29 research outputs found


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    The present paper presents the results obtained regarding the evolution of stem and fiber production in monoecious hemp, under the pedoclimatic conditions of the Center of Moldova, between 2012 and 2016. The biological material used was represented by four monoecious hemp varieties created at S.C.D.A. Secuieni, respectively, Denise, Diana, Dacia – Secuieni and Ratza. The stems yields achieved, have varied widely, ranging from 7860 kg/ha at Denise variety, in 2016 (a very warm agricultural year from the thermal point of view and rainy from the pluviometric point of view), and 15167 kg/ha, at Dacia - Secuieni in 2014 (a normal agricultural year both from the thermal and pluviometric point of view). On average, during the five years studied, the highest production of fiber was obtained in the Dacia-Secuieni variety in 2014, of 5005 kg/ha, and the lowest of 2279 kg/ha at Denise variety in 2016


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    The present paper presents the results obtained regarding the evolution of stem and fiber production in monoecious hemp, under the pedoclimatic conditions of the Center of Moldova, between 2012 and 2016. The biological material used was represented by four monoecious hemp varieties created at S.C.D.A. Secuieni, respectively, Denise, Diana, Dacia – Secuieni and Ratza. The stems yields achieved, have varied widely, ranging from 7860 kg/ha at Denise variety, in 2016 (a very warm agricultural year from the thermal point of view and rainy from the pluviometric point of view), and 15167 kg/ha, at Dacia - Secuieni in 2014 (a normal agricultural year both from the thermal and pluviometric point of view). On average, during the five years studied, the highest production of fiber was obtained in the Dacia-Secuieni variety in 2014, of 5005 kg/ha, and the lowest of 2279 kg/ha at Denise variety in 2016

    Results on specific harmful entomofauna from rapeseed crops in the Central Moldavian plateau conditions

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    The rape is a plant originating from the Mediterranean basin, which due to its rich oil seeds, used in food and illuminated, was widespread during the Middle Ages in the Central and Nordic European countries. Result of the breeding researches, the rape currently occupies a very important place in the world economy as a source of vegetables oils used in food and especially in industry by creating alternative energy solutions. The agronomic importance of rape is undeniable, it is considered one of the most productive crops, one of the best preceding plant for the most demanding culture and a good neighbor of wedge with crops attacked by the same disease. During the period 2010 - 2012, in the ARDS Secuieni conditions, was pursued the identification of harmful entomo-fauna from winter rape crops of Central Moldovian Plateau. The harmful entomo-fauna collected during 2010 - 2012, in rape crops in the Agricultural Research - Development Station Secuieni territory was composed of 15 species which for entire period totaled 4046 specimens/sqm, of the following orders: Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Heteroptera and Lepidoptera. The Coleoptera order had the highest number of species and the highest number of collected specimens. From Coleoptera order, the Meligethes aeneus had the largest share (62.90%). The collected species were integrated into the five classes of dominance (D1 - subrecedent species, D2 - recedent species, D3 - subdominant species, D4 - dominant species and D5 - eudominant species); the highest rate from the total of collected species, 62.90%, was registered to the D5 class - eudominant species


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    During 2014-2017, 22 species were identified in the yellow bowl trap type installed in winter rapeseed crops established at A.R.S.D. Secuieni. Of these, 11 species are specific to winter rapeseed crops and 11 species were accidental identified because of the proximity with different agricultural crops (maize. sunflower. grain cereals). The highest abundance was registered by Epicometis hirta Poda species which accounted 914 specimens collected during the analyzed period. The species were integrated into classes of dominance ((D1 - subrecedent species. D2 - recedent species. D3 - subdominant species. D4 - dominant species and D5 - eudominant species). Meligethes aeneus F., Ceuthorrhyncus napi Gyll. and Epicometis hirta Poda. being considered eudominant species belonging to the D5 class. The Ceuthorrhynchus napi Gyll., Meligethes aeneus F., Epicomites hirta Poda., Psylliodes chrysocephala L., Subcoccinella 24 punctata L., Oulema melanopa L. species were classified in the constancy class - C4 - euconstant species. Meligethes aeneus F., Epicometis hirta Poda and Ceuthorrhynchus napi Gyll. species recorded the highest values for the index of ecological significance (W %) and were classified in the W5 class - characteristic species. The collected entomofauna belongs to five orders: Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Lepidoptera,. Diptera and Hymenoptera. The highest number of species (17 species) and the highest number of collected speciemens (3246 specimens) belonged to the Coleoptera order


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    During 2014-2017, 22 species were identified in the yellow bowl trap type installed in winter rapeseed crops established at A.R.S.D. Secuieni. Of these, 11 species are specific to winter rapeseed crops and 11 species were accidental identified because of the proximity with different agricultural crops (maize. sunflower. grain cereals). The highest abundance was registered by Epicometis hirta Poda species which accounted 914 specimens collected during the analyzed period. The species were integrated into classes of dominance ((D1 - subrecedent species. D2 - recedent species. D3 - subdominant species. D4 - dominant species and D5 - eudominant species). Meligethes aeneus F., Ceuthorrhyncus napi Gyll. and Epicometis hirta Poda. being considered eudominant species belonging to the D5 class. The Ceuthorrhynchus napi Gyll., Meligethes aeneus F., Epicomites hirta Poda., Psylliodes chrysocephala L., Subcoccinella 24 punctata L., Oulema melanopa L. species were classified in the constancy class - C4 - euconstant species. Meligethes aeneus F., Epicometis hirta Poda and Ceuthorrhynchus napi Gyll. species recorded the highest values for the index of ecological significance (W %) and were classified in the W5 class - characteristic species. The collected entomofauna belongs to five orders: Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Lepidoptera,. Diptera and Hymenoptera. The highest number of species (17 species) and the highest number of collected speciemens (3246 specimens) belonged to the Coleoptera order

    Research regarding the behaviour of some perennial grasses and legumes mixtures in order to establish temporary grassland exploited in meadow regime

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    In making perennial grasses and legume mixtures is envisaged that the species or varieties used to properly reflect the stationary conditions, the annual climatic variations sometimes influence different the components behavior, and therefore the productivity. The researches were conducted during 2013-2015 in the Agricultural Research - Development Station Secuieni, where was followed the influence of four nitrogen doses on a phosphorus agrofond in an experience of five mixtures of perennial grasses and legumes used in meadow regime. The nitrogen fertilizers are used in smaller doses in mixtures, because this element is provided by symbiotic bacteria living on the roots of legumes. The results showed that the dynamic of biomass accumulation was done in three growth cycles, for the first cycle it took 53 days, for the second cycle 42 days and for the third cycle 52 days. The highest production of 24.03 t/ha dry substance it was recorded at Festuca arundinacea 30% + Dactylis glomerata 20% + Festuca pratensis 20% + Medicago sativa 20% + Trifolium pratense 10% mixture and fertilized with N80+40P40 dose, and the lowest of 14.59 t/ha d.s. was obtained at Dactylis glomerata 30% + Lolium perene 40% + Medicago sativa 20% + Lotus corniculatus 10% mixture in the unfertilized variant

    Research on the influence of fertilization on the structure of vegetation cover in temporary meadows with mixed use under the center of Moldova condition

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    At the A.R.D.S. Secuieni it was researched the evolution of different mixtures of perennial grasses and legumes with mixed use, evidenced by their contribution to the structure of the vegetation, considering the percentage of participation of the species in the seed norm and mode of use. The results obtained on the evolution of the structure of vegetation cover at the mixtures with mixed use, was observed that was obtained five harvests, the first harvest being done in hayfield regime, and the next four were harvested by grazing simulation, at an interval of 28 days. At the mixture b2, composed of Dactylis glomerata 20% + Lolium perenne 70% + Lotus corniculatus 5% + Trifolium pratense 5%, in 2014, in the hayfield regime, in structure of vegetation cover the dominant percentage was in favor of the perennial grasses, comprised between 57% in the fertilized variant with N40P40 and 67% at the N80P40 variant. On the other four harvests, the perennial grasses tended to slightly decrease from one harvest to another except for the fertilized variant with N80+40P40, where the participation of the grasses had a tendency to increase between 46-61%. In 2015, the percentage of participation of the perennial grasses in the structure of the vegetal cover was maintained throughout the five harvests. The highest percentages of legumes were in fertilized variants with N40P40 and N80P40, the values being between 12-15%

    Researches concerning the influence of organic fertilizers over production and quality at Echinacea purpurea MOENCH. (L.)

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    Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench, is a perennial plant, native to North America, from which there are used in therapeutic purpose the aerial parts and the roots. The aerial parts contains flavonoides, polyphenolic acid, coffee acid, volatile oil etc. The medicine prepared from this plant determines the rise of self defense system of the human body ( by mobilizing the leukocytes and extending the phagocytosis activity and inhibits virus multiplication). Since on the international and national market is required that the vegetable raw material to be produced in ecological system without chemical fertilizers, the research conducted at A.R.D.S. Secuieni, during 2008 – 2011 aimed to establish the optimum doses of muck at Echinacea purpurea L. (Moench.) species and track its impact on the herba production but also on the content in active principles. As a result of the performed determinations it was found that the on average over the three years of experimentation the highest height (91.74 cm) and weight (108.26 g) was at the plants from the variant fertilized with fermented muck in dose of 40 t/ha. In this variant the dry herba production obtained during three vegetation years were 39.14 g/ha in the second year, 72.13 g/ha in the third year and 74.02 q/ha in the fourth year. The highest coffee acid content (79.7 mg/100ml tincture) was determined in leaves from plants fertilized with 30t/ha muck and the highest content in polyphenolic acid (2.657 g clorogenic acid) was determined in flowers from plants fertilized with 40t/ha muck

    Researches regarding the influence of distance between rows on the stem and fiber yields at some monoecious hemp varieties under the center of Moldavia pedoclimatic conditions

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    Hemp is part of the textile plants group with high-value for human and industrial use. Hemp has over 25,000 uses, ranging from food, paints and fuels to clothing and building materials. Hemp is currently considered to be a plant of increasing importance for Europe, being used for fiber and oil extraction and as medicinal plant. Hemp fibers are the most resistant plant fibers and as such, in the past, they were the most prized raw material of the textile industry worldwide.In this paper we present the results regarding the evolution of monoecious hemp crop on the production of stems and fiber, under the pedoclimatic conditions of the Center of Moldova, between 2012 – 2015. The biological material used was represented by three varieties created at A.R.D.S. Secuieni, respectively, Denise, Diana and Dacia and were sown at a distance of 12.5 cm, 25 cm respectively 50 cm between rows. The obtained results revealed that the studied factors influenced to a great extent the production of stems, which varied widely, ranging from 8113 kg / ha to the Denise variety at a distance of 12.5 cm in 2015 (agricultural year characterized as very dry from pluviometric point of view), and the highest yields were obtained at the Denise variety of 15683 kg / ha, at a distance of 25 cm in 2013 (agricultural year characterized as normal from rainfall point of view). On average, for the four years studied, the highest obtained production of fiber was achieved by Dacia variety, at 12.5 cm, of 3388 kg / ha, and the lowest yield of 2546 kg / ha was achieved by Denise variety at a distance of 50 cm between row

    Wheat crops protection against harmful organisms using chemical treatment of seed

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    In the conditions of the central area of Moldavia, losses in quantitative and qualitative wheat productions are determinated by pathogen agents which are transmitted by groundside and seed, like Fusarium sp. and Tilletia tritici, but also by some soil pests like the wire worms (Agriotes sp.) and the hunchback bug (Zabrus tenebrioides).The prevention or decreasing of the attacks was achieved in the conditions of the Agricultural Research and Development Station (ARDS) of Secuieni, Neamţ county, Romania, by the chemical treatment of the seed using a range of insectofungicides (Yunta 246 FS, Nuprid Max, Austral Plus Net, Lamardor + Gaucho, Yunta Quatrro, Yunta Succesor, Alios 300 FS). The experienced insectofungicides insured a good plant protection against the attack of Agriotes sp., the plants frequency at the untreated variant was 6.37% and between 0.77% and 1.42% at the treated variants, and against Zabrus tenebrioides species, the frequency of damaged plants at the untreated variant was 1.76%, compared with 0.16% and 0.54% at the treated variants. Differences statistically insured were registered also in the attack produce by Fusarium sp. and Tilletia tritici, between the treated variants with the experimented insectofungicides and the untreated variant. The experienced insectofungicides in the seed treatment haven’t influence in the negative way on the seed germination, plants growth, development of plants root system as well as plants fraternally; between the treated variants and the untreated variant have been registered differences statistically insured in all the made biometric observations. The good protection, insured by the experienced insetofungicides, had a positive influence on the wheat production to hectare which was 4852 kg/ha in the untreated variant and between 5225 kg/ha and 5930 kg/ha in the treated variants; the production differences between the treated variants and untreated variant were statistically insured