84 research outputs found

    Notranji in zunanji transportni upor v procesu nestacionarne adsorbcije vlage v les

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    The assumption that non-stationary sorption processes associated with wood canbe evaluated by analysis of their transient system response to the disturbance developed is undoubtedly correct. In general it is, in fact, possible to obtain by time analysis of the transient phenomenon - involving the transition into an arbitrary new state of equilibrium - all data required for a credible evaluation of the observed system. Evaluation of moisture movement during drying or moistening requires determination of external moisture transfer resistance from or to wood surfaces, as well as internal resistance. Time-dependent changes in the moisture content of the spruce (Picea abies Karst.) samples of different thickness were monitored gravimetrically, during which the frequency of weighing was in accord with thespeed of moistening. It was assumed that quasi-isothermal sorption processes associated with wood could be evaluated as first order systems. The characteristic time constant ? determines, wholly and uniformly, the time dependence of the sorption process for the relevant sorption range of wood tissue. The connection between the time constant and the thickness of the sample measured in the direction of the material flux is potential, with the power depending solely on the relationship between the external mass transfer convection and internal diffusion resistance. To determine the said resistances or coefficients of mass transfer convection and diffusivity, the experiment must be carried out on samples of varying thickness. It is only in this way that the external mass transfer convection and internal diffusion resistance can be correctly distinguished.Predpostavka, da je možno nestacionarne sorptivne procese, povezane z lesom, ovrednotiti z analizo njihovega časovnega prehodnega sistemskega odziva na nastalo motnjo, je nedvomno pravilna. V splošnem je namreč s časovno analizo prehodnega pojava, gre za prehod v poljubno novo ravnovesno stanje, možno pridobiti vse potrebne podatke za verodostojno vrednotenje opazovanega sistema. Vsak prehod v novo ravnovesno stanje je ne glede na lastnosti opazovanega sistema nestacionaren in kot tak primeren za analizo nestacionarnih pojavov, kot so na primer sorptivni procesi, povezani z lesom. Za analizo sorpcijskih transportnih značilnosti je treba poznati tako notranjidifuzijski kakor tudi zunanji masni prestopni upor. Časovno odvisne spremembe vlažnosti v smrekovih vzorcih (Picea abies Karst.) različnih debelinsmo spremljali gravimetrično, pri čemer je bila pogostnost tehtanja skladna hitrosti navlaževanja, se pravi v začetku največja, z naraščajočo masovzorcev pa se je zmanjševala. Predpostavljeno je bilo, da lahko sorbcijskeprocese, povezane z lesom, vrednotimo kot sisteme prvega reda. Značilna časovna konstanta ? določa časovno odvisnost sorbcijskega procesa za relevantno sorptivno območje lesnega tkiva v celoti in enolično. Zveza med časovno konstanto in debelino vzorca, merjeno v smeri snovnega toka, je potenčna, pri čemer je vrednost potence odvisna zgolj od razmerja med zunanjimprestopnostnim in notranjim difuzijskim uporom. Za določitev omenjenihuporov oziroma koeficientov snovne prestopnosti in difuzivnosti je treba napraviti eksperiment na vzorcih različnih debelin. Samo tako je mogoče korektno ločiti zunanji prestopnostni in notranji difuzijski upor

    Resonance in idling circular saw blades

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    V članku je prikazana analiza aerodinamičnega vzbujanja prosto vrtečega se krožnega žagnega lista. Ko se krožni žagni list prosto vrti, se zrak v pazdušnem prostoru ozobljenega dela orodja pri prehodu rezila loči od njegovihmejnih bočnih površin in tvori spremenljivo valovito brazdo oziroma turbolentni tok zraka. Posledica časovno spremenljivega turbolentnega toka je nastanek spremenljivega tlaka zraka ob površnah rezila, kar predstavlja aerodinamično vzbujanje žagnega lista. Za pojav prečnega resonančnega nihanja orodja ne zadošča zgolj aerodinamično generirana vzbujevalna sila s primerno frekvenco. Poleg omenjenega pogoja morata biti namreč izpolnjena še dodatna pogoja, in sicer morajo biti vzbujevalne tlačne razlike okoliškega zraka primerno velike, dušilne sposobnosti materiala nosilnega telesa žagnega lista pa dovolj majhne. Ugotovili smo, da nikoli nista vzbujena dva ali več lastnih načinov nihanja hkrati in da je prehod iz enega resonančnega stanja v drugega skokovit. Z naraščajočo frekvenco vrtenja se praviloma povečuje tudi območje vrtljajev, v katerem pride do aerodinamične vzbuditve lastnih nihajnih načinov.The article deals with the analysis of the aerodynamic excitation of a freely rotating circular saw blade. When the circular saw blade rotates freely, the air in the gullet spaces of the rim area of the tool separates (in the passing of the knife from its border flanking surfaces) and forms a variable waveform wake or turbulent airflow. The consequence of the time-variable turbulent airflow is the occurrence of variable air pressure along the knife surfaces, which constitutes the aerodynamic excitation of the saw blade. For the occurrence of transversal resonant vibration of the tool, there does not suffice only aerodynamically generated excitation force at a suitable frequency. In addition to the said condition, two additional conditions must also be met: the exciting pressure differences of the surrounding air must be adequately large, and the damping capabilities of the material of the saw plate sufficiently small. We have found that two or more natural manners of vibration are never excited simultaneously and that the transition from one resonant condition into another is abrupt. With the increasing frequency of rotation there is also, as a rule, an increase in the range of rotations in which the aerodynamic excitation of natural manners of vibration occurs

    Oblique cutting as a method for determination of the fractural properties of oriented wood tissue

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    Prikazana je metoda določevanja kritične koncentracije napetosti na podlagi dolžine segmenta odrezka tipa I, nastalega v procesu premočrtnega ortogonalnega odrezavanja bukovine (Fagus silvatica) v smeri 90°-0°. Eksperimentalni rezi so bili narejeni na 10 mm debelih vzorcih pri cepilnem kotu 31° in 42°, debelina odrezka pa se je spreminjala v območju med 0,1 in 0,3 mm. Z metodo končnih elementov smo modelirali reprezentativni segment odrezka različnih dolžin in debelin. Spreminjali smo obremenitev segmenta ter vsakič izračunali koncentracijo napetosti na konici razpoke ter tlačno napetost v hipotetičnem odrezku. Ob predpostavki, da se razpoka pri ločevanju tkiva širi zgolj v primeru, ko je koncentracija napetosti v njenem korenu kritična, ter da se tlačne napetosti v nastajajočem odrezku nenehno povečujejo vse do mejne vrednosti, lahko na osnovi znane dolžine reprezentativnega segmenta odrezka in tlačne trdnosti vzdolž poteka tkiva izračunamo kritično koncentracijo napetosti oziroma določimo lomno togost aktualnega materiala. Razpoka napreduje namreč vse dokler tlačna napetost ne doseže porušne vrednosti, kar se zgodi na mestu loma odrezka. Kritične koncentracije napetosti, ki smo jih določili na osnovi dolžine reprezentativnega segmenta odrezka debeline 0,3 mm, se zelo dobro ujemajo z vrednostmi, dobljenimi s klasičnim frakturnim testom. Pri manjših debelinah odrezka prihaja do manjših odklonov, kar je najverjetneje posledica povečane asimetrije vzorca. Prikazano metodo lahko nedvomno označimo kot učinkovito in verodostojno, kar je tudi najbolj pomembno. Metoda je zelo enostavno in hitra, kajti lomne lastnosti aktualnega materiala je praktično moč določiti že z enim samim premočrtnim rezom. Treba je tudi poudariti, da je priprava vzorčnega materiala nezahtevna, kajti edino, na kar moramo paziti, je usmerjenost tkiva.The method for determination of critical stress intensity factor based on chip segment length of chip type-I originating from orthogonal oblique cutting of beech wood (Fagus silvatica) in the 90°-0° direction is shown. Experimentalcuts on 10 mm thick specimen with rake angles 31° and 42° were made, and the chip thickness varied between 0,1 mm and 0,3 mm. Using the finite element method, we modelled a representative chip segment of varying length and thicknesses. We varied the load at the chip segment and calculated,for each case, stress intensity at the crack tip and compressive stress in hypothetical chip. On presumption that the crack propagates during tissue separation only when the stress intensity at the crack tip equals the critical stress intensity and the compressive stress rises in chip formation process up to the limit strength, we can calculate the critical stress intensity factor by knowing the chip segment length and compressive strength in longitudinal direction. Specifically, the crack propagates until the compressive stress reaches the strength, which occurs at the place of chip break. Critical stress intensity factor calculated from representative 0.3 mm thick chip segment length agrees well with values obtained with classical fracture tests. The results obtained from thinner chip segments deviates to a lesser extent, which is most probably a consequence of highly unsymmetrical specimen. The method has been undoubtedly shown as effective and reliable, which is the most important. The method is very simple and fast, enabling us to determine the fracture properties practically with a single oblique cut. It has to be emphasized, that the specimen preparation is also undemanding, for the only thing we have to pay attention to is the tissue orientation

    Cantilever clamping rigidity impact on dynamic modulus of elasticity calculation

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    Članek prikazuje vpliv vpenjalnega razmerja konzolno vpetega bukovega preizkušanca (Fagus sylvatica) na izračun dinamičnega modula elastičnosti. Najprej smo vzorcu izmerili frekvenco prvega načina lastnega dušenega prečnega nihanja nosilca s prostima koncema. Nato smo skladno z Bernoulli-Eulerjevo teorijo za omenjene pogoje izračunali modul elastičnosti, ki nam je rabil za referenco. Preizkušanec smo zatem konzolno vpenjali od vpenjalnega razmerja 18 do 105 ter mu vsakokrat izmerili frekvenco prvega načina lastnega dušenega prečnega nihanja. Skladno s teorijo za togo konzolno vpetje smo izračunali modul elastičnosti in ga primerjali z referenčnim. Izkazalo se je, da je napaka pri manjših razmerjih vpetja okoli 20 %, pri večjih pa se zmanjša na 5 %. Razlog za veliko napako je nezadostna togost vpetja preizkušanca, ki je kljub zadostni togosti vpenjalnega sistema posledica kompresibilnosti preizkušanca v prečni smeri, saj je modul elastičnosti v radialni oz. tangencialni smeri več kot desetkrat manjši od modula vzporedno s potekom tkiva.The paper presents the impact of the clamping ratio of a clamped beech (Fagus sylvatica) cantilever specimen on the calculation of a dynamic modulus of elasticity. First we measured the specimen\u27s frequency of the first mode of damped transverse free vibrations of a specimen with free ends. In accordance with the Bernoulli-Euler theory, we then calculated the modulus of elasticity for the mentioned conditions, which we subsequently used as a reference. The specimen was then clamped as a cantilever beam several times, from a clamping ratio of 18 to 105, and each time the frequency of the first damped transverse free vibrations was measured. The modulus of elasticity was calculated according to the theory for rigid cantilever clamping, and compared to the reference module. In the case of small clamping ratios, the error was around 20 %, whereas in the case of large clamping ratios the error decreased to 5 %. The cause of the major error is insufficient specimen clamping rigidity, which is due - despite a sufficient rigidity of the clamping system - to the specimen compressibility in the transverse radial or tangential directions where the modulus of elasticity is more than ten times smaller than the modulus along the tissue

    Valovitost bukovega rezanega furnirja

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    V lesni industriji je plemeniti furnir izdelek z visoko dodano vrednostjo. Tehnološki proces izdelave je razmeroma dobro poznan, vendar na kakovost izdelanega furnirja in posledično ceno vpliva veliko tehnoloških parametrov izdelave, največji vpliv pa ima kakovost hlodovine. V raziskavi smo preučili vpliv optičnih napak bukove (Fagus sylvatica L.) hlodovine in vpliv klimatskih razmer v fazi sušenja rezanega furnirja na valovitost površine. Raziskava je bila opravljena v industrijskem okolju. Rezultati kažejo, da je bilo procentualno največ valovitega furnirja izrezanega iz razpokanega hloda (71 %), najmanj pa iz ukrivljenega hloda (20 %). Kakovostno razvrščanje furnirja je bilo ročno in po subjektivnem kriteriju izkušenih kontrolorjev iz industrije. Kljub njihovim izkušnjam pa lahko subjektivna ocena vpliva na natančnost razvrščanja in s tem na rezultate raziskave. Zato smo preučili tudi možnost integracije 3D kamere za merjenje valovitosti furnirja in razvrščanje furnirja v kakovostne razrede.In wood industry, decorative veneer is a product of high added value. Although the technological process of sliced veneer is well known, its quality and price depend on many technological parameters of production, particularly on the quality of logs. The research, which was focused on the influence of visual defects of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) logs and the impact of climatic conditions in the drying phase of sliced veneer on the surface veneer waviness, was conducted in an industrial environment. The results indicate that the largest share of waved veneer was cut from cracked logs (71%) and less from curved logs (20%). The veneer was sorted manually by experienced controllers from this branch of industry. Their subjective criteria can affect the accuracy of classification of veneer and, consequently, the research results. Therefore, the possibility of using 3D camera for measuring veneer waviness and grading the veneer into quality classes was examined

    Influence of glue-bond on transverse diffusion of water in glued wood

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    In the wood-glue-wood system, the glue-bond presents an additional resistance,hindering the water transition. The increased resistance of the glued test pieces is the consequence of adhesive being present in the bond, soas of altered wood properties, mainly the increased density and locally decreased wood hygroscopicity, resulting as a consequence of wood exposed to the gluing conditions. Using an unsteady-state method, the diffusion coefficients were defined. The kinetics of absorption of the massive beech test pieces, glued test pieces (PVAc, UF, MUF, PRF and epoxy liquid adhesives and PF film were used), and parallel ones with no glue bonds but exposed to the gluing conditions, were compared. It was established that the thin glue bonds made by using liquid glues do not present a barrier, which could effectively hinder the transition of bound water into the glued piece. A higher resistance was presented just by FF glue film bonds. There exist statistically significant differences among diffusion coefficients, calculatedby analytical solutions and solutions of an equation of the first order model. Transverse diffusion of water vapour and bound water can be described as the first order system

    Svojstva drva zaraženoga gljivama plavila

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    Discoloration of wood is frequently caused by blue-stain fungi. Among them Aureobasidium pullulans and Sclerophoma pithyophila are reported as the most important staining organism. In previous researches, it was generally considered that blue-stain fungi do not influence mechanical properties. However, there were some opposite results published as well. In order to elucidate this issue, specimens made of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) sapwood were exposed to two blue stain fungi A. pullulans and S. pithyophila for periods between two and eight weeks. FTIR, weight, colour and non-destructive modulus of elasticity measurements were performed before and after exposure. The results showed that blue stain fungi, besides considerable discoloration, do not cause any significant damage to wood. Surprisingly the non-destructive MoE analysis showed that modulus of elasticity even slightly increase after fungal exposure.Promjeni boje drva često uzrokuju gljive plavila. Među tim gljivama najpoznatije su Aureobasidium pullulans i Sclerophome pithyophila. U dosadašnjim radovima prevladavalo je mišljenje da gljive plavila ne mijenjaju mehanička svojstva zaraženog drva, iako su se pojavili i neki kontradiktorni rezultati. Radi razjašnjenja tih suprotnosti, 70 uzoraka bjeljike bijeloga bora (Pinus sylvestris) (veličine 0,5 × 1,0 × 20,0 cm3) bilo je izloženo djelovanju gljiva Aureobasidium pullulans i Sclerophoma pithyophila u trajanju od dva do osam tjedana, a prema europskoj normi EN 152-1 (1990). Prije i nakon izlaganja gljivama, na istim je uzorcima obavljeno mjerenje mase, boje, FTIR te nedestruktivno mjerenje modula elastičnosti (MoE). Rezultati su pokazali da, osim značajne promjene boje, gljive plavila ne uzrokuju znatnije razaranje drvne tvari. Nedestruktivna metoda mjerenja modula elastičnosti pokazala je slabo povećanje MoE uzoraka nakon izlaganja gljivama

    Faktor kritičnog intenziteta naprezanja (I. mod) bukovine (Fagus sylvatica) u TL presjeku: usporedba različitih metoda

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    The paper presents a comparison between various methods of mode I critical stress intensity factor KIC calculations of beech wood in the TL configuration. The first method is the stress intensity factor extrapolation to the distance of 0 mm from the crack tip; the second method is the use of the J integral; and the third method is based on the differences in deformation energies from which the strain energy release rate per unit of crack propagation length was obtained. The fourth method is the calculation of material deformation around the crack or the displacement of the triangle element node; and the fifth method uses a generally known equation for the CT specimen for plane-strain conditions in isotropic material. Using the finite element method, it was found that the J integral was least sensitive to the size and shape of the elements. It was used to calculate the critical stress intensity factor KIC for beech wood in a TL configuration. The average value is 0.56 MPa√m with a standard deviation of 0.047 MPa√m.Rad donosi usporedbu različitih metoda izračuna faktora kritičnog intenziteta naprezanja (mod I.) KIC za bukovo drvo na tangencijalno-longitudinalnom (TL) presjeku. Prva je metoda ekstrapolacija faktora intenziteta naprezanja na udaljenosti 0 mm od vrha pukotine, druga je primjena, J integrala a treća se metoda temelji na razlikama energija deformacije iz kojih je dobivena brzina oslobađanja energije deformacije po jedinici duljine širenj pukotine. Četvrta metoda temelji se na izračunu deformacije materijala oko pukotine ili pomaka vrhova elementa trokuta, a peta se koristi općepoznatom jednadžbom za CT uzorak za deformaciju u ravnini izotropnog materijala. Koristeći se metodom konačnih elemenata, utvrđeno je da je metoda J integrala najmanje osjetljiva na veličinu i oblik elemenata. Ta je metoda primijenjena za izračun faktora kritičnog naprezanja KIC za bukovo drvo na TL presjeku. Dobivena je prosječna vrijednost od 0,56 MPa·√m, sa standardnom devijacijom od 0,047 MPa·√m