22 research outputs found

    Rapporto Finale del Progetto di alta formazione: “Esperti di Idroacustica, Analisi Dati, ICT e Tutela della Biodiversità Marina” (BLU-DATA-BIO)

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    Questo rapporto di fine progetto presenta i dati relativi al corso di formazione riportato nel titolo e rivolto a giovani laureati in scienze MM.FF.NN., chimiche, biologiche, ma anche ambientali, ingegneristiche e socio-economiche. Il corso è stato concepito come una prima di tappa di chi volesse intraprendere una carriera di ricerca presso Enti di Ricerca, oppure una carriera imprenditoriale nel settore della RS&I applicata alle scienze marine ed in particolare al concetto di “Crescita Blu”. L’ambiente marino con le sue risorse ha costituito il minimo comun denominatore di un’articolata offerta formativa finalizzata a creare nuove professionalità ad alta specializzazione all’interno di 2 macro-ambiti che costituiscono il “core business” del soggetto attuatore e che rappresentato i 2 Profili (A e B) del Progetto: 1. L’acustica marina attiva e passiva, connessa all’analisi dati e alle soluzioni ICT; 2. La tutela della biodiversità marina, connessa alla diffusione della cultura scientifica (Science Communication), collegata all’Osservatorio Regionale delle Biodiversità Siciliana Marina e Terrestre (D.D.G. del Dipartimento Ambiente della Regione Siciliana n. 342 del 10 giugno 2011)

    OpenCoesione experience: citizen is the best communicator!

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    Communication plays an essential role in scientific projects, especially since it is possible to use social media and web platforms, to reach a wide audience. OpenCoesione is the “open-government” iniziative on cohesion polizie in Italy, a web plat form with navigable data on public programmed resources and expenses, that allows to evaluate how there sources are used. Any citizen can enrich this platform, analysing public projects and documentino the current state with open data. «A Scuola di OpenCoesione» is an innovative experimental project of school teaching of open government strategy of openness and transparency on development policies. The goal of A Scuola di Open Coesione is to involve and sensitize students and teachers to the use of contents and tools to learn and monitor the projects of cohesion policies, to build interdisciplinary educational programs starting from the projects financed on their respective territories and enriching, through crowd sourcing, the information base of OpenCoesione adding information and data that are not currently availableas, for example, geolocation,multimedia materials, the characteristics of the project, the physical performance of the works

    Exploiting videos for science communication: the edulab experience

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    Nowadays, science communication and popularisation are part of a scientist’s everiday life because because divulgation disseminates scientific information to the general pubblic, helping himto under stand specific scientific subject and the advancements of research, as well as inspiring critical reflection, awareness and environmentally responsible behaviours. A team of scientists, researches and technicians of the IAS-CNR of Capo Granitola welcomed this challenge, founding the EDULab group. Its core activities are addressed in science divulgation and experimentation of innovative approaches using emerging digital technologies. Among a variety of science comunication products, videos have proved to be one of the best ways to litterally «immerse» the audience in scientific research and make the experience fun, in particular for non scientic audience and young people

    Quando la scienza brancola nel buio: accordo di collaborazione tra l’Istituto dei Ciechi “Opere riunite I. Florio – F. ed A. Salamone” di Palermo e il CNR IAS di Capo Granitola

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    La convenzione oggetto del presente rapporto nasce nel contesto delle complesse attività di EduLab, gruppo di divulgazione scientifica che,seppur già attivo dal2008, nasce ufficialmente nel 2015e mette insieme ricercatori di varie discipline che condividono la passione di divulgare la scienza e i risultati da essa prodotti nei propri ambiti di competenza.La comunicazione scientifica, molto sentita e ben strutturata all’interno dell’IAS (ex. IAMC), ha portato a numerosi risultati e ad un numero ragguardevole di progetti e programmi, ed è un’attività ormai talmente ben consolidata da diventare organica all’istituto e alle sue strategie. I prodotti sviluppati sono tanti e anche i successi ottenuti, quali premi sulle attività di divulgazione, la partecipazione ad Expo 2015 ed a numerose edizioni in ambito di manifestazioni nazionali quali: Festival della Scienza, Esperienza insegna, Notte della scienza e Notte dei ricercatori, Illuminiamo la scienza. Grazie ad un curriculum unico e complesso, il gruppo è stato il driver della nascita dell’Osservatorio della Biodiversità della Regione Sicilia, oggi riferimento regionale per la didattica e la divulgazione scientifica sul tema della biodiversità, visitato ad oggi da più di 500 classi di studenti siciliani. Le ricadute culturali, di visibilità, nonché di immagine per l’istituto sono tantissime

    “Beaks and berries”: zoological laboratory (II) of the formative proposal of inclusive scientific divulgation

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    Searching a topic that help us about the implementation of an inclusive divulgation, aimed also at sensory disabilitiesusers, we have chosen birds as a key to connect different scientific issues (pollution, environmental changes, exploitation of resources) and create new knowledge in a heterogeneous auditorium, through the suggestions that the workshop lessons can infuse on the users, whether they are disabled or not. All this to bring them closer to thescientific contents to which they do not have easy access. In particular, the project aims to develop, deepen and consolidate, through communication and information, issues concerning the concept of biodiversity, in order to sensitize users to safeguard the species and habitats of our territory and make them as the main actors of scientific dissemination.Indeed, weestabilisheda convention between the “Istituto dei Ciechi Opere riunite I. Florio – F. ed A. Salamone” of Palermo and the “Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto per lo studio degli impatti Antropici e Sostenibilità in ambiente marino” of Capo Granitola (TP). The main role of this convention is to bring disable people closer to these scientific subjects and make the contents of our laboratories as inclusive as possible.The project "The world of birds", developed from January to April 2019 is divided into three main themes, the second of which is the focus of this report: The bird alimentation

    “For whom the Calandra tolls?”: zoological laboratory (III) of the formative proposal of inclusive scientific divulgation

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    Blind people, though not seeing the world, is nevertheless able to imagine it, activating mental processes different from those of the sighted. They can come in contact with the reality of the world and know it with appreciable effectiveness (Angeli F., 2012). It has been imagined that only the view was the capable sense of allowing the conception of space and its forms. Of course, it was the facts that showed, with increasing clarity, that the lack of sight does not prevent the mental construction of space. Although touch is generally regarded as the sight of the blind, it is important to understand how sight cannot be validly replaced by a single sense. To organize a good relationship with the surrounding reality, the person who does not see needs to activate the whole of their residual senses. In particular, the complementarity between touch and hearing makes us understand like the blind. The touch sense has a very small perceptive field and therefore proceeds bysuccession of spatial fragments, but also presents a very analytical capacity,refined and punctual. Hearing has a greatly extended perceptual field, whichallows the blind to have a broad overall spatial reference but offers insufficient information on the objects and on the particular characteristics of the surrounding space (Coppa M.M., 1997).We have therefore devised a playful-practical laboratory to allow a sensory disabilitypublic,with various degrees of blindness, to reach zoological and scientific contents and then re-connect to more general problems such as the numerous environmental emergencies of this decade. Thanks to a convention between the “IstitutodeiCiechiOpereriunite I. Florio – F. ed A. Salamone” of Palermo and the “Consiglio Nazionale delleRicerche - Istituto per lo studio degliimpattiAntropici e Sostenibilità in ambientemarino” of Capo Granitola (TP), we start with the project "The world of birds", developed from January to April 2019 and divided into three main themes. The third of which is the focus of this report: Nest and songs

    “On the science’s wing”: zoological laboratory (I) of the formative proposal of inclusive scientific divulgation

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    The scientific divulgation work is increasingly like a facilitator task. In fact, in this work it is primary to transform the results and the notions of scientific research so that they became accessible to the public, understood as the largest possible number of people. However, this information flow turns out to be purely verbal, moreover with a language rich of visual references, that are inaccessible and incomprehensible for the user with sensory disabilities. Wehavethusestablished a convention between the “Istituto dei Ciechi Opere riunite I. Florio – F. ed A. Salamone” of Palermo and the “Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto per lo studio degli impatti Antropici e Sostenibilità in ambiente marino” of Capo Granitola (TP). Wedeveloped a formative proposal that links the science world with sensory disabilities, proposing Birds as principal argument and the whole world connected to it. The birds appear as the key to connect to different scientific issues (pollution, environmental changes, exploitation of resources) to create new knowledge in the public, through the suggestions that the workshop lessons can give people, both disabled or not. All this in order to bring them closer to these subjects and make the contents of our laboratories as inclusive as possible. The project "The world of birds", developed from January to April 2019 is divided into three main themes, the first of which is the focus of this report: The bird plumage

    “How a good video can remove ‘barriers’ for a more inclusive science communication”

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    There is a burgeoning body of evidence suggesting that technology can enhance learning, and multiple studies have shown that videos represent a very effective tool in science engagement and education. In fact, video media can transform the complexities of science and nature into something more tangible and tractable (Dabylchuk et al., 2018). Documentaries can hence be powerful tools for learning, to raise awareness for important topics, and adding a scientific approach makes it possible to deepen knowledge about the world. According to Dale’s cone of experience (Fig. 1), people memorize 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see and 50% of what they hear and see (Wiman and Mierhenry, 1969). These statistics seems to convey a very clear message: blind or visually impaired people are penalised in the learning compared to sighted ones. However, our experience in the area of inclusive science communication has led us to wonder: are we sure that sight is a fundamental means for learning? Or is it possible that sight is a predominant sense over others, and therefore it can even mislead or limit learning? To answer this question, we held an ad-hoc educational laboratory with the users of the “IstitutodeiCiechiOpereRiunite I. Florio – F. ed A. Salamone” of Palermo, with which we have established a convention on 29/01/2019. Specifically, we involved 20 users with different degrees of visual impairment, in the projection of three science videos, selected from those realised by the EDUlab divulgation group over the years. At the end of the video projection, users were asked to express their opinions and their personal interpretations of scientific issues, allowing us to understand what e how many information have been received and, above all, if sighted usersare really advantaged compared to the visually impaired ones

    Under citizens-observation: O.R.B.S. and the “OpenCoesione” experience

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    Communication plays an essential role in scientific projects, especially since it is possible to use social media and web platforms, to reach a wide audience. OpenCoesione is the “open-government” initiative on cohesion policies in Italy, a web platform with navigable data on public programmed resources and expenses, locations, thematic areas, programmers and actuators, implementation times and payments of individual projects. It allows to evaluate how the resources are used relation to the needs of the territories. Any citizen can enrich this platform, analysing public projects and documenting the current state with open data.«A Scuola di OpenCoesione» it is part of OpenCoesioneproject and represents an innovative experimental project of school teaching of open government strategy of openness and transparency on development policies. It is a teaching and civic challenge addressed to students and teachers of secondary institutes of second degree. Students move from the analysis of information and data published in open format on the OpenCoesione portal, to find out how public funds are spent on their territory.The goal of A Scuola di OpenCoesione is to involve and sensitize students and teachers to the use of contents and tools to learn and monitor the projects of cohesion policies, to build interdisciplinary educational programs starting from the projects financed on their respective territories and enriching, through crowdsourcing, the information base of OpenCoesione adding information and data that are not currently available as, for example, geolocation, multimedia materials, the characteristics of the project, the physical performance of the works. Focus of this research was the public financing aimed to the creation of O.R.B.S. (Observatory of marine and terrestrial biodiversity in Sicily). Our observatory finds its place within the operational objective 3.2.1 of the OP programming ERDF Sicily 2007-2013 actions,to create a public biodiversity observation node for the protection of natural resources consistent with the provisions of Reg. (EC) 1080/06. It constitutes the implementation program of an interventions plan, approved by the Sicily Region. ISPRA and the CNR have carried out the task of studying marine biodiversity present in Sicily, through the collection of data concerning the presence of species in protected areasand of nonindigenous species, as well as their elaboration. The dissemination methods of O.R.B.S. they have been developed through three phases: reconnaissance of existing data, data processing, monitoring

    The power of video in science communication: the EDUlab media production

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    Avvicinare la scienza e la ricerca alle persone, in ogni aspetto, significa avvicinare il pubblico a temi complicati, inspirando buone norme comportamentali di rispetto e tutela ambientale ma anche avvicinare la scienza a chi ogni giorno è in grado di decidere, attraverso i finanziamenti, quali lavori scientifici supportare. Proprio in coscienza di questo, negli ultimi decenni la scienza ha smesso di essere autoreferenziale, comprendendo che divulgare contenuti altamente scientifici a ad un pubblico non specialistico è fondamentale. Divulgare vuol dire creare quell’anello di congiunzione tra la ricerca scientifica più avanzata e il pubblico, significa saper capire il linguaggio spesso criptico dei ricercatori e di adattarlo senza stravolgimenti in qualcosa di comprensibile alle persone comuni. Con questa mission, nel 2015 nasce ufficialmente il gruppo “EDULab dell’IAS-CNR di Capo Granitola”, ovvero un laboratorio creativo di divulgazione scientifica in cui ricercatori, tecnologi e tecnici di varie discipline che condividono la passione di divulgare la scienza e i risultati da essa prodotti nei propri ambiti di competenza. Nel tempo, l’attività del gruppo si è consolidata, portando a numerosi risultati e ad un numero ragguardevole di progetti e programmi. Tra gli innumerevoli prodotti divulgativi sviluppati, l’uso dei media, ed in particolare dei video, si è rivelato uno strumento eccezionale di “comunicazione empatica” attraverso cui il pubblico riesce ad “immergersi” letteralmente nei contenuti proposti, recependo e facendo propri contenuti anche molto complessi. Nell’era del web e dei social-media, infatti, i video sono ormai lo strumento più veloce ed efficace per veicolare informazioni ad un’ampia fetta di popolazione