49 research outputs found

    WHO systematic review of maternal morbidity and mortality: the prevalence of severe acute maternal morbidity (near miss)

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    AIM: To determine the prevalence of severe acute maternal morbidity (SAMM) worldwide (near miss). METHOD: Systematic review of all available data. The methodology followed a pre-defined protocol, an extensive search strategy of 10 electronic databases as well as other sources. Articles were evaluated according to specified inclusion criteria. Data were extracted using data extraction instrument which collects additional information on the quality of reporting including definitions and identification of cases. Data were entered into a specially constructed database and tabulated using SAS statistical management and analysis software. RESULTS: A total of 30 studies are included in the systematic review. Designs are mainly cross-sectional and 24 were conducted in hospital settings, mostly teaching hospitals. Fourteen studies report on a defined SAMM condition while the remainder use a response to an event such as admission to intensive care unit as a proxy for SAMM. Criteria for identification of cases vary widely across studies. Prevalences vary between 0.80% – 8.23% in studies that use disease-specific criteria while the range is 0.38% – 1.09% in the group that use organ-system based criteria and included unselected group of women. Rates are within the range of 0.01% and 2.99% in studies using management-based criteria. It is not possible to pool data together to provide summary estimates or comparisons between different settings due to variations in case-identification criteria. Nevertheless, there seems to be an inverse trend in prevalence with development status of a country. CONCLUSION: There is a clear need to set uniform criteria to classify patients as SAMM. This standardisation could be made for similar settings separately. An organ-system dysfunction/failure approach is the most epidemiologically sound as it is least open to bias, and thus could permit developing summary estimates

    Ecological association between a deprivation index and mortality in France over the period 1997 – 2001: variations with spatial scale, degree of urbanicity, age, gender and cause of death

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spatial health inequalities have often been analysed in terms of deprivation. The aim of this study was to create an ecological deprivation index and evaluate its association with mortality over the entire mainland France territory. More specifically, the variations with the degree of urbanicity, spatial scale, age, gender and cause of death, which influence the association between mortality and deprivation, have been described.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The deprivation index, 'FDep99', was developed at the '<it>commune</it>'(smallest administrative unit in France) level as the first component of a principal component analysis of four socioeconomic variables.</p> <p>Proxies of the Carstairs and Townsend indices were calculated for comparison.</p> <p>The spatial association between FDep99 and mortality was studied using five different spatial scales, and by degree of urbanicity (five urban unit categories), age, gender and cause of death, over the period 1997–2001.</p> <p>'Avoidable' causes of death were also considered for subjects aged less than 65 years. They were defined as causes related to risk behaviour and primary prevention (alcohol, smoking, accidents).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The association between the FDep99 index and mortality was positive and quasi-log-linear, for all geographic scales. The standardized mortality ratio (SMR) was 24% higher for the <it>communes </it>of the most deprived quintile than for those of the least deprived quintile. The between-urban unit category and between-<it>région </it>heterogeneities of the log-linear associations were not statistically significant. The association was positive for all the categories studied and was significantly greater for subjects aged less than 65 years, for men, and for 'avoidable' mortality.</p> <p>The amplitude and regularity of the associations between mortality and the Townsend and Carstairs indices were lower.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The deprivation index proposed reflects a major part of spatial socioeconomic heterogeneity, in a homogeneous manner over the whole country. The index may be routinely used by healthcare authorities to observe, analyse, and manage spatial health inequalities.</p

    Near miss e mulheres negras

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    Resumo Introdução: A mortalidade materna apresenta grande diferença entre os países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento e espelha a qualidade da assistência prestada à saúde da mulher. Para evidenciar melhor essa assistência, novos métodos de estudo vêm sendo utilizados, entre eles a investigação das morbidades maternas graves - near misses. Objetivo: Analisar os fatores de risco para ocorrência de near miss nas diferentes raças/cores das mulheres residentes em três municípios da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba. Método: Estudo descritivo. Resultados: Na análise multivariada, identificou-se ser as variáveis idade (p=0,0321 com OR 3,08 e IC 95% 1,10-8,65), doenças associadas (p=0,0018 com OR 4,06 e IC 95% 1,61-10,24) e causa de internação (p=<0,0001 com OR 8,75 e IC 95% 3,36-22,75) os fatores de risco para near miss; o OR foi estimado com base no modelo multivariado. Já a variável cor não foi identificada como sendo fator de risco para near miss (p=0,8964) na presença das demais variáveis. Conclusões: Evidenciou-se, no estudo, a necessidade de aprofundar a análise em pesquisas sobre ocorrência de near miss e cor da variável idade e outras causas de internação para mulheres brancas, e a paridade/número de gestações e presença de doenças crônicas ou associadas para as mulheres negras, assim como a instituição de outros parâmetros de análise como as transferências e reinternações

    Evaluating quality of obstetric care in low-resource settings: Building on the literature to design tailor-made evaluation instruments - an illustration in Burkina Faso

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There are many instruments available freely for evaluating obstetric care quality in low-resource settings. However, this profusion can be confusing; moreover, evaluation instruments need to be adapted to local issues. In this article, we present tools we developed to guide the choice of instruments and describe how we used them in Burkina Faso to facilitate the participative development of a locally adapted instrument.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Based on a literature review, we developed two tools: a conceptual framework and an analysis grid of existing evaluation instruments. Subsequently, we facilitated several sessions with evaluation stakeholders in Burkina Faso. They used the tools to develop a locally adapted evaluation instrument that was subsequently tested in six healthcare facilities.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three outputs emerged from this process:</p> <p>1) A comprehensive conceptual framework for the quality of obstetric care, each component of which is a potential criterion for evaluation.</p> <p>2) A grid analyzing 37 instruments for evaluating the quality of obstetric care in low-resource settings. We highlight their key characteristics and describe how the grid can be used to prepare a new evaluation.</p> <p>3) An evaluation instrument adapted to Burkina Faso. We describe the experience of the Burkinabé stakeholders in developing this instrument using the conceptual framework and the analysis grid, while taking into account local realities.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This experience demonstrates how drawing upon existing instruments can inspire and rationalize the process of developing a new, tailor-made instrument. Two tools that came out of this experience can be useful to other teams: a conceptual framework for the quality of obstetric care and an analysis grid of existing evaluation instruments. These provide an easily accessible synthesis of the literature and are useful in integrating it with the context-specific knowledge of local actors, resulting in evaluation instruments that have both scientific and local legitimacy.</p