8 research outputs found

    Impact of technical spraying factors on leaf area coverage in an apple orchard

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    Istraživanja su obavljena u nasadu jabuke sa dva tipa raspršivača, aksijalni (Hardi Zaturn) i radijalni (Hardi Arrow). Istraživan je utjecaj glavnih tehničkih čimbenika raspršivanja (tip mlaznice, brzina rada i norma raspršivanja) na pokrivenost tretirane površine, prosječni promjer kapljica, broj kapljica/cm2 i zanošenje tekućine. Brzina rada raspršivača podešava se na 6 i 8 k/mh, a norma raspršivanja na 250, 325 i 400 l/ha. Koriste se plave (TR 8003C), žute (TR 8002C) i zelene (TR 80015C) Lechler mlaznice. Istraživanje se postavlja kao trofaktorijalni poljski pokus sa 18 tretmana u 4 ponavljanja, za svaki tip raspršivača. Po tretmanu se na stablo postavlja 60 vodoosjetljivih papirića koji se obrađuju pomoću računalne analize slike i računalnog programa ImageJ. Glavni tehnički čimbenici raspršivanja ostvaruju statistički vrlo značajan utjecaj (**) na glavna svojstva istraživanja. Smanjivanjem ISO broja mlaznice, povećanjem brzine rada raspršivača te povećanjem norme raspršivanja povećava se pokrivenost tretirane površine, broj kapljica/cm2 i zanošenje tekućine, a smanjuje se prosječni promjer kapljica. Usporedbom dobivenih rezultata istraživanja sa aksijalnim i radijalnim raspršivačem u nasadu jabuke, bolje rezultate (*) postiže radijalni raspršivač. Najbolje podešenje tehničkih čimbenika raspršivanja (pokrivenost tretirane površine od 59,55 % i zanošenja tekućine od 21,10 %) ostvaruje se sa radijalnim raspršivačem te zelenom mlaznicom (TR 80015C), brzinom rada od 8 km/h, normom raspršivanja od 325 l/ha i radnim tlakom od 16,84 bar.Research is conducted on an apple orchard with two different types of orchard sprayers, axial (Hardi Zaturn) and radial (Hardi Arrow). The influence of major technical spraying factors (type of nozzle, working speed and spray volume) were observed on coverage of the treated area, average droplet diameter, number of droplets per cm2 and drift. The working speed of sprayer was set at 6 and 8 km/h, and spray volume on 250, 325 and 400 l/ha. In research, Lechler blue (TR 8003C), yellow (TR 8002C) and green (TR 80015C) nozzles were used. The research was set as three - factorial field experiment with 18 treatments in 4 repetitions, for each type of sprayer. Sixty water sensitive papers (WSP) were used for the treatment, which was processed with digital image analysis (DIA) and ImageJ software. The major technical spraying factors have a high significant statistical impact (**) on the main properties of the research. By decreasing the ISO number of nozzles and by increasing the working speed and spray volume, we found increasement of area coverage, number of droplets per cm2 and drift, and decreasement of average droplet diameter. By comparing the results of the research by axial and radial orchard sprayer in apple orchard, better results (*) were achieved with a radial sprayer. The best adjustment of technical spraying factors (area coverage of 59,55 % and 21,10 % of liquid drift) was achieved by a radial sprayer and with green nozzle (TR80015C), working speed of 8 km/h, spray volume of 325 l/ha, and working pressure of 16,84 bar


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    Proizvodnja peršina započinje odabirom kvalitetnog sjemena. S obzirom da je peršin kultura poznata po problematičnoj klijavosti, proizvođači bi prije sjetve svakako trebali provjeriti kvalitetu sjemena. Cilj rada bio je ispitivanje klijavosti sjemena i kvalitete presadnica peršina proizvedenih od sjemena četiri različita proizvođača. Sjemenke su posijane u supstrat Potgrond P namijenjen uzgoju presadnica povrća te su mjereni sljedeći parametri; klijavost sjemena, masa presadnica te ukupna dužina nadzemnog i korijenskog dijela. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da postoji razlika u klijavosti i kvaliteti presadnica uzgojenih od sjemena različitih proizvođača.The production of parsley begins with the selection of quality seeds. Since parsley is a crop known for problematic germination, producers should always check the quality of the seeds before sowing. The aim of the study was to examine seed germination and quality of parsley seedlings produced from the seeds of four varieties of parsley from different producers. The seeds were sowed in the substrate Potgrond P intended for the cultivation of vegetable seedlings and the following parameters were measured; germination, mass of seedlings, and the total length of aerial (shoot) and root parts. The results show that there is a difference in germination and quality of seedlings grown from seeds of different varieties and producers


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    Istraživanja su obavljena u vinogradu s dva različita tipa raspršivača: aksijalni (Hardi Zaturn) i radijalni (Hardi Arrow). Ispituje se utjecaj glavnih tehničkih čimbenika raspršivanja (tip mlaznice, brzina gibanja i norma raspršivanja) na pokrivenost tretirane površine, prosječni promjer kapljica, broj kapljica/cm2 i zanošenje. Brzina gibanja namjesti se na 6 i 8 kmh-1, a norma raspršivanja na 250, 300 i 350 lha-1. U istraživanju koriste se mlaznice proizvođača Lechler, tipa TR 8003C, TR 8002C i TR 80015C. Po tretmanu koristi se 60 vodoosjetljivih papirića koji se obrađuju pomoću digitalne analize fotografije sa ImageJ softverom. Glavni čimbenici raspršivanja ostvaruju vrlo visoku statističku važnost za glavna svojstva istraživanja. Uspoređivanjem rezultata ostvarenih s aksijalnim i radijalnim raspršivačem, bolje rezultate ostvaruje radijalni raspršivač.Research was conducted in a vineyard with two different types of mounted mistblowers, axial (Hardi Zaturn) and radial (Hardi Arrow). The influence of major technical spraying factors (type of nozzle, working speed and spray volume) were observed on the coverage of the treated area, average droplet diameter, number of droplets per cm2 and drift. The working speed of mistblower was set at 6 and 8 kmh-1, and spray volume on 250, 300 and 350 lha-1. In research, Lechler TR 8003C, TR 8002C and TR 80015C nozzles were used. Sixty water sensitive papers (WSP) were used for the treatment and processed by digital image analysis (DIA) and ImageJ software. The major technical spraying factors have a high statistical impact (**) on the main properties of the research. By comparing the results of the research on axial and radial mistblower in the vineyard, better results (*) were achieved with a radial mistblower

    Impact of technical spraying factors on vertical liquid distribution with Agromehanika AGP 440 axial fan sprayer

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    Istražuje se utjecaj tehničkih čimbenika raspršivanja na vertikalnu raspodjelu tekućine i brzine zraka, mjerenu s uređajem vertikalnim peternatorom. Koriste se žute (TR 8002C) i crvene (TR 8004C) Lechler mlaznice te dva različito podešena zakošenja lopatica rotora ventilatora (dvije različite brzine zračne struje) pri 540 o/min PVT-a. Istraživanje se postavlja kao kontrolirani trofaktorijalni pokus (bez utjecaja vremenskih čimbenika) sa 8 tretmana u 4 ponavljanja, za obje strane nošenog aksijalnog raspršivača Agromehanika AGP 440. Tehnički čimbenici raspršivanja (ISO broj mlaznice, podešavanje lopatica ventilatora i visina raspršivanja) ostvaruju vrlo značajan utjecaj (**) na glavna svojstva istraživanja (vertikalna distribucija tekućine i brzine zračne struje). Smanjivanjem ISO broja mlaznice i smanjivanjem brzine zračne struje povećava se količina tekućine deponirana na vertikalnom paternatoru, te povećavanjem visine mjerenja na vertikalnom paternatoru dolazi do neuniformne raspodjele tekućine i brzine zračne struje. Uz navedeno, utvrđuje se neuniformna raspodjela količine tekućine i brzine zračne struje između lijeve i desne strane stroja. Regresijskom analizom između vertikalne raspodjele količine tekućine i brzine zraka s obje strane stroja utvrđuje se visoka statistički značajna povezanost (lijeva strana stroja: r = 0,96; p < 0,01; desna strana stroja: r = 0,97; p < 0,01).The influence of technical spraying factors on vertical distribution of liquid and air velocity was observed and measured with vertical patternator device. In research, Lechler yellow (TR 8002C) and red (TR 8004C) nozzles are used with two different sets of fan rotor blades (two different air velocities) at 540 rpm of PTO. The research was set as controlled three - factorial experiment (without the influence of weather factors) with 8 treatments in 4 repetitions, for each side of Agromehanika AGP 440 axial fan sprayer. Technical spraying factors (ISO nozzle number, settings of fan blades and spraying height) have a high significant impact (**) on the main properties of the research (vertical distribution of liquid and air velocity). By decreasing the ISO nozzle number and air velocity the increase of liquid deposit is found on vertical patternator and with the increase of measuring height a non-uniform distribution of liquid and air velocity is found. In addition, a non-uniform distribution of liquid and air velocity is established between the left and right sides of the machine. With regression analysis between the vertical distribution of liquid and air velocity on both sides of the machine, a statistically significant coherence is determined (left side of the machine: r = 0,96; p < 0,01; right side of the machine: r = 0,97; p < 0,01)

    The quality of parsley seedlings depending on the seed producer and substrate quality

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    Peršin listaš Petroselinum crispum Mill. je vrlo cijenjena začinska biljka koja se može uzgajati u vrtu, ali i kao lončanica što je danas sve popularniji način uzgoja u kućanstvima. Kvaliteta presadnica peršina ovisi o kvaliteti sjemena te uvjetima uzgoja. U svrhu istraživanja korištene su tri vrste sjemena peršina listaša kategorije Commun 2 (uvoznika Miagra d.o.o., uvoznika Marcon d.o.o. i proizvođača Royal). Za uzgoj su korištena dva profesionalna supstrata namijenjena uzgoju presadnica povrća: Klasmann TS 1 fine i Terra Brill BIO START. Mjereni parametri su bili: klijavost, masa biljke, visina biljke i duljina korijena. Uzgoj je obavljen u zaštićenom prostoru, uz pridržavanje svih potrebnih uvjeta uzgoja. Utvrđene su značajne razlike ovisno o uzgojnom supstratu u % nicanja, masi i duljini korijena dok kod visine nije utvrđena razlika.Parsley Petroselinum crispum Mill. is a highly valued spice plant that can be grown in the garden but also in a pot which is today increasingly popular way of growing in household. The quality of parsley seedlings depends on the quality of the seeds, but also the growing conditions. For the purpose of investigation three types of leafy parsley seeds of category Commun 2 (importer Miagra d.o.o., importer Marcon d.o.o. and producer Royal) were used. Two professional substrates intended for growing vegetable seedlings were used for cultivation; Klasmann TS 1 fine and Terra Brill BIO START. The monitored parametars were: germination percentage, plant mass, length of underground and aboveground parts. Cultivation was carried out in protected area in compliance with all necessary breeding conditions. The aim of this work was to determine which seed variety depending on the substrates gives the best results in seedling development. Significant differences were found depending on the growing substrate in % sprouting, mass, root length, while no difference was found in height

    Hepatoprotective Effect of Carob Pulp Flour (Ceratonia siliqua L.) Extract Obtained by Optimized Microwave-Assisted Extraction

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    To examine antioxidant capacity and the hepatoprotective effect of carob pulp flour, microwave-assisted extraction was performed. The influence of ethanol concentration (0&ndash;40% w/w), extraction time (5&ndash;25 min) and irradiation power (400&ndash;800 W) on DPPH, FRAP and ABTS antioxidant activity of carob pulp flour extract was evaluated. The strongest influence was that of the ethanol concentration, followed by extraction time. Optimal process parameters for maximizing total antioxidant activity were determined, using response surface methodology: ethanol concentration 40%, time 25 min and power 800 W. Carob extract obtained at optimal conditions (CE) was analyzed in vivo using a paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity model in mice. Treatment with CE attenuated the parameters of liver injury, especially aspartate and alanine aminotransferase activity, and prevented paracetamol-induced increase in malondialdehyde levels. Pretreatment with CE reversed the activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione S-transferase enzymes after the high dose of paracetamol in the liver. Hepatotoxicity induced using a toxic dose of paracetamol was also seen through histopathological alterations, which were significantly reduced in the groups treated with CE prior to paracetamol. Still, the number of Kupffer cells and macrophages did not differ among groups. Finally, pretreatment of mice with CE and paracetamol significantly decreased the expression of cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) in hepatocytes