36 research outputs found

    Weerstand en capaciteit van scheepvaartwegen: Havens en scheepvaartwegen II

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    Hydraulic EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Flexibele waterbouwkundige constructies

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    De ondergrond, verdedigingsconstructies, filterconstructies, filteropbouw, oeververdediging, zetsteen, asfaltbekleding, ontgrondingen, kribben en andere stroomgeleiders, materialen.Hydraulic EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Binnenscheepvaart en scheepvaartwegen

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    Deze geheel herziene handleiding vormt een onderdeel van het 3e-jaars kollege 'Havens en scheepvaartwegen' (f12N). Behandeld wordt de binnenscheepvaart in samenhang met de natuurlijke en kunstmatige vaarwegen. Voor wat betreft de natuurlijke scheepvaartwegen wordt, voor de morfologische processen en de ingrepen in een rivier die nodig zijn voor de scheepvaart, verwezen naar het 3e-jaars kollege 'Rivieren' (f8N). Gezien de voortgaande ontwikkeling onder andere ten aanzien van de schaalvergroting in de binnenvaart - waaronder de invoering van de zesbaks duwvaart - wordt er nog regelmatig onderzoek verricht, speciaal voor wat betreft de hydraulische belasting op oevers bij toenemende motorvermogens. De hiermee samenhangende eisen ten aanzien van ekonomisch verantwoorde dimensionering van dwarsprofielen met een toenemende vraag naar milieuvriendelijke oeververdedigingen maken dat deze handleiding regelmatig bijstelling behoeft. Op de hoorkolleges zullen de laatste ontwikkelingen worden meegenomen.Hydraulic EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Time Evolution of a Device for Remote Detection on Atomic Spin Chains using Matrix Product States

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    In this thesis the matrix product state(MPS) formalism is applied to simulate a device created for remote detection in atomic spin chains. Although simulation of the full device quickly becomes infeasible for direct algorithms, MPS allowed for highly accurate simulations while requiring only modest computational resources. It has been verified that the simulation conserves energy and maintains normalization. Furthermore, the simulation is shown to successfully perform both a coherent real-time evolution and iteration towards the ground state. Thus MPS is a very promising tool that has potential to serve as a guide for further experiment as well as a tool to understand experimental results.Applied Mathematics | Applied Physic

    The Architecture of CubeSats and PocketQubes: Towards a Lean and Reliable Implementation of Subsystems and Their Interfaces

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    This thesis provides an innovative architecture for CubeSats and PocketQubes to improve their performance and reliability. CubeSats and PocketQubes are standard satellite form factors composed of one or more cubic units of 10 cm and 5 cm respectively. It is found that the current modular subsystem approach and the electrical interfaces are not optimal in terms of performance and use of technical resources. Reliability is also a concern for CubeSats. Only 35% are able to achieve full mission success. Available literature provides no comprehensive studies on these matters and there is thus a gap in knowledge to be filled. The objective of this study is to identify and quantify the performance and reliability issues related to the physical arrangement of subsystems and the electrical interfaces and to develop an innovative bus architecture which is reliable, flexible and allows for increased performance. The overarching research question is: ”Which satellite bus architecture provides a reliable solution to the needs and constraints of a CubeSat and a PocketQube mission?”Space Systems Egineerin

    Delfi-N3XT; final design and production

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    Delfi-n3Xt, the second university satellite of TU Delft, is scheduled for launch in the last quarter of 2012. The development team is currently active in finalizing the design and building an engineering model which should be finished by the end of 2011. In this article the latest design is presented to provide insight on this exciting missionAerospace Engineerin

    Enabling Cost-Effective High-Resolution Earth Observation with Deployable Space Telescopes

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    This paper shows the roadmap of the development of a deployable space telescope at Delft University of Technology and explores its applications, key innovations and the design of a small demonstrator. Deployable space telescopes allow for smaller stowed dimensions during launch and it is expected that increasing demand for Earth observation at a high temporal resolution enables large constellations for which the reduction in launch cost per telescope will eventually break even with the required investment. The long term development of deployable space telescopes at TU Delft foresees a primary mirror of up to 1.5 m and the measurements in the visual spectrum, the thermal infrared spectrum and specific spectral lines for trace gasses. The near term objective is to develop a small demonstrator performing wide-band monitoring in the thermal infrared spectrum. This demonstrator comprises of a fixed 30 cm primary mirror and a deployed secondary mirror and baffle. The stowed instrument has roughly half the volume of its deployed configuration. Currently, critical technologies are being designed and proto-typed. The M2 is deployed and suspended by three carbon-fiber booms with custom-designed hinges and actuators at its root. Different configurations have been tested on their correct and accurate deployment.Space Systems Egineerin

    Delfi?n3Xt Nanosatellite Subsystems: Buying, Outsourcing or Internal Development

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    This paper provides the results of a study of project management and systems engineering effectiveness regarding the allocation of work and procurement policy of a nanosatellite project. The Delfi-n3Xt nanosatellite is currently under development at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and will serve as a case study for this analysis. Delfi-n3Xt primary mission objectives are education, technology demonstration (payloads) and advancement of nanosatellite bus subsystems. For each (sub-) system of a satellite, there are in different option to allocate the work or to procure a certain (sub-) system. The criteria for choosing an option can be based on organizational, technical, political and social arguments. A selection of these examples is taken as a case study to provide insight in the rationale behind the choices. It is shown that trade-offs for work allocation or procurement policies are sensitive to different approaches and it is suggested that in many cases trade-offs might be flawed due to subjective manners which have not or will not be documented. It is finally stated that this might lead to problems and it is likely that this lack of transparency also take place in other space projects.Space EngineeringAerospace Engineerin

    Oeververdedigingen van scheepvaartkanalen

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    Uitgangspunten betreffende het ontwerp en de economische uitvoering van van oevervoorzieningen voor de bescherming van oevers van rivieren en kanalen voor zeegaande schepen en binnenvaart. Nederlandse vertaling van een bijdrag voor het PIANC congres.Hydraulic EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Advancing nano-satellite platforms: The Delfi Program

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    The Delfi Program aims to launch a nano-satellite every 2.5 years with the objectives to give the best education for space engineering, to test and qualify novel space technology and to enhance the nanosatellite platform to open doors for new applications. With Delfi-C3 in orbit, Delfi-n3Xt in development for a launch in 2010 and preliminary plans for the future, TU Delft wants to put itself at the top level of small satellites engineering. Although the size of nano-satellites puts some constraints on the potential performance and applications, the theoretical limits are still far ahead and nano-satellites might have more potential than typically assumed. This potential can only be made possible if the development goal for each satellite matches the availability of resources and a realistic planning in time.Space EngineeringAerospace Engineerin