34 research outputs found


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    The 14th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science was held in July, 19th – 26th, 2011 in Nancy, the historic capital of Lorraine and birthplace of Henri Poincaré. We were very honored that the President of the French Republic, Monsieur Nicolas Sarkozy, generously agreed his patronage. The LMPS congresses represent the current state of the art and offer new perspectives in its fields. There were 900 registered participants from 56 different countries. They filled ..


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    The 14th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science was held in July, 19th – 26th, 2011 in Nancy, the historic capital of Lorraine and birthplace of Henri Poincaré. We were very honored that the President of the French Republic, Monsieur Nicolas Sarkozy, generously agreed his patronage. The LMPS congresses represent the current state of the art and offer new perspectives in its fields. There were 900 registered participants from 56 different countries. They filled ..


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    The 14th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science was held in July, 19th – 26th, 2011 in Nancy, the historic capital of Lorraine and birthplace of Henri Poincaré. We were very honored that the President of the French Republic, Monsieur Nicolas Sarkozy, generously agreed his patronage. The LMPS congresses represent the current state of the art and offer new perspectives in its fields. There were 900 registered participants from 56 different countries. They filled..

    Questions clés en philosophie des sciences

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    Cette collection aborde la thématique de la philisophie des sciences et de sa place dans la démarche scientifique. Elle se compose en 12 parties : - La démarcation : Alors, scientifique ou pas ? - La causalité - Mathématiques et réalités - Changements de paradigme - Introduction à la logique - L'âme, l'esprit et la matière - Le principe de précaution - Le relativisme - Les expériences de pensée - Expliquer ou comprendre - La connaissance - Machines et pensée Le développement des sciences et de leurs applications appelle une démarche réflexive qui est fondamentale dans toute formation universitaire. L'initiative proposée ici consiste à donner à des étudiants une première approche philosophique portant sur des sujets classiques et très généraux, et à leur donner l'idée, voire le goût d'une pensée de type épistémologique, applicable à leur discipline, et plus généralement à toute entreprise d'ordre scientifique. Le choix des sujets traités vise à couvrir un éventail large de problématiques disciplinaires (en sciences de la nature et sciences humaines) et transdisciplinaires (dans l'examen de notions comme la démarcation, la causalité, etc.). On illustrera ainsi une réflexion philosophique conçue non pas comme « sui generis », mais liée à des pratiques et des théories existantes

    Construction. Festschrift for Gerhard Heinzmann

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    International audienceThis Festschrift is published on the occasion of Gerhard Heinzmann's 60th birthday. Its title "Construction" refers to Heinzmann's philosophical options (intuitionism, dialogical pragmatism, constructivism), as well as to his exceptional involvement in the building of many scientific enterprises and new scientific institutions. Sixty authors contributed to the volume, and the gathered essays witness the various centers of interest and intellectual achievements of Heinzmann. They are organized in five sections: (1) Henri Poincaré; (2) History and Philosophy of Mathematics; (3) History and Philosophy of Logic; (4) Pragmatism; and (5) Miscellaneous.Cette Festschrift est publiée à l'occasion du 60e anniversaire de Gerhard Heinzmann. Son titre, "Construction", renvoie tout autant aux options philosophiques de Heinzmann (l'intuitionnisme, le pragmatisme dialogique, le contructivisme) qu'à son engagement exceptionnel dans de multiples entreprises scientifiques et dans l'édification d'institutions scientifiques nouvelles. Soixante auteurs ont contribué à ce volume, et les articles rassemblés témoignent de la variété des centres d'intérêt et des réalisations intellectuelles de Heinzmann. L'ensemble est organisé en cinq sections : (1) Henri Poincaré ; (2) Histoire et philosophie des mathématiques ; (3) Histoire et philosophie de la logique ; (4) Pragmatisme ; et (5) Vari

    Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress (Nancy). Logic and Science Facing the New Technologies

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    The papers of this volume are a selection of invited plenary talks and invited talks given in particular sections of the 14th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (Nancy, France, 2011). Even though not every invited speaker submitted a paper, most of these sections are represented in this volume. The detailed program of the congress as well as a list of the titles of all contributed papers and symposia is presented in the appendix