26 research outputs found

    Characterization of Chemical Properties of Gandaria (Bouea macrophylla Griff) Restructuring Results Using Gelatin

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    Fruits are one of the foodstuffs that have a lot of nutritional content. One of them is gandaria fruit (bouea macrophylla Griff). Gandaria is one of the perishable fruit commodities. To increase consumption and add value to gandaria fruit, it can be done by restructuring techniques. The purpose of this study was to examine the chemical characteristics of restructuring gandaria including water content, total acid, pH, vitamin C and ash content. The results showed that the interaction of agar and gandaria treatments had an effect on the water content. The single treatment of agar had no effect on the ash content. The best formulation from the results of this study was the treatment with 75% agar and 100 g of gandaria (A2B2)

    Effect of Drying Time on Chemical and Sensory Characteristics of Nutmeg Peel Herbal Tea (Myristica fragrans Houtt)

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    s study aims to study the effect of drying time on the chemical and sensory properties of nutmeg peel herbal tea. This study was developed using a single factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 stages, namely drying time of 4, 5, 6, and 7 hours. The results showed that the drying time treatment had a significant effect on the observation parameters, namely the yield ranged from 42.55 to 54.97%, total phenol ranged from 12.55 to 14.56%, fiber content 57.48 to 65.40%, moisture content ranged from 9.47 to 12.71%, ash content ranged from 10.47 to 13.91. The results of the sensory test showed that the nutmeg skin herbal tea for the color parameter of the overall acceptance level was somewhat favored - favored by the panelists, for the aroma parameter the overall acceptance level was somewhat favored by the panelists and for the taste parameter the overall acceptance level was not favored - somewhat favored by the panelists

    Effect of Addition of Green Spinach Extract (Amaranthus hybridus L.) on the Chemical and organoleptic Characteristics of Yellow Sweet Potato Sticks

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    Sticks are snacks or a type of pastry that people like, long, flat, crunchy in texture and taste good. People often consume sticks as a daily snack, ranging from children, adolescents and adults (Nurwahidah, 2019). The purpose of this study was to determine the appropriate green spinach extract on the chemical and organoleptic characteristics of yellow sweet potato sticks. This research uses a complete randomized design (RAL) single factor that is the weight of green spinach made into extracts with 4 levels of treatment as follows : P0 = spinach 0 g, P1 = spinach 100 g, P2 = spinach 200 g and P3 = spinach 300 g. The results of yellow sweet potato sticks 300 g spinach green treatment is the best treatment based on chemical characteristics include water content (5.64%), ash content (3.27%), Protein content (8.77%), fat content (21.67%), crude fiber content (1.95%) and carbohydrate content (58.65%), in addition to the treatment of organoleptic test on 300 g treatment is also the best treatment of hedonic and hedonic spinach taste (3,08) like, texture (3,20) crunchy (3,04) like, color (2.95) and overall (3.08) likes

    Pengaruh Penambahan Agar-agar Terhadap Sifat Sensori Minuman Jeli Gandaria (Bouea macrophylla Griff)

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    Functional drinks with a semi-solid form and usually consumed using a straw to suck are known as jelly drinks. Generally, this drink is made from fruit extracted or from a mixture of water and essence with high acidity. This study was conducted with the aim of determining the appropriate agar concentration on the sensory characteristics of the gandaria jelly drink. The design used in this study is a Complete Randomized Design (RAL) with the main factor being agar concentration, which consists of 4 treatment levels as follows: AA1 = Agar Concentration 2%, AA3 = Agar-agar Concentration 4%, AA5 = Agar-agar Concentration 6% and AA7 = Agar-agar Concentration 8%. The results of the study of jelly drink gandaria with gelatinous concentration treatment produced values of color hedonic characteristics with a scale of somewhat like to like (2.5-3), taste, texture, aroma, and suction power with a scale of somewhat like with a score of each (2.4 - 2.9; 2.1 - 2.8; 2, - 2.8; 2.3 - 2.9)

    Karakteristik Roti Manis Berbahan Dasar Pati Sagu HMT (Heat Moisture Treatment) Dengan Penambahan Konsentrasi Bubuk Cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum)

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    The objective of this research was to identify the optimal clove powder concentration for HMT sago starch sweet bread. This study employed a single factor completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatment levels, i.e., 0%, 0.3%, 0.5%, and 0.7% clove powder. Observed variables consist of moisture, ash, fat, and total sugar content. Observation variables for the hedonic quality test include color, aroma, texture, and appearance. The results showed that the addition of clove powder at a concentration of 0.7% was able to preserve the quality of sweet bread made from HMT sago starch for 6 days of storage with chemical characteristics of 27.60% moisture content, 2.35% ash content, 0.888% fat content, and 9.69% total sugar. The bread produced with HMT sago starch had a slightly brown color, a firm texture, a mildly aromatic flavor, and no moldy appearance

    Physicochemical and Organoleptic Characteristics of Nutmeg Instant Drink (Myristica fragrans Houtt) with Variations of Maltodextrin Concentration

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    Nutmeg is an export commodity that can be utilized in the food or beverage industries. Only a small portion of the nutmeg flesh is used, so the remainder is discarded as waste. Nutmeg pulp waste can be used to make an instant nutmeg powdered drink. Processing instant nutmeg drinks requires fillers such as maltodextrin to expedite drying and protect the raw materials from damage. This study aimed to determine the best maltodextrin concentration on an instant nutmeg drink's physicochemical and sensory characteristics. In this research, a completely randomized experimental design with four levels of maltodextrin treatment, including 10, 15, 20, and 25%, replicated twice, was applied. The result showed that the best treatment was a concentration of 25% because it had a moisture content of 7.42%, a vitamin C of 16.74%, a yield of 22.13%, and a water absorption of 11.50%. The sensory analysis showed that a maltodextrin concentration of 2% was slightly liked for its slightly brownish yellow color, slightly liked for its slight nutmeg aroma, and liked for its nutmeg taste

    The Effect of Concentration of Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) Powder and Drying Time on The Chemical Characteristics of Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L) Tortilla Chips

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    Tortilla chips are a type of snack that contains high levels of carbohydrates compared to their protein content. So, tortilla chips need to be made with more local products from the area, like purple sweet potatoes and skipjack fish flour. The goal of this study was to find out what the effects of adding skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) and the right amount of drying time are on the chemical properties of purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L) tortilla chips and which treatment combinations work best. This study used a factorial RAL (completely randomized design) with two factors. The first factor was the concentration of skipjack fish powder (T), which had three treatment levels: T1 = 10%, T2 = 15%, and T3 = 20%. The second factor was drying time, which had two treatment levels: L1 = 6 hours and L2 = 7 hours. The results showed that tortilla chips with a concentration of 20% skipjack fish powder had the best results based on chemical characteristics, including 8,30% moisture content, 2,41% ash content, 0,36% fat content, and 73,59% carbohydrate content, a drying time of 7 hours had the best result based on chemical characteristics, including 8,04% moisture content, 2,60% ash content, 0,45% fat content, and 75,81% carbohydrate content; and the best treatment based on interaction was the fish powder with a concentration of 20% skipjack tuna and a drying time of 7 hours, which had a protein content of 15,41%

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Tepung Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) dan Lama Pengeringan Terhadap Karakteristik Organoleptik Tortilla Chips Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea batatas L.)

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    Tortilla chips are a type of snack that contains high levels of carbohydrates compared to their protein content. So, tortilla chips need to be made with more local products from the area, like purple sweet potatoes and skipjack fish flour. his study aims to determine the appropriate concentration of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) addition and drying time on the organoleptic characteristics of purple sweet potato tortilla chips (Ipomoea batatas L.) This research was tested statistically non-parametrically using the Friedman Test The results of the study, it can be concluded that the treatment of skipjack tuna flour concentration of 10% and drying time of 6 hours is the treatment with the best organoleptic characteristics by hedonic test and hedonic quality test of tortilla chips successively with characteristics including: color 3.20 (like) and 3.0 (purple), taste 3.16 (like) and 2.79 (slightly taste skipjack tuna), crispness 3.08 (like) and 3.37 (crispy), flavor 3.12 (like) and 3, 29 (scented with skipjack tuna) and overall 3.45 (like it)

    Karakteristik Kimia dan Organoleptik Sirup Gandaria dengan Penambahan Konsentrasi Gula

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    “Gandaria†fruit is a seasonal fruit that is easy to prepare but cannot be kept fresh for a long time. Processing technology is important for creating a food product with a longer shelf life and being consumed outside of the season. Processing “gandaria†into syrup is one of the methods. The syrup has a thick and distinctive taste characteristic because it contains 55-65% sugar. This study aimed to determine what sugar concentration is best for producing good “gandaria†fruit syrup. A completely randomized experimental design with one factor, namely the concentration of sugar, i.e., 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, and 70% repeated three times, was applied in this research. The results showed that sugar concentration treatment produced syrup with total sugar 59,36-65,97%, total acidity 13.48-17.35%. vitamin C 16.47-16.97%, and total soluble solid 39.27-46.43%. Organoleptic characteristics, namely color (rather yellow to yellow), aroma (slightly gandaria aroma), taste (slightly gandaria taste to gandaria taste), thickness (somewhat like to like), overall (somewhat like to like). The best sugar concentration in producing good gandaria syrup was 70%. Keywords: Gandaria; sugar concentration; syrup   ABSTRAK Buah gandaria merupakan buah musiman yang mudah dan tidak dapat dikonsumsi dalam bentuk segar dalam waktu yang lama. Penerapan teknologi pengolahan sangat penting untuk menghasilkan produk pangan olahan yang memiliki daya simpan yang lebih lama dan dapat dikonsumsi diluar musim salah satunya adalah mengolah gandaria menjadi sirup. Sirup memiliki karakteristik yang kental dan rasa yang khas karena mengandung gula 55-65%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan konsentrasi gula yang tepat dalam menghasilkan sirup buah gandaria yang baik. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan satu faktor yaitu konsentrasi gula 50%, 55%, 60%, 65% dan 70%, masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan konsentrasi gula 55-70% menghasilkan total gula sebesar 59,36-65,97%, total asam sebsesar 17,35-13,48%, vitamin C sebesar 16,97-16,47%, dan total padatan terlarut sebesar 39,27-46,43%, dan karakteristik organoleptik warna (agak kuning-kuning), aroma (agak beraroma gandaria), rasa (agak berasa gandaria-berasa ngandaria), kekentalan (agak suka-suka), overall (agak suka-suka). Salah satu perlakuan konsentrasi terbaik adalah perlakuan konsentrasi gula 70%. Kata kunci: Gandaria; konsentrasi gula; siru

    Effect of Tapioca Concentration on Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics of Mustard (Brassica chinensis var. Parachinensis) Crackers

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    This study aims to determine the best concentration of tapioca against the chemical and organoleptic characteristics of mustard crackers. The study design used a one-factor complete randomized design with four levels of treatment for adding tapioca flour concentrations. The levels of this treatment are tapioca concentrations 60, 80, 100, and 120%. The parameters analyzed are water content test, ash content test, fat content test, fiber content test, and organoleptic test of taste, color, aroma, crunchy, and overall). The results showed that mustard crackers had a water content of 5.14 to 6.79%, ash content of 1.48 to 1.76%, fat content of 11.90 to 15.10%, and fiber content of 7.55% to 9.50%. Panelists, on average, liked mustard crackers treated with 100% tapioca concentration for taste, color, aroma, and crispness. The hedonic quality of mustard crackers showed the value of mustard taste, green color, mustard aroma, and crunchiness. Overall, the panelists liked the mustard crackers with 100% tapioca concentration