53 research outputs found

    Children\u27s Use of Dental Care in Medicaid: Federal Fiscal Years 2000-2012

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    This report presents with national and state-specific analyses about dental services received by children ages 1 to 20 under Medicaid’s Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit in federal fiscal years (FFY) 2000-2012. These analyses are based on data reported by state Medicaid agencies using Form CMS-416 (Form 416); all data reflect updates received by CMS as of April 3, 2014. This report focuses on the number of children who received any dental service, any preventive dental service (e.g., dental cleaning or application of dental sealants) and any dental treatment service (e.g., filling a cavity). The national trend analyses at the beginning of this report focus on dental service trends for children ages 1 to 20 over the twelve-year period. (Data about children under 1 are excluded since teeth have just begun to erupt by that age and relatively little dental care is used before the first birthday.) To facilitate meaningful comparison over the study period, numbers reported by states for FFY 2010-2012 are adjusted to be more consistent with data from FFY 2000-2009, as described below. (Note: FFY 2012 data for Connecticut are not yet available as of April 3, 2014. We used FFY 2011 data as a conservative substitute, rather than omit that state.

    Health Reform Repeal Could Cause 3 Million People to Lose Jobs and Trigger Broad Economic Disruption

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    Issue: The incoming Trump administration and Republicans in Congress are seeking to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), likely beginning with the law’s insurance premium tax credits and expansion of Medicaid eligibility. Research shows that the loss of these two provisions would lead to a doubling of the number of uninsured, higher uncompensated care costs for providers, and higher taxes for low-income Americans. Goal: To determine the state-by-state effect of repeal on employment and economic activity. Methods: A multistate economic forecasting model (PI+ from Regional Economic Models, Inc.) was used to quantify for each state the effects of the federal spending cuts. Findings and Conclusions: Repeal results in a 140billionlossinfederalfundingforhealthcarein2019,leadingtothelossof2.6millionjobs(mostlyintheprivatesector)thatyearacrossallstates.Athirdoflostjobsareinhealthcare,withthemajorityinotherindustries.Ifreplacementpoliciesarenotinplace,therewillbeacumulative140 billion loss in federal funding for health care in 2019, leading to the loss of 2.6 million jobs (mostly in the private sector) that year across all states. A third of lost jobs are in health care, with the majority in other industries. If replacement policies are not in place, there will be a cumulative 1.5 trillion loss in gross state products and a $2.6 trillion reduction in business output from 2019 to 2023. States and health care providers will be particularly hard hit by the funding cuts

    The Economic and Employment Consequences of Repealing Federal Health Reform: A 50 State Analysis

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    Donald Trump and Congressional leaders have stated their intent to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare). This report examines the consequences of repealing two key elements: (1) federal premium tax credits that help low and middle income Americans afford insurance policies bought through the Health Insurance Marketplaces (exchanges) and (2) federal payments to states for expansions of Medicaid eligibility for low-income adults. Congress passed similar legislation (H.R. 3762) in late 2015, which President Obama vetoed. This report analyzes how the repeal of these policies could affect state-level employment, economies and fiscal conditions. If tax credits and Medicaid expansions end in 2019, repeal would cut a projected 61billioninpremiumtaxcreditsand61 billion in premium tax credits and 78.5 billion in grants to states for Medicaid expansions in a single year, a total of $140 billion in health insurance and health service subsidies that help millions of low and middle income Americans

    Health Care Reform and Women\u27s Insurance Coverage for Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening

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    INTRODUCTION: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) will increase insurance coverage for US citizens and for breast and cervical cancer screening through insurance expansions and regulatory changes. The primary objective of this study was to estimate the number of low-income women who would gain health insurance after implementation of the ACA and thus be able to obtain cancer screening. A secondary objective was to estimate the size and characteristics of the uninsured low-income population and the number of women who would still need National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) services. METHODS: We used the nationally representative 2009 American Community Survey to estimate the determinants of insurance status for women in Massachusetts, assuming full implementation of the ACA. We extrapolated findings to simulate the effects of the ACA on each state. We used individual-level predicted probabilities of being uninsured to generate estimates of the number of women who would gain health insurance after implementation of the ACA and to predict demand for NBCCEDP services. RESULTS: Approximately 6.8 million low-income women would gain health insurance, potentially increasing the annual demand for NBCCEDP cancer screenings initially by about 500,000 mammograms and 1.3 million Papanicolaou tests. Despite a 60% decrease in the number of low-income uninsured women, the NBCCEDP would still serve fewer than one-third of the estimated number of women eligible for services. The NBCCEDP-eligible population would comprise a larger number of women with language and literacy-related barriers to care. CONCLUSION: Implementation of the ACA would increase insurance coverage and access to cancer screening for millions of women, but the NBCCEDP will remain essential for the millions who will remain uninsured

    Impact of health insurance expansions on nonelderly adults with hypertension.

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    Introduction Hypertension is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), the leading cause of death in the United States. The treatment and control of hypertension is inadequate, especially among patients without health insurance coverage. The Affordable Care Act offered an opportunity to improve hypertension management by increasing the number of people covered by insurance. This study predicts the long-term effects of improved hypertension treatment rates due to insurance expansions on the prevalence and mortality rates of CVD of nonelderly Americans with hypertension. Methods We developed a state-transition model to simulate the lifetime health events of the population aged 25 to 64 years. We modeled the effects of insurance coverage expansions on the basis of published findings on the relationship between insurance coverage, use of antihypertensive medications, and CVD-related events and deaths. Results The model projected that currently anticipated health insurance expansions would lead to a 5.1% increase in treatment rate among hypertensive patients. Such an increase in treatment rate is estimated to lead to 111,000 fewer new coronary heart disease events, 63,000 fewer stroke events, and 95,000 fewer CVD-related deaths by 2050. The estimated benefits were slightly greater for men than for women and were greater among nonwhite populations. Conclusion Federal and state efforts to expand insurance coverage among nonelderly adults could yield significant health benefits in terms of CVD prevalence and mortality rates and narrow the racial/ethnic disparities in health outcomes for patients with hypertension

    How Medicaid and Other Public Policies Affect Use of Tobacco Cessation Therapy, United States, 2010-2014.

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    INTRODUCTION: State Medicaid programs can cover tobacco cessation therapies for millions of low-income smokers in the United States, but use of this benefit is low and varies widely by state. This article assesses the effects of changes in Medicaid benefit policies, general tobacco policies, smoking norms, and public health programs on the use of cessation therapy among Medicaid smokers. METHODS: We used longitudinal panel analysis, using 2-way fixed effects models, to examine the effects of changes in state policies and characteristics on state-level use of Medicaid tobacco cessation medications from 2010 through 2014. RESULTS: Medicaid policies that require patients to obtain counseling to get medications reduced the use of cessation medications by approximately one-quarter to one-third; states that cover all types of cessation medications increased usage by approximately one-quarter to one-third. Non-Medicaid policies did not have significant effects on use levels. CONCLUSIONS: States could increase efforts to quit by developing more comprehensive coverage and reducing barriers to coverage. Reductions in barriers could bolster smoking cessation rates, and the costs would be small compared with the costs of treating smoking-related diseases. Innovative initiatives to help smokers quit could improve health and reduce health care costs

    Increased use of dental services by children covered by Medicaid: 2000-2010

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    This report analyzes the use of dental services by children enrolled in Medicaid from federal fiscal years (FFY) 2000 to 2010. The number and percent of children receiving dental services under Medicaid climbed continuously over the decade. In FFY 2000, 6.3 million children ages 1 to 20 were reported to receive some form of dental care (either preventive or treatment); the number more than doubled to 15.4 million by FFY 2010. Part of the increase was because the overall number of children covered by Medicaid rose by 12 million (50%), but the percentage of children who received dental care climbed appreciably from 29.3% in FFY 2000 to 46.4% in FFY 2010. In that same time period, the number of children ages 1 to 20 receiving preventive dental services climbed from a reported 5.0 million to 13.6 million, while the percentage of children receiving preventive dental services rose from 23.2% to 40.8%. For children ages 1 to 20 who received dental treatment services, the reported number rose from 3.3 million in FFY 2000 to 7.6 million in FFY 2010. The percentage of children who obtained dental treatment services increased from 15.3% to 22.9%. In FFY 2010, about one sixth of children covered by Medicaid (15.7%) ages 6-14 had a dental sealant placed on a permanent molar. While most states have made steady progress in improving children’s access to dental care in Medicaid over the past decade, there is still substantial variation across states and more remains to be done
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