159 research outputs found

    Active heat exchange system development for latent heat thermal energy storage

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    Active heat exchange concepts for use with thermal energy storage systems in the temperature range of 250 C to 350 C, using the heat of fusion of molten salts for storing thermal energy are described. Salt mixtures that freeze and melt in appropriate ranges are identified and are evaluated for physico-chemical, economic, corrosive and safety characteristics. Eight active heat exchange concepts for heat transfer during solidification are conceived and conceptually designed for use with selected storage media. The concepts are analyzed for their scalability, maintenance, safety, technological development and costs. A model for estimating and scaling storage system costs is developed and is used for economic evaluation of salt mixtures and heat exchange concepts for a large scale application. The importance of comparing salts and heat exchange concepts on a total system cost basis, rather than the component cost basis alone, is pointed out. The heat exchange concepts were sized and compared for 6.5 MPa/281 C steam conditions and a 1000 MW(t) heat rate for six hours. A cost sensitivity analysis for other design conditions is also carried out

    Structure and Dynamics of Sheep Systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The paper presents the analysis of dynamics and structure of the sheep systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina assuming that they suffered a decrease of animal and farms consistency in the last 6 decades. Since 1991 neither a general nor agricultural censuses were made to provide information about the present state of sheep farming in the country. An analysis of the available statistical records of agricultural trends related to the sheep sector was performed. In addition, a depth questionnaire by consulting national experts was performed in order to obtain relevant information on the spatial distribution, consistency, feeding management, production and environmental impact on the present structure of sheep production systems. A decrease in sheep number was observed over the last six decades, but less than in other species. Six main sheep systems in three biogeographical regions were identified. Differences in animal spatial distribution, production purpose and other characteristics of the systems indicate that the environmental and socio-economic factors throughout the country strongly influence the choice of breeding methods and management. All consulted experts indicated the lack of support for sheep systems in relation to agro environmental management, landscape conservation and biodiversity preservation

    Dissipative neutrino oscillations in randomly fluctuating matter

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    The generalized dynamics describing the propagation of neutrinos in randomly fluctuating media is analyzed: it takes into account matter-induced, decoherence phenomena that go beyond the standard MSW effect. A widely adopted density fluctuation pattern is found to be physically untenable: a more general model needs to be instead considered, leading to flavor changing effective neutrino-matter interactions. They induce new, dissipative effects that modify the neutrino oscillation pattern in a way amenable to a direct experimental analysis.Comment: 14 pages, plain-Te

    Highly linear microstrip wideband bandpass filter with switchable notched band for wireless applications

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    This article presents a highly linear reconfigurable bandpass filter embedded with a switchable notch structure to get a band-notched characteristic at a specified frequency.A single PIN diode (BAP65-02) is used for the purpose of switching the notch. An optical switch, comprised of a silicon dice activated using near infrared light is also investigated as an alternative to the PIN diode. While the PIN diode or the optical switch is in the ON state this reconfigurable filter behaves as a bandpass filter with a notch at 2.4 GHz in order to reject WLAN interference while a full band response is obtained in the OFF state. The proposed filter is able to achieve good linearity using PIN diode with IIP3 of 47 dBm and there is no significant loss. A prototype is fabricated, and measured results are compared to simulations. A good agreement has been achieved between simulated and measured results

    Compact UWB bandpass filter with reconfigurable notched band

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    A compact bandpass filter is presented for ultra-wideband (UWB) applications with a reconfigurable notched band to reject unwanted signals from the WiMAX systems. A single pin diode is used for the purpose of switching the notch. An optical switch, comprised of a silicon dice activated using near infrared light is also investigated as an alternative to the pin diode. While the switch is in the ON state this reconfigurable filter behaves as a bandpass filter with a notch at 3.5 GHz and a full band response is obtained in the OFF state. The filter offers excellent performance for the lower-band frequency of a UWB system, ranging from 3.1 to 5.0 GHz and exhibits very low passband insertion loss. Also, transmission zeros are generated at the passband edges to enhance the signal selectivity. A filter sample has been designed and fabricated to provide experimental verification on the proposed filter. A good agreement has been achieved between simulated and measured results with both the pin diode as well as the optical switch. The proposed reconfigurable filter with notched band was able to achieve 40% size reduction as compared to an embedded open-circuited stub

    Complete positivity and entangled degrees of freedom

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    We study how some recently proposed noncontextuality tests based on quantum interferometry are affected if the test particles propagate as open systems in presence of a gaussian stochastic background. We show that physical consistency requires the resulting markovian dissipative time-evolution to be completely positive.Comment: 23 pages, plain-TeX, no figure

    Slipped non-Positive Reduced Dynamics and Entanglement

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    Non-positive Markov approximations are sometimes used to describe the dynamics of qubits in weak interaction with suitable environments; the appearance of negative probabilities is avoided by assuming that the transient regime eliminates from the possible initial conditions those qubit states which would otherwise be mapped out of the Bloch sphere by the subsequent Markovian time-evolution. By means of a simple model, we discuss some physical inconsistencies of this approach in relation to entanglement; in particular, we show that slipped non-positive reduced dynamics might create entanglement through a purely local action.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, LaTe

    Optically reconfigurable microstrip UWB bandpass filters

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    This paper presents an optically reconfigurable microstrip ultra-wideband filter. A single optical switch comprised of a silicon wafer is activated using near infra-red light to select between either a bandpass or bandstop response. With the switch in the ON state, the circuit behaves as a bandpass filter while in the OFF state, the circuit behaves as a bandstop filter in the same frequency band. The proposed filter was designed, fabricated and tested. Its performance was evaluated through simulation and measurements

    Ferroelectric and Incipient Ferroelectric Properties of a Novel Sr_(9-x)PbxCe2Ti2O36 (x=0-9) Ceramic System

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    Sr_(9-x)PbxCe2Ti12O36 system is derived from the perovskite SrTiO3 and its chemical formula can be written as (Sr_(1-y)Pby)0.75Ce0.167TiO3. We investigated dielectric response of Sr_(9-x)PbxCe2Ti12O36 ceramics (x = 0-9) between 100 Hz and 100 THz at temperatures from 10 to 700 K using low- and high-frequency dielectric, microwave (MW), THz and infrared spectroscopy. We revealed that Sr9Ce2Ti12O36 is an incipient ferroelectric with the R-3c trigonal structure whose relative permittivity e' increases from 167 at 300 K and saturates near 240 below 30 K. The subsequent substitution of Sr by Pb enhances e' to several thousands and induces a ferroelectric phase transition to monoclinic Cc phase for x>=3. Its critical temperature Tc linearly depends on the Pb concentration and reaches 550 K for x=9. The phase transition is of displacive type. The soft mode frequency follows the Barrett formula in samples with x=3. The MW dispersion is lacking and quality factor Q is high in samples with low Pb concentration, although the permittivity is very high in some cases. However, due to the lattice softening, the temperature coefficient of the permittivity is rather high. The best MW quality factor was observed for x=1: Q*f=5800 GHz and e'=250. Concluding, the dielectric properties of Sr_(9- x)PbxCe2Ti12O36 are similar to those of Ba_(1-x)SrxTiO3 so that this system can be presumably used as an alternative for MW devices or capacitors.Comment: subm. to Chem. Mate

    Neutral kaons in random media

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    The generalized dynamics describing the propagation of neutral kaons in randomly fluctuating media is derived and analyzed. It takes into account possible matter-induced effects leading to loss of phase coherence and dissipation. The study of selected neutral kaon observables indicates that these non-standard effects are amenable to a direct experimental analysis.Comment: 21 pages, plain-TeX, corrected typ
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