known to (negatively) impact body odor, in particular breath and sweat, but also urine. Despite this common phenomenon, the underlying processes in the body that lead to the malodor are not yet fully understood. In previous studies we identified three volatile garlic-derived metabolites in human milk and urine, namely allyl methyl sulfide (AMS), allyl methyl sulfoxide (AMSO), and allyl methyl sulfone (AMSO2). In the present study, we monitored the excretion processes of these metabolites via human urine after consumption of garlic over time, whereby 19 sets of eight urine samples (one sample pre-ingestion and seven samples post-ingestion) were analyzed using two-dimensional high resolution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/olfactometry (HRGC-GC-MS/O). The highest concentrations of these metabolites were detected in urine ~1–2 h after garlic ingestion, with a second increase observed after 6–8 h in the urine of some participants. Moreover, the highest observed concentrations differed between the individual participants or test series by up to one order of magnitude

    Characterization of Odorous and Potentially Harmful Substances in Artists' Acrylic Paint

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    Acrylic paints are fast drying water based paints that are easy to handle and have a high covering capacity and therefore possess many characteristics that make them applicable in a wide range of applications, such as varnishes or artists paints. Due to their emitted volatile organic compounds, these paints are associated with different work-related diseases and are known to emit an unpleasant odor. In this study six acrylic paints for artists were analyzed regarding their odor-active constituents. Therefore, the samples were extracted with dichloromethane and purified via solvent assisted flavor evaporation prior to analysis of the distillates by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O), and GC-GC-MS/O. Additionally all samples were sensorially characterized by a trained sensory panel. The identified odorous substances were primarily benzene derivatives (styrene, ethylbenzene, allylbenzene, propylbenzene) with a plastic-like, aromatic and solvent-like odor. Thereby, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (naphthalene, indane, and tetralin derivatives) contributed to the plastic- and mothball-like odor whereas acrylic monomers (butyl acrylate) were found to be responsible for a mushroom-like and geranium leaf-like odor. As most of these substances are also known to be harmful, a reduction or replacement of these substances by less toxic and non-odor active ingredients is likely to turn out to be advisable in order to reduce the odor and potential negative physiological effects of paints

    Physical and Antibacterial Properties of Peppermint Essential Oil Loaded Poly (ε-caprolactone) (PCL) Electrospun Fiber Mats for Wound Healing

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    The aim of this study was to fabricate and characterize various concentrations of peppermint essential oil (PEP) loaded on poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) electrospun fiber mats for healing applications, where PEP was intended to impart antibacterial activity to the fibers. SEM images illustrated that the morphology of all electrospun fiber mats was smooth, uniform, and bead-free. The average fiber diameter was reduced by the addition of PEP from 1.6 ± 0.1 to 1.0 ± 0.2 μm. Functional groups of the fibers were determined by Raman spectroscopy. Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) analysis demonstrated the actual PEP content in the samples. In vitro degradation was determined by measuring weight loss and their morphology change, showing that the electrospun fibers slightly degraded by the addition of PEP. The wettability of PCL and PEP loaded electrospun fiber mats was measured by determining contact angle and it was shown that wettability increased with the incorporation of PEP. The antimicrobial activity results revealed that PEP loaded PCL electrospun fiber mats exhibited inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus (gram-positive) and Escherichia coli (gram-negative) bacteria. In addition, an in-vitro cell viability assay using normal human dermal fibroblast (NHDF) cells revealed improved cell viability on PCL, PCLPEP1.5, PCLPEP3, and PCLGEL6 electrospun fiber mats compared to the control (CNT) after 48 h cell culture. Our findings showed for the first time PEP loaded PCL electrospun fiber mats with antibiotic-free antibacterial activity as promising candidates for wound healing applications

    Evaluation of Electrospun Poly(ε-Caprolactone)/Gelatin Nanofiber Mats Containing Clove Essential Oil for Antibacterial Wound Dressing

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    The objective of this study was to produce antibacterial poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL)-gelatin (GEL) electrospun nanofiber mats containing clove essential oil (CLV) using glacial acetic acid (GAA) as a “benign” (non-toxic) solvent. The addition of CLV increased the fiber diameter from 241 ± 96 to 305 ± 82 nm. Aside from this, the wettability of PCL-GEL nanofiber mats was increased by the addition of CLV. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis confirmed the presence of CLV, and the actual content of CLV was determined by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Our investigations showed that CLV-loaded PCL-GEL nanofiber mats did not have cytotoxic effects on normal human dermal fibroblast (NHDF) cells. On the other hand, the fibers exhibited antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Consequently, PCL-GEL/CLV nanofiber mats are potential candidates for antibiotic-free wound healing applications

    CD14 and ALPK1 Affect Expression of Tight Junction Components and Proinflammatory Mediators upon Bacterial Stimulation in a Colonic 3D Organoid Model

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    Cd14 and Alpk1 both encode pathogen recognition receptors and are known candidate genes for affecting severity in inflammatory bowel diseases. CD14 acts as a coreceptor for bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), while ALPK1 senses ADP-D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose, a metabolic intermediate of LPS biosynthesis. Intestinal barrier integrity can be influenced by CD14, whereas to date, the role of ALPK1 in maintaining barrier function remains unknown. We used colon-derived 3D organoids, first characterised for growth, proliferation, stem cell markers, and expression of tight junction (TJ) components using qPCR and immunohistochemistry. They showed characteristic crypt stem cells, apical shedding of dead cells, and TJ formation. Afterwards, organoids of different genotypes (WT, Il10-/-, Cd14-/-, and Alpk1-/-) were then stimulated with either LPS or Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN). Gene expression and protein levels of cytokines and TJ components were analysed. WT organoids increased expression of Tnfα and tight junction components. Cd14-/- organoids expressed significantly less Tnfα and Ocln after LPS stimulation than WT organoids but reacted similarly to WT organoids after EcN stimulation. In contrast, compared to WT, Alpk1-/- organoids showed decreased expression of different TJ and cytokine genes in response to EcN but not LPS. However, Western blotting revealed an effect of ALPK1 on TJ protein levels. These findings demonstrate that Cd14, but not Alpk1, alters the response to LPS stimulation in colonic epithelial cells, whereas Alpk1 is involved in the response upon bacterial challenge. © 2020 Pascal Brooks et al

    Odorants in Fish Feeds: A Potential Source of Malodors in Aquaculture

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    Although the microbiota is considered to be the primary source of off-flavors in farmed fish, there is a lack of information about the possible contribution of feeds to fish malodor. For this reason, the current study was designed to perform comprehensive sensory and chemo-analytical characterization of fish feed constituents that can impact the quality of farmed fish, and to determine whether feeds cause malodor accumulation in fish. To this aim, odorants in four commercial fish feeds were extracted using solvent assisted flavor evaporation (SAFE) and characterized by comparative aroma extract dilution analysis (cAEDA) and multi-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/olfactometry (MD-GC-MS/O). The odorants in the fish feed samples were correlated with their respective sensory and fatty acid profiles. The cAEDA studies revealed the presence of 81 odorants of which 55 compounds were common to all the samples. Most of these odorants are identified here for the first time in fish feeds, and include skatole, indole, (E,Z,Z)-2,4,7-tridecatrienal, 4-ethyloctanoic acid, and cresols. Additionally, geosmin and 3-isopropyl-2-methoxypyrazine, known for their contribution to fish taint, and other cyanobacterial by-products, dimethyldisulfide and dimethyltrisulfide, were identified in feed samples. The results suggest that fish feed may contribute to fish malodor. Most of these off-flavors were linked to lipid source (fish oil or plant/lard alternatives), unsaturated fatty acids contents, and protein type (plant-based or fishmeal-based sources) in the feed

    Intestinal Organoids in Colitis Research: Focusing on Variability and Cryopreservation

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    In recent years, stem cell-derived organoids have become a cell culture standard that is widely used for studying various scientific issues that were previously investigated through animal experiments and using common tumor cell lines. After their initial hype, concerns regarding their standardization have been raised. Here, we aim to provide some insights into our experience in standardizing murine colonic epithelial organoids, which we use as a replacement method for research on inflammatory bowel disease. Considering good scientific practice, we examined various factors that might challenge the design and outcome of experiments using these organoids. First, to analyze the impact of antibiotics/antimycotics, we performed kinetic experiments using ZellShield® and measured the gene expression levels of the tight junction markers Ocln, Zo-1, and Cldn4, the proliferation marker Ki67, and the proinflammatory cytokine Tnfα. Because we found no differences between cultivations with and without ZellShield®, we then performed infection experiments using the probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 as an already established model setup to analyze the impact of technical, interexperimental, and biologic replicates. We demonstrate that interexperimental differences pose the greatest challenge for reproducibility and explain our strategies for addressing these differences. Additionally, we conducted infection experiments using freshly isolated and cryopreserved/thawed organoids and found that cryopreservation influenced the experimental outcome during early passages. Formerly cryopreserved colonoids exhibited a premature appearance and a higher proinflammatory response to bacterial stimulation. Therefore, we recommend analyzing the growth characteristics and reliability of cryopreserved organoids before to their use in experiments together with conducting several independent experiments under standardized conditions. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that organoid culture, if standardized, constitutes a good tool for reducing the need for animal experiments and might further improve our understanding of, for example, the role of epithelial cells in inflammatory bowel disease development

    Experimental Research in Synthetic Molecular Communications -- Part I: Overview and Short-Range Systems

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    Since its emergence from the communication engineering community around one and a half decades ago, the field of Synthetic Molecular Communication (SMC) has experienced continued growth, both in the number of technical contributions from a vibrant community and in terms of research funding. Throughout this process, the vision of SMC as a novel, revolutionary communication paradigm has constantly evolved, driven by feedback from theoretical and experimental studies, respectively. It is believed that especially the latter ones will be crucial for the transition of SMC towards a higher technology readiness level in the near future. In this spirit, we present here a comprehensive survey of experimental research in SMC. In particular, this survey focuses on highlighting the major drivers behind different lines of experimental research in terms of the respective envisioned applications. This approach allows us to categorize existing works and identify current research gaps that still hinder the development of practical SMC-based applications. Our survey consists of two parts; this paper and a companion paper. While the companion paper focuses on SMC with relatively long communication ranges, this paper covers SMC over short distances of typically not more than a few millimeters.Comment: 10 pages, 1 table, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazin

    Experimental Research in Synthetic Molecular Communications -- Part II: Long-Range Communication

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    In this second part of our survey on experimental research in Synthetic Molecular Communication (SMC), we review works on long-range SMC systems, i.e., systems with communication ranges of more than a few millimeters. Despite the importance of experimental research for the evolution of SMC towards a mature communication paradigm that will eventually support revolutionary applications beyond the reach of today's prevalent communication paradigms, the existing body of literature is still comparatively sparse. Long-range SMC systems have been proposed in the literature for information transmission in two types of fluid media, liquid and air. While both types of SMC systems, liquid-based and air-based systems, rely on encoding and transmitting information using molecules, they differ substantially in terms of the physical system designs and in the type of applications they are intended for. In this paper, we present a systematic characterization of experimental works on long-range SMC that reveals the major drivers of these works in terms of the respective target applications. Furthermore, the physical designs for long-range SMC proposed in the literature are comprehensively reviewed. In this way, our survey will contribute to making experimental research in this field more accessible and identifying novel directions for future research.Comment: 10 pages, 2 tables, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazin
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