7 research outputs found

    Peasants in the Structure of the League of Communists in Serbia

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    Analliza partijske statističke građe pokazuje da kontinuirano opada broj osnovnih organizacija SK SR fakultet za fizičku kulturu Srbije u seoskim područjiima, da u nj,ima djeluje univerziteta u novom sadu, svega 17% od ukupnog članstva SKS, te da je u novi sad, Jugoslavija socijalnoj strukturi članstva sve manje učešće poljoprivrednika. U odnosu na ostale socijalne kategorije seljaci su slabije idejno-politički obrazovani ; to je jedan od razloga koji otežava da se oni sami politički opredele i uključe u politički život sela. Autor smatra da uspeh agrarne politike SK zavisi od toga kako će je prihvatiti seljačke mase, kakve su realne mogućnosti za njeno ostvarenje i kako će je prenositi članovi SK. Jer upravo članovi SK, organizirani u seoske osnovne organizacije, treba da osnovna načela ii usmjerenja agrarne politike pretoče u neposrednu stvarnost, i to preko onih oblika rada i orgartizovanosti koji najviše odgovaraju konkretnoj slituacijii u pojedinom selu i regionu. Postojeća nedovoljna organizovanost političkog života na selu nameće potrebu da se pronađu efikasniji metodi ii oblici političkog delovanja u osnoprimijeno lipnja 1979. vnim organizacijama SK seoskih područja.The author analyzes the work of the League of Communists in the village through the participation of peasants in basic LCY organizations in the village and in the social structure of the LCY membership, and also through the cadre policy of acceptance and expulsion of peasant members of the LC of Serbia. An analysis of Party statistics shows that the number of basic organizations in Serbian villages is continuously decilining, that they comprise only 17% of the total LC membership, and that there are less and less peasants in the social structure of the membership. In comparison with other social categories, peasants are not as well ideologically and politically educated. That is one of the reasons that makes it more difficult for them to take up a political attitude and become more active in the political life of the village. The author considers that the success of the LC’s agrarian policy depends on its acceptance by the peasantry, on actually conditions for its realization and on how members of the LC explain the political idea underlying it. It is LC members organized into basic organizations in the village who are to translate the basic principles and ideas of the agrarian policy into everyday reality, through those forms of work and organization that correspond best to the existing situation in a certain village or region. Today’s inadequate organization of political life in the village makes it necessary to find more efficient methods and forms of political activity in basic LC organizations in villages

    The Social Position of the Farm Woman

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    Over 90% of all the economically active women living in the village are active agricultural workers that work on privately owned farms. During the better part of the working day the woman does her work in the field of consumption and in the field of production. That is physically exhausting, and is reflected on her role as mother. Undeveloped tertiary activities in rural areas, and the non-existence of work organizations designed to help the household and the working farm woman, make it more difficult for her to carry out her household tasks and responsibilities. Direct social action in intimate and family matters would not be realistic and would not contribute to a fundamental improvement in the farm woman\u27s position as a wife. However, organized action to eliminate dated customs and raise the consciousness of the village population concerning the equality of women would speed up the process of transformation of martial and family relations. Special progress would be achieved by raising the general level of eduction of the village woman. The mass media and processes of socialist transformation and deagrarization of the village also have a meaning in the struggle to realize equality between the man and the woman in the village. The farm woman is the most numerous part of the village population, and it would be impossible to carry out the socialist transformation of the village without her. However, she is not prepared for that social role. Society must bear in mind that as the village becomes less agrarian, the farm woman will increasingly become an actor in agricultural production on the privately owned farm. It is thus necessary to undertake all the measures necessary to prepare her for modern, mechanized, intense food production

    Participation of Peasant-Communists in the Activities of Political Organizations and Institutions in Rural Areas

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    The article deals with an investigation which was carried out in two villages near Belgrade in order to establish the objective position and role of peasants in the political life of rural communities, and the prospects for the activity of peasants members of the League of Comunists, in comparison with members of the League of Communists from other social strata. The investigation has shown the following: (a) that the centres of political decisions-making are moving away from rural areas; (b) that the possibilities for peasants members of the League of Communists, to exert their influence through self-managing organs have been objectively narrowed; (c) that peasants in general, and thus also those who are members of the League of Communists, are inadequately represented in political institutions and organizations in commune and villages, especially as regards key posts; (d) that therefore peasants, members of the League of Communists, have no proper possibility for implementing the policies and views -of their basic organiza