28 research outputs found
Development and application of genetically uniform strains of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
In this thesis, the development of genetically uniform strains of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. is described. As in research on mammals, the use of genetically uniform fish could increase the quality (replicability, reproducability and repeatability) of experiments. Inbreeding was done by gynogenetic and androgenetic reproduction. With these methods, fully homozygous. offspring are produced in only one generation. The principle of these reproduction techniques is to eliminate the genetic contribution of one of the parents by (UV) irradiating the sexual products, followed by artificially inducing diploidy by physical shocks in the developing zygotes. Inbred strains, congenic strains and F1 hybrids were produced. Congenic strains were used to study sex determination in carp. Inbred strains and F1 hybrids were used to study the genetic control of gonad development after a quantitative genetic model had been developed to facilitate estimation of genetic variance. We show that genetically uniform carp strains are suitable as experimental animal model in genetic research and in bioassays (toxicological research). It is obvious that other research areas could also profit from genetically uniform carp strains
Genetische verbetering produktielijnen Afrikaanse meerval, Clarias gariepinus met behulp van chromosoom manipulatie technieken
De Afrikaanse meerval is in de jaren 70 geïntroduceerd in Nederland voor onderzoeksdoeleinden. Al snel bleek dat deze soort zeer geschikt was voor intensieve teelt vanwege de hoge groeisnelheid en hoge tolerantie voor zuurstofarm water. Een snelle toename van het aantal meervalproduktie-bedrijven was het gevolg, met als hoogtepunt 1985-1986 toen ca. 60 bedrijven opera bel waren. Momenteel bedraagt de meervalproduktie in Nederland 800 - 1000 ton per jaa