6 research outputs found
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Signalverarbeitung zur Inline-Prozessüberwachung für koaxial integrierte Messtechnik in der Lasermikrostrukturierung
The industrial use of ultra-short pulsed (USP) laser systems for micro machining is steadily gaining importance in different industries and applications associated with laser micro machining, and has established itself as one of the most important tools for the micro fabrication technology. Although computer aided design (CAD) models contain all information about the part geometry for the laser controller, the previous machining steps on the work piece produce an unknown topography of the component surface in the micro range. In order to ensure accurate laser processing and to compensate for the above-mentioned deviations, a measurement of the micro geometry of the work piece within the machine tool is important for a manufacturing process within the manufacturing tolerances. Therefore, the aim of this work is an inline metrology integration of a sensor based adaptive micro-processing system using a USP laser to achieve an adaptive process control
Data publication: Effect of Helium Ion Implantation on 3C-SiC Nanomechanical String Resonators
The file "figures.hdf5" contains all numbers plotted in the figures of the main manuscript. Each entry in the first hierarchy level of the file, e.g. "Figure 2a", corresponds to one subfigure. Each entry in the second hierarchy level (if existent) corresponds to one of the curve/subset of the the respective figure, e.g. if curves for multiple fluences are plotted. The innermost hierarchy level contains the data arrays. The dataset name corresponds to the axis label and units. The file "analyzed.hdf5" contains frequencies, quality factors, stress and Young's modulus fit results for each measured nanostring device on each measured sample. The first hierarchy level represents the sample (A or B). The second hierarchy level represents the accumulated implantation fluence that the sample has seen before the respective measurements. The third hierarchy level represents the write field, i.e. string array index, on the chip (0-3) and the fourth hierarchy level represents the string length within the write field. Each length exists exactly once in each write field. The innermost hierarchy level contains arrays of mode number, frequency, quality factor and "raw data indices" (see next paragraph) representing each measured resonance. The fields Young's modulus and pre-stress are scalars containing the respective fit result and its uncertainty. The file "raw.hdf5" finally contains all raw spectra. The first hierarchy level corresponds to unique indices of the respective measurement. This is intended as a look up table for the "raw data indices" of the "analyzed.hdf5" file. Using the index found in the "analyzed.hdf5", one can obtain the raw frequency sweep data and metadata. The file "srim-VACANCY.txt" is the vacancy output file of the SRIM simulation discussed in the main manuscript