5 research outputs found

    AnĂ lisi i diagnosi ambiental dels refugis del PNAP

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    Els refugis de muntanya es troben situats en zones d'interès natural, sovint protegides, com és el cas dels deu refugis del Parc Natural de l'Alt Pirineu. En els darrers anys s'ha observat una diversificació en l'ús dels refugis de muntanya, originalment construïts per donar aixopluc als excursionistes, degut a l'augment del turisme i la popularització dels esports de neu i d'aventura. Els refugis estudiats es poden agrupar en tres tipologies diferents: refugis guardats, refugis alberg i refugis associats a pistes d'esquí, cadascuna de les quals presenta una realitat i unes problemàtiques diferents. Mitjançant una metodologia pròpia, es pretén fer una anàlisi i una diagnosi ambiental de cada cas d'estudi i de les diferents tipologies a partir dels vectors que poden generar un major impacte en l'entorn immediat dels refugis: aspectes socioeconòmics, arquitectura, paisatge i impacte visual, energia elèctrica i tèrmica, aigua potable i residual i residus sòlids. La diagnosi permet identificar els aspectes de cada refugi i tipologia que requereixenLos refugios de montaña están situados en zonas de interés natural, normalmente protegidas, como es el caso de los diez refugios del Parc Natural de l'Alt Pirineu. En los últimos años se ha observado una diversificación en el uso de los refugios de montaña, originalmente construidos para resguardar a los excursionistas, debido al aumento del turismo y a la popularización de los deportes de nieve y de aventura. Los refugios estudiados se pueden agrupar en tres tipológicas diferentes: refugios guardados, refugios albergue y refugios asociados a pistas de esquí, cada una de las cuales presenta una realidad y unas problemáticas diferentes. Mediante una metodología propia, se pretende hacer un análisis y una diagnosisThe mountain hutts are in zones of natural interest, often protected. That's the case of the ten shelters of the Parc Natural de l'Alt Pirineu. In the last years a diversification has been observed in the use of the mountain hutts, originally constructed to give shelter to the hikers, due to the increase of theNota: Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia

    Measurement of the Mass of the Z-Boson and the Energy Calibration of Lep

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    Electroweak parameters of the Z0^0 resonance and the standard model

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    Media temporalities of the elderly : evolutions in stability This article shows the context of analysis and the first results of a research on media temporalities of the elderly. Several works have finely analysed the diversity of the media practices and studied meanings of media uses. I wish to continue these analyses by insisting on the evolutionary and dynamic aspect of the practices and temporalities of users having expanded, enhanced, so called "interactive" radio and especially television programming. A priori, the elderly, upon retirement, have a "full-time free time". Their media practices seem strongly influenced by their first experiments ; the appropriation of the various peripheral accessories which gradually came with the media, to the latest digital ones, seems to reinforce their habits of watching television. Their representations and relations with times and media are very far away from the image of television like omnipresent media or "devourer of time". Rather, their media practices are to be understood like a temporality of the occupation, according to the expression of Gerard Derèze, characterized by interest and utility. A particular glance at the users who do not carry out a systematic selection of the programs, accepting the unforeseen, highlights an approach of media and time that allow "useful encounter" which I would qualify in a first stage by : "chance and encounter" and "random and the following". The few points presented here make me assume that the global relation of the autonomous elderly persons to the media can evolve when confronted to their new temporal framework and the new program offer, whereas their representations and use of the media remain quite stable

    Electroweak parameters of the Z0^0 resonance and the standard model

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    Media temporalities of the elderly : evolutions in stability This article shows the context of analysis and the first results of a research on media temporalities of the elderly. Several works have finely analysed the diversity of the media practices and studied meanings of media uses. I wish to continue these analyses by insisting on the evolutionary and dynamic aspect of the practices and temporalities of users having expanded, enhanced, so called "interactive" radio and especially television programming. A priori, the elderly, upon retirement, have a "full-time free time". Their media practices seem strongly influenced by their first experiments ; the appropriation of the various peripheral accessories which gradually came with the media, to the latest digital ones, seems to reinforce their habits of watching television. Their representations and relations with times and media are very far away from the image of television like omnipresent media or "devourer of time". Rather, their media practices are to be understood like a temporality of the occupation, according to the expression of Gerard Derèze, characterized by interest and utility. A particular glance at the users who do not carry out a systematic selection of the programs, accepting the unforeseen, highlights an approach of media and time that allow "useful encounter" which I would qualify in a first stage by : "chance and encounter" and "random and the following". The few points presented here make me assume that the global relation of the autonomous elderly persons to the media can evolve when confronted to their new temporal framework and the new program offer, whereas their representations and use of the media remain quite stable

    Measurement of the mass of the Z boson and the energy calibration of LEP

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    In 1985 the French government created a unique circuit for the dissemination of doctoral theses: References went to a national database “Téléthèses” whereas the documents were distributed to the university libraries in microform. In the era of the electronic document this French network of deposit of and access to doctoral theses is changing. How do you discover and locate a French thesis today, how do you get hold of a paper copy and how do you access the full electronic text? What are the catalogues and databases referencing theses since the disappearance of “Téléthèses”? Where are the archives, and are they open? What is the legal environment that rules the emerging structures and tools? This paper presents national plans on referencing and archiving doctoral theses coordinated by the government as well as some initiatives for creating full text archives. These initiatives come from universities as well as from research institutions and learned societies. “Téléthèses” records have been integrated in a union catalogue of French university libraries SUDOC. University of Lyon-2 and INSA Lyon developed procedures and tools covering the entire production chain from writing to the final access in an archive: “Cyberthèses” and “Cither”. The CNRS Centre for Direct Scientific Communication at Lyon (CCSD) maintains an archive (“TEL”) with about 2000 theses in all disciplines. Another repository for theses in engineering, economics and management called “Pastel” is proposed by the Paris Institute of Technology (ParisTech), a consortium of 10 engineering and commercial schools of the Paris region