10 research outputs found

    Multifunctional Student Project Teams at PSU’s ETM Department

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    The increasing globalization and stronger recognition for what teams have to off er changes the attitude towards teamwork in the academic environment of Universities. Graduate programs, like that from the Engineering and Technology Management (ETM) Department from Portland State University, emphasize teamwork and forces students to accomplish their projects in teams. The purpose of this study is to investigate multiple student projects in the academic Engineering & Technology Management environment with the intent to identify critical issues in multifunctional student project teams. The study was accomplished in the Engineering and Technology Management Synthesis class under supervision of Dr. Dragan Milosevic

    Process Reengineering: A Success Story

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    Abstract: Super Silicon Co. realized their facility was inefficient due to added technologies and specs since the time it was first built. Over a tenyear period many technologies were added that were not known or conceptualized at the time the fab was designed. As additional measurements and tighter specs were added, they were located in the fab where floor space could be found, or special clean rooms were added for the new technologies. This created ergonomic inefficiencies that jeopardized the quality of the product. The company was going through a changing phase and planning a new Fab. They realized that they needed to be more competitive in order to maintain their market share and profitability. Three integrated processes were implemented in the new Fab. Rework and customer returns were 20% less than with the old process and throughput was 30% more efficient

    PICMET Scheduling

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    Abstract: This project analyzes the scheduling process of PICMET and bring up a possible solution for this purpose. It covers the assignment processes such as what papers are assigned to which sessions, what sessions are assigned which time slots and what sessions are assigned to which rooms. The real model will be described in the report


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    Nanotechnology has been termed as the technology of the 21st century by scientists as its birth will change the world as it is today. The world is on the brink of a new technological revolution beyond any human experience. A new, more powerful industrial revolution capable of bringing wealth, health, and education, without pollution, to every person on the planet. No longer will forests need to be cut or smoke spewed into the air. This is the promise of nanotechnology. The anticipated payoff for mastering this technology is beyond any human accomplishment thus far

    Process Improvement of Wafer Measurement in the Semiconductor Industry

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    This project is to explore the use of Statistical Process Control (SPC), in particular the Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA), to ensure continues improvement in a chemical process. Particular interest in this study is to see how well analytical machines would measure the wafer thickness. EWMA requires that all past information is gathered with more weight given to the most recent data. In conclusion, the data under study reveals that EWMA is an effective way in controlling and detecting whether or not the moving target operates within the process limit and thus, confirm the reliability of the measurements by the machines

    Strategy & Policy Issues: Biotechnology at the Turn of the Century

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    Introduction: It is often asserted that just as the 20\u2711 century was the century of physics:· the 21 century will be the century of biotechnology. In the 201h century, our knowledge of physics led to the creation of the transistor and integrated circuits, and the resulting explosive growth of computers and information teclmology has altered the economy in fundamental ways. Will a similar transformation of the economy occur in the 21 century as our knowledge of molecular biology increases and our ability to manipulate life through genetic engineering becomes more widespread

    Case Study: 300 Years of Industrialization

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    Introduction: In this case study we will briefly review economic history since the industrial revolution, that is, the first 300 years of industrialization. In proposing such a broad topic as a case study, Bet.z [I) invokes the existence of Long Waves in order to give some structure to the basic argument that successive episodes of technological innovation have given rise to a quasi-periodic series of economic expansions and contractions. We will critically examine the basis for believing that such Kondratyev\u27 waves actually exist, and discuss their explanation in terms of the emergence of disruptive technologies

    Car Purchase Decision Using the 2-Part Decision Model

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    In the modem society, automobiles are ubiquitous, and they are the personal transportation of choice. An average consumer in the advanced economy makes a car purchase decision every few years, and the financial outlay for such a purchase consumes a large portion of an average person\u27s income. Next to a house purchase, it is the second most significant expense for most people. Yet, one observes that the car purchase decision is not conducted in a systematic manner for most people. In many cases, a car is sold by the sophisticated Madison Avenue marketers rather than bought by an ordinary consumer. A decision theory based approach may be applied to a car purchase decision addressing such concerns as the kinds of car one should choose. In this sense, a question is posed with regard to the criteria used in this decision theory based approach. The criteria in question may be affected by the buyer\u27s age, gender, number of passengers, and so forth. An attempt is made in this project to come up with an alternative decision model in purchasing a car. A buyer\u27s profile such as age, gender, driving pattern, etc. will be considered along with the buyer\u27s requirements such as the number of passengers, vehicle horse power, and other matters. The decision model has the purchaser\u27s utility maximization as the immediate objective by selecting one model along with some suggested alternative car models

    An Economic Analysis of the Proposed PSU SEAS Building

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    Abstract: The Portland State University School of Engineering and Applied Science has determined the need for large facilities based on projected enrollment growth and increased demand for expanded programs, both of which have been driven by the rapid growth of Portland as an industrial center. This research project reviews the evolution of the SEAS building to what it is today, and analyzes the preferred SEAS building alternatives from an economic point of view

    Disruptive Aspects of Wireless Technology

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    Executive Summary: Wireless technology has already made an impact business and society. Cellular telephones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and the wireless Internet have already altered consumer behavior, and have forced service providers and manufacturers 10 demand further innovations. The degree of disruption suffered by business and society will depend on the degree to which wireless technology penetrates existing markets and creates new ones. Hardware manufacturers, software developers, service providers, government regulators, consumers and investors wi ll each have to consider the effects of wireless technology as they plan for the future. Corporations face difficult decisions in allocating resources planning R&D to survive the fuzzy fron t-end. One useful tool in to assess the disruption to be caused by the emergence of the wireless economy is to consider the possible convergence of technologies that can occur. This report will describe three broadly defined scenarios characterized by Slight, Moderate or Severe Disruption, describe the convergence of technologies to be expected in each case, and describe how various sectors of the economy will be disrupted. We wi ll also make some general observations concerning those economic factors that will have particular influence on the development of wireless technology