15 research outputs found

    Megauureter: a problem in child urology or not

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    Retrospektivnom studijom obrađena su sva djeca s megaureterom koja su operirana na Odjelu za urologiju u Osijeku, u vremenskom razdoblju od 1973. do 1989. godine. U tom vremenskom periodu ukupno smo operirali 53 djece, s ukupno 64 megauretera, obzirom da je u njih 12 megaureter bio obostran, a u njih 10 dupli kanalni sistem s jedne strane. U obradi naÅ”ih bolesnika posebno su nas interesirali operativni zahvati koje smo u te djece učinili, te rane komplikacije ovih kompleksnih zahvata. Osim navedenog, neÅ”to detaljnije smo raspravljali o etiologiji megauretera te o ultrastrukturi anatomske građe megauretera. Rezultate naÅ”e studije prikazali smo na 7 tablica, uz određeni komentar. NaÅ” zaključak je da megaureter joÅ” uvijek predstavlja problem u dječjoj urologiji. Najbolji rezultati ovih složenih operacija se postižu u pravilu kada se kao prvi zahvat izvodi modelaža donje trećine megauretera.A retrospective study was performed including all the children with megaureter operated at the Department of Urology of the General Hospital Osijek in the period from 1973 to 1989. In this period 53 children with 64 megaureters were operated. In 12 cases megaureter was bilateral, whereas 10 patient had double urinary system on one side. We have been especially interested in complex operative procedures applied and in their early complications. In addition, the etiology and the anatomic ultrastructure of megaureters are discussed in detail. The results of our study are presented in 7 tables, with a comment. We believe that megaureter still presents a problem in child urology. The best results are achieved when the first operation consists in modelling of the lower third of megaureter

    Correlation of x-ray findings and radioisotope changes in children with vesicoureteral reflux

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    Od 1982. godine naovamo ispitivali smo u 18-ero djece, sa vezikoureteralnim refluksom, korelaciju rendgenoloÅ”kih nalaza i radioizotopnih pretraga, sa ciljem utvrđivanja stupnja funkcionalne bubrežne lezije. Kod rendgenoloÅ”ki joÅ” nevidljivih upalnih promjena nalazimo već depresiju bubrežne funkcije u smislu redukcije tubularne mase ili drenažnih smetnji u eliminatornom segmentu, koje, nažalost viÅ”e ni operativni zahvat u većini slučajeva ne može zaustaviti. Stoga smatramo da je baÅ” radioizotopno ispitivanje bubrežne funkcije neobično važno u sluĀ­Äajevima bez rendgenoloÅ”ki vidljivih upalnih promjena u cilju postavljanja pravovremene indikacije za operativni zahvat.Since 1982 the correlation of x-ray findings and radioisotope treatments was investigated in 18 children with vesicoureteral reflux. Its aim was to determine the level of functional renal lesion. With radiologically still invisible inflammatory changes a depression of renal function is already present. It is found either as reduced tubular mass or drainage hindrances in eliminatory segment which unfortunately cannot be, in majority of cases, stopped by a surgery. Therefore the radioisotopic investigation of renal function is of the utmost importance in cases without radiologically visible inflammatory changes in order to indicate a surgery in time

    Rental injuries during the war in Croatia treated at Osijek clinical hospital

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    Za vrijeme od 18 mjeseci u Domovinskom ratu Hrvatske bilo je 4425 ozljeđenih branitelja. Od tog broja bilo je 115 urogenitalnih ozljeda. Od kojih 64 (55,65%) ozljeda bubrega. Od ovih je 16 (25%) prouzrokovano projektilima, a 48 (75%) eksplozivnim napravama. Kombiniranih ozljeda bubrega s drugim urogenitalnim ozljedama bilo je 9 (15,72%), a u kombinaciji s ozljedama abdominalnih organa 61 (95,30%). Operativni je pristup mahom bio laparotomijski, a nefrektomija je izvrÅ”ena jednoj četvrtini ranjenika, dok je u 48 (75%) slučajeva izvrÅ”en konzervativni kirurÅ”ki zahvat (eksploracija, renorafija i resekcija).During 18 months of war in Croatia, our hospital took care of 4,425 wounded. There were 142 urogenital wounds, 64 (55.65%) of which were renal injuries. Sixteen (25%) of them were caused by missiles and 48 (75%) by explosive devices. Renal injuries were associated with abdominal injuries in 61 cases (95.31%) and in 9 cases (15.72%) with injuries to other urogenital organs. Diagnosis was mostly set during abdominal exploration. Nephrectomy was performed in a quarter of cases and conservative procedures (exploration only, renography and kidney resection) were applied in 68 (75%) cases

    Procedure for application of cutting tools with diamond coating in the processing of Al-12% Si alloy and glass fiber / polyester resin composites on lathe

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    Postupak primene reznog alata sa dijamantskom prevlakom pri obradi legure Al-12%Si i kompozita staklena vlakna/poliesterska smola na strugu je u primeni otpornosti na habanje reznog alata sa dijamantskom prevlakom i povrÅ”inske hrapavosti obrađivanih povrÅ”inana definisanje optimalnih režima obrade pomenutih materijala na CNC strugu. Postupak se sastoji od tri faze: 1. Određivanje krive habanja alata sa dijamantskom prevlakom pri maÅ”inskoj obradi legure i kompozita na strugu. 2. Određivanje dijagrama povrÅ”inske hrapavosti za dati rezni alat. 3. Analiza reznih ivica dijamantskog alata primenom skenirajućeg elektronskog mikroskopa (SEM).The procedure for application of cutting tools with diamond coating in the processing of Al-12% Si alloy and glass fiber / polyester resin composites on lathe is in the application of wear resistance of cutting tools with diamond coating and surface roughness of machined surfaces defining optimal processing modes. The procedure consists of three phases: 1. Determination of the wear curve of tools with diamond coating during machining of alloys and composites on a lathe. 2. Determining the surface roughness diagram for a given cutting tool. 3. Analysis of cutting edges of diamond tools using scanning electron microscope (SEM).Broj prijave: ŠŸ-2021/0115Podaci o nosiocu prava: INSTITUT ZA NUKLEARNE NAUKE ā€žVINČAā€œ ā€“ INSTITUT OD NACIONALNOG ZNAČAJA ZA REPUBLIKU SRBIJU, UNIVERZITETA U BEOGRADU (CENTAR ZA SINTEZU, PROCESIRANJE I KARAKTERIZACIJU MATERIJALA ZA PRIMENU U EKSTREMNIM USLOVIMA-CEXTREME LAB), Mike Petrovića Alasa 12-14, 11351 Beograd-Vinča, RSPriznati datum podnoÅ”enja prijave: 26.01.202

    Machinability assesment procedure of superalloys

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    Postupak ocene obradljivosti superlegura maÅ”inskom obradom je postupak u kome se primenjuju tri kriterijuma obradljivosti: ocena obradljivosti preko postojanosti alata, ocena obradljivosti preko temperatura pri maÅ”inskoj obradi rezanjem i ocena obradljivosti na osnovu oblika i stepena deformisanosti strugotine. Za određivanje ovih ocena koriŔćeni su eksperimentalni podaci dobijeni snimanjem toka habanja alata, merenjem temperatura u zoni rezanja i određivanjem vrednosti faktora sabijanja strugotine pri obradi superlegura na bazi nikla IN-100 i MAR-M247.The machinability assessment procedure of superalloys is a procedure in which three machinability criteria are applied: machinability assessment based on tool stability, machinability assessment based on cutting temperatures and machinability assessment based on the shape and degree of chip deformation. To determine these assesments, experimental data obtained by recording tool wear process, measuring temperatures in the cutting zone and determining the value of the chip compaction factor when processing nickel-based superalloys IN-100 and MAR-M247 were used.Broj prijave: ŠŸ-2021/0356Podaci o nosiocu prava: INSTITUT ZA NUKLEARNE NAUKE ā€žVINČAā€œ ā€“ INSTITUT OD NACIONALNOG ZNAČAJA ZA REPUBLIKU SRBIJU, UNIVERZITETA U BEOGRADU (CENTAR ZA SINTEZU, PROCESIRANJE I KARAKTERIZACIJU MATERIJALA ZA PRIMENU U EKSTREMNIM USLOVIMA-CEXTREME LAB), Mike Petrovića Alasa 12-14, 11351 Beograd-Vinča, RSPriznati datum podnoÅ”enja prijave: 18.03.202

    Comparative evaluation of insecticides in control of bothynoderes punctiventris germ. Under laboratory and field conditions

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    Beet weevil (Bothynoderes punctiventris Germ.) is the most damaging pest of sugar beet in south-eastern Europe, from seedling emergence and in the first phases of crop development. Efficacy of insecticides (active ingredients of chlorpyriphos + bifenthrin, chlorpyriphos + beta-cyfluthrin and chlorpyriphos + cypermethrin) for the control of beet weevil was tested during 2010 and 2011 under laboratory and field conditions. A wet filter paper method (contact action) was employed in laboratory tests. Simultaneously, field trials were conducted (Curug, Rimski Sancevi, Budisava, Kovilj) (contact and digestive action). The trial was designed according to EPPO method and insecticide efficacy was tested in accordance with the pest biology and phenophase of the crop. Insecticide efficacy was calculated using Abbot's formula, and damage of plants was assessed using 0-5 scale. Commercial insecticide Nurelle D (active ingredient of chlorpyriphos + cypermethrin) maintained high contact and digestive action on beet weevil, although it has been in use for 20 years. Commercial insecticide Pyrinex Super (active ingredient of chlorpyriphos + bifenthrin), although with reduced content of chlorpyriphos by 30% and of bifenthrin by 20%, achieved efficacy that was at the same level of significance with Nurelle-D, regardless of the experimental conditions (laboratory or field). Compared to Nurelle-D, the product MCW 784 (chlorpyriphos + beta-cyfluthrin) had significantly lower initial efficacy 3 h after application in laboratory trial, and also 24 h after application in field trial

    Urodinamic findings in elderly females with incontinence

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    U naÅ”oj studiji obradili smo urodinamski 42 bolesnice starije dobi, preko 65 godina starosti, sa evidentnim znakovima inkontinencije. Tokom obrade bolesnice smo zavisno od cistometrijskog nalaza na mjehuru podijelili u 4 grupe. IzvrÅ”ili smo mjerenje profilnog uretralnog tlaka perfuzionom metodom prema Brown-Winchkamu, a po međunarodnoj standardizaciji ICS-a. Kod inkontinencije žena u starijoj dobnoj skupini najčeŔće se nalazi nestabilni detrusor, dok smo u 10 bolesnica naÅ”li praktičĀ­no potpuno uredne urodinamske nalaze. Prilikom istraživanja i ocjene maksimalnog uretralnog tlaka, kao i funkcionalne dužine uretre, a u odnosu na cistometrijske nalaze, nismo uočili većih odstupanja. U odnosu na druge autore, koji su se bavili istom problematikom, u naÅ”em materijalu ustanovili smo neÅ”to veću učestalost inkontinencije u gore navedenoj dobnoj skupini.We evaluated 42 elderly women over 65 years, with symptoms of urinary incontinence. The urodynamic features of 42 incontinent women, investigated by cystometry and the urethral pressure profile, according to Brown-Winchkam technics are reported. The methods of measuring urodynamic variables, their definitions, and the units in which they were expressed conform to the standards proposed by International Continence Society (ICS). The most common urodynamic finding in these patients was the presence of unstable detrusor contractions and in ten females the urodynamic findings were practically normal. There were no correlations between the maximum urethral pressure and functional urethral profile length between the groups according to cystometric diagnosis. In our study was observed a higher percentage of urinary incontinence in elderly females than mentioned by some other authors