49 research outputs found

    A model of household type specific food demand behaviour in Hungary

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    The paper describes a two stage model of Hungarian households' food demand. Demand for the food aggregate is represented by a Working-Leser type single equation model while demand for seven distinct food types is modelled in a complete demand system using the LA/AIDS functional form. Estimation is based on household budget survey data for 1996. Demand elasticities are estimated for average households as well as for specific groups defined by sociodemographic characteristics. Fruit and vegetables are found to be the food types with most elastic demand but in general, differences between elasticities for different products as well as between different sociodemographic groups are relatively small. -- G E R M A N V E R S I O N: Das Papier beschreibt ein Modell der Nahrungsmittelnachfrage ungarischer Privathaushalte. Die Nachfrage nach dem Gesamtaggregat "Nahrungsmittel" wird durch ein Eingleichungsmodell vom Working-Leser Typ beschrieben während die Verteilung der Nahrungsmittelausgaben auf sieben Nahrungsmitteltypen durch ein vollständiges Nachfragesystem vom Typ LA/AIDS modelliert wird. Die Datengrundlage für Parameterschätzungen entstammt den Haushaltsbudgeterhebungen des Statistischen Zentralamtes aus dem Jahr 1996. Nachfrageelastizitäten wurden sowohl für durchschnittliche Haushalte als auch für spezifische soziodemographische Bevölkerungsgruppen errechnet. Die höchsten Elastizitäten weist die Nachfrage nach Obst und nach Gemüse auf, allerdings sind die Unterschiede zwischen den Elastizitäten für verschiedene Nahrungsmitteltypen und für verschiedene Bevölkerungsgruppen relativ klein.food demand,demand modelling,Hungary,Nahrungsmittel,Nachfragemodell,Ungarn

    Spatial Price Transmission in Kazakh Wheat Markets

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    Reliable marketing opportunities in both interregional and international trade are an important precondition for further development of the agricultural sector. In this study we assess interregional integration of Kazakh wheat markets. We apply asymmetric threshold error correction models to assess the co-movement of elevator prices at three grain-trading spots in the northern and central parts of the country. Results suggest that markets of two northern grain-trading spots (Petropavlovsk and Kokshetau) are closely connected with each other while their connection with Karaganda in central Kazakhstan is much weaker. Here, levelling out price gaps through arbitrage trade only occurs after a threshold of considerable extent has been surpassed.Kazakhstan, price transmission, threshold VECM, Crop Production/Industries, Demand and Price Analysis, C22, Q13,

    A model of household type specific food demand behaviour in Hungary

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    The paper describes a two stage model of Hungarian households' food demand. Demand for the food aggregate is represented by a Working-Leser type single equation model while demand for seven distinct food types is modelled in a complete demand system using the LA/AIDS functional form. Estimation is based on household budget survey data for 1996. Demand elasticities are estimated for average households as well as for specific groups defined by sociodemographic characteristics. Fruit and vegetables are found to be the food types with most elastic demand but in general, differences between elasticities for different products as well as between different sociodemographic groups are relatively small.Das Papier beschreibt ein Modell der Nahrungsmittelnachfrage ungarischer Privathaushalte. Die Nachfrage nach dem Gesamtaggregat "Nahrungsmittel" wird durch ein Eingleichungsmodell vom Working-Leser Typ beschrieben während die Verteilung der Nahrungsmittelausgaben auf sieben Nahrungsmitteltypen durch ein vollständiges Nachfragesystem vom Typ LA/AIDS modelliert wird. Die Datengrundlage für Parameterschätzungen entstammt den Haushaltsbudgeterhebungen des Statistischen Zentralamtes aus dem Jahr 1996. Nachfrageelastizitäten wurden sowohl für durchschnittliche Haushalte als auch für spezifische soziodemographische Bevölkerungsgruppen errechnet. Die höchsten Elastizitäten weist die Nachfrage nach Obst und nach Gemüse auf, allerdings sind die Unterschiede zwischen den Elastizitäten für verschiedene Nahrungsmitteltypen und für verschiedene Bevölkerungsgruppen relativ klein

    How effective is the invisible hand? Agricultural and food markets in Central and Eastern Europe

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    This volume of proceedings, available both as hard copy and pdf , is a compilation of selected contributions to the IAMO Forum 2005, which will be held in Halle (Saale), Germany, at the Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe from June 16-18, 2005. CONTENTS: Agricultural and food markets in Central and Eastern Europe: An introduction; Stephan Brosig, Heinrich Hockmann. Agricultural markets in CEE - An overview; József Popp. Regoverning agrifood markets in CEEC - Poland's pork and apple markets; Jerzy Wilkin, Malgorzta Juchniewicz, Dominika Milczarek. Regoverning markets in the Hungarian dairy sector; Imre Ferto, Csaba Forgács, Anikó Juhász, Gyöngyi Kürthy. Analysis of competitiveness, economic efficiency and distortions in the Estonian milk sector; Piret Hein. Building sustainable supply chains: The role of institutions; Jill E. Hobbs. How effective is the invisible hand on technological and institutional change and the reduction of transaction costs in the food sector? Ernst-August Nuppenau. How effective is the visible hand of the government in stabilising the wheat and flour price relation in Ukraine? Bernhard Brümmer, Sergiy Zorya. Marketing margins and price transmission on the Hungarian pork market; Lajos Zoltán Bakucs, Imre Ferto. Slovenian retailing market structures, retail prices, and size of marketing margins for food staples; Štefan Bojnec. Scarcity and preferences (Data Envelopment Analysis of Moscow region corporate farms); Nikolay Svetlov. Buying or renting in? Selling or renting out? Exploring contract choice on the Polish land market; Annette Hurrelmann. The organisation of buyer - Supplier relations in the food chain: The case of the German fruit processing industry and Polish farmers; Kai Maack. Supply Chain Networks: Analysis based on strategic management theories and institutional economics; Jon H. Hanf. Dynamics of labour market participation: What drives Chinese farmers into and out of off-farm employment? Thomas Glauben, Thomas Herzfeld, Xiaobing Wang. Market channels and commercial orientation in Romania; Borbala Balint. Land reform and the development of agricultural land markets in Russia; Zvi Lerman, Natalya Shagaida. Public quality schemes - Helping ensure well-functioning agri-food markets in Central and East European countries? Eckhard Benner. Competition, market power and antimonopoly policy: A Hayekian perspective; Jürgen Wandel. An ex-ante analysis of a minimum price system for Ukraine; Oleg Nivyevs'ki, Arnim Kuhn --

    Environmental Impact of Foreign vs. Domestic Capital Investment in China

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    We compare environmental impacts associated with incoming foreign direct investment vs. domestic capital in China. We use aggregate data on Chinese provinces’ economic and pollution indicators to explore the effects of the financial origin of fixed capital. Our simultaneous models consider three prime channels through which these effects work: economic scale, sectoral composition and pollution intensity. Results show that emissions associated with foreign-financed capital are lower than with domestically financed capital for some but not all of the considered types of pollution

    Sources and utilization of foodstuffs in Belarusian households: results of the Grodno households survey

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    The paper is a documentation of a (non-representative) survey on the food situation of households in the Grodno region, Belarus. It covers the year between September 2000 and August 2001. The focus of the survey was on the sources of food in the households (purchase, own production, and receipt in non-monetary transactions between households) and on the utilization (consumption, feed use, sale, unpaid transfers to other households, and spoilage). The paper describes the survey design and the scope and quality of the compiled data set and it presents results of descriptive analyses. The survey households consume a well balanced diet based on potatoes and vegetables as the main staple food. 75 percent of the households use small land plots for food production and a third of the households keep livestock. Household food production provides an important contribution to food available in the households and the value of the produce represents a considerable part of average household income. Most of the self-produced food is consumed or given away in non-monetary transactions. Prices of foodstuffs differ in part significantly between different points of sale and between rural and urban areas. -- G E R M A N V E R S I O N: Dieses Diskussionspapier dokumentiert eine (nicht-repräsentative) Befragung über die Ernährungssituation von Haushalten in der Region Grodno in Weißrussland. Die Befragung wurde zwischen September 2000 und August 2001 durchgeführt. Der Fragebogen behandelt vorwiegend das Aufkommen von Nahrungsmitteln aus verschiedenen Quellen (Kauf, Eigenproduktion und den Erhalt von Nahrungsmitteln durch nicht-monetären Transfer zwischen Haushalten) und die Verwendung (Verzehr, Verfütterung, Verkauf, nicht-monetäre Vergabe und Verderb). Das Papier beschreibt das Studiendesign sowie den Umfang und die Qualität der erhobenen Daten. Weiterhin werden die Ergebnisse deskriptiver Analysen präsentiert. Die Ernährung der befragten Haushalte basiert auf Kartoffeln und Gemüse, wobei Kartoffeln das wichtigste Grundnahrungsmittel darstellen. 75 % der Haushalte nutzen kleine Landflächen zur Nahrungsmittelproduktion und ein Drittel hält Nutztiere. Die Eigenproduktion in den Haushalten leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Nahrungsmittelaufkommen und der Produktionswert repräsentiert einen bedeutsamen Teil des durchschnittlichen Haushaltseinkommens. Der größte Teil der produzierten Nahrungsmittel wird verzehrt, gefolgt von der Vergabe in nichtmonetären Transaktionen. Die Nahrungsmittelpreise unterscheiden sich teilweise signifikant zwischen verschiedenen Einkaufsquellen und zwischen städtischen und ländlichen Gebieten.Belarus,Grodno,foodstuffs,food,nutrition,diet,household survey,Weißrussland,Belarus,Grodno,Ernährung,Nahrungsmittel,Haushaltsbefragung

    Do Private Labels Generate Loyalty? Empirical Evidence for German Frozen Pizza

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    food retailing, private labels, brand loyalty, panel data, hazard analysis, Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Marketing,

    Der türkische Tomatensektor: regionale Gesichtspunkte und räumliche Marktintegration

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    In der Wertschöpfung der türkischen Landwirtschaft hat die Obst- und Gemüseproduktion große Bedeutung und Tafel- und Industrietomaten sind wiederum das wichtigste Einzelprodukt unter den Gemüsesorten. Das Papier beschreibt die Struktur und Entwicklung des Sektors seit den 1990-er Jahren und geht auf die Betriebsstruktur in der Primärerzeugung sowie die Situation in Handel, Verarbeitung und Vermarktung ein. Regionale Spezifika werden herausgearbeitet. Eine Analyse der Struktur und Dynamik von Verbraucherpreisen für Tafeltomaten in 22 Provinzen schließt sich an. Die Frage der Integration der Märkte für Tafeltomaten zwischen Provinzen wird mit Hilfe von Schwellen-Fehlerkorrekturmodellen untersucht, wobei handelsbehindernde Transaktionskosten berücksichtigt werden. Die Analyse der bilateralen Integrationsbeziehungen zwischen 22 Provinzen zeigt, dass entlang den Küsten ein Ring von Provinzen existiert, deren Tomatenmärkte eng mit denen anderer Provinzen verbunden sind, während die untersuchten Provinzen im Landesinneren in dieser Hinsicht relativ isoliert sind. Bei einigen Provinzpaaren findet Preistransmission nur dann statt, wenn Abweichungen vom interprovinziellen Gleichgewicht eine bestimmte Schwelle überschritten haben. -- E N G L I S H V E R S I O N: Tomatoes have the largest share among fruits and vegetables, which add substantially to the gross agricultural product in Turkey. We describe the structure and development of this sector from the year 1990 onwards, covering farms in primal production, trade facilities, processing firms, and marketing channels. An analysis of retail prices for table tomatoes in 22 provinces and their dynamics follows. Finally we employ a threshold vector error-correction model to analyse integration among the markets for table tomatoes in the presence of transaction costs. The results show a ring of integrated provinces along the coasts of Turkey, while the interior provinces are rather separated. In some cases price transmission only occurs when deviations from an interprovincial price equilibrium exceed a certain threshold.Tomatoes,Turkey,spatial market integration,Gemüse,Tomaten,Türkei,Marktintegration,Fehlerkorrekturmodell

    Persistence of full- and part-time farming in Southern China

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    The goal of this study is to assess the dynamics of rural households' labor market participation in the wake of China's efforts to develop rural labor markets in a manner that is conducive to its transition to a market economy. Based on a theoretical model that emphasizes the impact of duration, i.e. of the number of years households spent part-time farming or full-time farming, respectively, we investigate the shifts between these two states. We also identify socioeconomic factors that determine these shifts. The empirical study is based on discrete time hazard approaches, using micro-level panel data from Zhejiang, Hubei, and Yunnan provinces from 1995 to 2002. Estimation results suggest relatively high chances of shifts from full-time to part-time farming and a considerable lower risk for the shift in the opposite direction. Significant negative duration dependence is found for the move from full-time to part-time farming suggesting lock-in effects. In addition, we find that labor market participation decisions are significantly related to several household, farm and village characteristics. In particular, the likelihood of shifts from full-time farming to part-time farming is positively related to the educational level of households' workforce

    Review of a priori dietary quality indices in relation to their construction criteria

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    A multitude of indices measure the healthiness of dietary patterns. Because validation results with respect to health outcomes do not sufficiently facilitate the choice of a specific dietary quality index, the decision of which index to use for a particular research objective should be based on other criteria. This review aims to provide guidance on which criteria to focus upon when choosing a dietary index for a specific research question. A review of 57 existing specifications of dietary quality indices was conducted, taking explicitly into account relevant construction criteria explicated in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development handbook on constructing composite indicators. Index construction choices regarding the following criteria were extracted: theoretical framework, indicator selection, normalization and valuation functions, and aggregation methods. Preferable features of dietary indices are discussed, and a summarizing toolbox is provided to help identify indices with the most appropriate construction features for the respective study aim and target region and with regard to the available database. Directions for future efforts in the specification of new diet quality indices are given