15 research outputs found

    Non-random gene flow: An underappreciated force in evolution and ecology

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    Dispersal is an important life-history trait involved in species persistence, evolution, and diversification, yet is one of the least understood concepts in ecology and evolutionary biology. There is a growing realization that dispersal might not involve the random sample of genotypes as is typically assumed, but instead can be enriched for certain genotypes. Here, we review and compare various sources of such non-random gene flow, and summarize its effects on local adaptation and resource use, metapopulation dynamics, adaptation to climate change, biological invasion, and speciation. Given the possible ubiquity and impacts of non-random gene flow, there is an urgent need for the fields of evolution and ecology to test for non-random gene flow and to more fully incorporate its effects into theory. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.Peer Reviewe

    Causes of maladaptation

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    Evolutionary biologists tend to approach the study of the natural world within a framework of adaptation, inspired perhaps by the power of natural selection to produce fitness advantages that drive population persistence and biological diversity. In contrast, evolution has rarely been studied through the lens of adaptation's complement, maladaptation. This contrast is surprising because maladaptation is a prevalent feature of evolution: population trait values are rarely distributed optimally; local populations often have lower fitness than imported ones; populations decline; and local and global extinctions are common. Yet we lack a general framework for understanding maladaptation; for instance in terms of distribution, severity, and dynamics. Similar uncertainties apply to the causes of maladaptation. We suggest that incorporating maladaptation-based perspectives into evolutionary biology would facilitate better understanding of the natural world. Approaches within a maladaptation framework might be especially profitable in applied evolution contexts – where reductions in fitness are common. Toward advancing a more balanced study of evolution, here we present a conceptual framework describing causes of maladaptation. As the introductory article for a Special Feature on maladaptation, we also summarize the studies in this Issue, highlighting the causes of maladaptation in each study. We hope that our framework and the papers in this Special Issue will help catalyze the study of maladaptation in applied evolution, supporting greater understanding of evolutionary dynamics in our rapidly changing world


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    What drives the emergence of new species has fascinated biologists since Darwin. Reproductive barriers to gene flow are a key step in the formation of species, and recent advances have shed new light on how these are established. Genetic, genomic, and comparative techniques, together with improved theoretical frameworks, are increasing our understanding of the underlying mechanisms. They are also helping us forecast speciation and reveal the impact of human activity

    Using δ13c Stable Isotopes To Quantify Individual-level Diet Variation

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    Individual-level diet variation can be easily quantified by gut-content analysis. However, because gut contents are a 'snapshot' of individuals' feeding habits, such cross-sectional data can be subject to sampling error and lead one to overestimate levels of diet variation. In contrast, stable isotopes reflect an individual's long-term diet, so isotope variation among individuals can be interpreted as diet variation. Nevertheless, population isotope variances alone cannot be directly compared among populations, because they depend on both the level of diet variation and the variance of prey isotope ratios. We developed a method to convert population isotope variances into a standardized index of individual specialization (WIC/TNW) that can be compared among populations, or to gut-content variation. We applied this method to diet and carbon isotope data of four species of frogs of the Brazilian savannah. Isotopes showed that gut contents provided a reliable measure of diet variation in three populations, but greatly overestimated diet variation in another population. Our method is sensitive to incomplete sampling of the prey and to among-individual variance in fractionation. Therefore, thorough sampling of prey and estimates of fractionation variance are desirable. Otherwise, the method is straightforward and provides a new tool for quantifying individual-level diet variation in natural populations that combines both gut-content and isotope data. © 2007 Springer-Verlag.1524643654Angerbjörn, A., Hersteinsson, P., Lidén, K., Nelson, E., Dietary variation in arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus)-an analysis of stable carbon isotopes (1994) Oecologia, 99, pp. 226-232Bolnick, D.I., Can intraspecific competition drive disruptive selection? An experimental test in natural populations of sticklebacks (2004) Evolution, 58, pp. 608-618Bolnick, D.I., Yang, L.H., Fordyce, J.A., Davis, J.M., Svanbäck, R., Measuring individual-level resource specialization (2002) Ecology, 83, pp. 2936-2941Bolnick, D.I., The ecology of individuals: Incidence and implications of individual specialization (2003) Am Nat, 161, pp. 1-28Borror, J.D., Delong, D.M., (1988) Introdução Ao Estudo Dos Insetos, , Edgar Bluchet Ltda São PauloBryan, J.E., Larkin, P.A., Food specialization by individual trout (1972) J Fish Res Board Can, 29, pp. 1615-1624Dalerum, F., Angerbjörn, A., Resolving temporal variation in vertebrate diets using naturally occuring stable isotopes (2005) Oecologia, 144, pp. 647-658Dieckmann, U., Doebeli, M., On the origin of species by sympatric speciation (1999) Nature, 400, pp. 354-357Durell, S.E., Individual feeding specialisation in shorebirds: Population consequences and conservation implications (2000) Biol Rev, 75, pp. 503-518Fermon, Y., Cibert, C., Ecomorphological individual variation in a population of Haplochromis nyererei from the Tanzanian part of Lake Victoria (1998) J Fish Biol, 53, pp. 66-83Fry, B., Joern, A., Parker, P.L., Grasshopper food web analysis: Use of carbon isotope ratios to examine feeding relationships among terrestrial herbivores (1978) Ecology, 59, pp. 498-506Gannes, L.Z., O'Brien, D.M., Del Rio, C.M., Stable isotopes in animal ecology: Assumptions, caveats, and a call for more laboratory experiments (1997) Ecology, 78, pp. 1271-1276Goodland, R., Ferri, G.M., (1979) Ecologia Do Cerrado, , Livraria Itatiaia Belo HorizonteGu, B., Schelske, C.L., Hoyer, M.V., Intrapopulation feeding diversity in blue tilapia: Evidence from stable-isotope analyses (1997) Ecology, 78, pp. 2263-2266Heinrich, B., "majoring" and "minoring" by foraging bumblebees, Bombus vagans: An experimental analysis (1979) Ecology, 60, pp. 245-255Hobson, K.A., Clark, R.G., Assessing avian diets using stable isotopes II: Factors influencing diet-tissue fractionation (1992) Condor, 94, pp. 189-197Hódar, J.A., The use of regression equations for estimation of arthropod biomass in ecological studies (1996) Acta Oecol, 17, pp. 421-433Kaehler, S., Pakhomov, E.A., Effects of storage and preservation on the δ13C and δ15N signatures of selected marine organisms (2001) Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 219, pp. 299-304Mndc, K., Giaretta, A.A., Reproductive ecology and behaviour of a species of Adenomera (Anura, Leptodactylidae) with endotrophic tadpoles: Systematic implications (2005) J Nat His, 39, pp. 1745-1758Lomnicki, A., Deangelis, D.L., Gross, L.J., Population ecology from the individual perpective (1992) Individual-based Models and Approaches in Ecology, pp. 3-17. , Routledge/Chapman & Hall London/New YorkMagnusson, W.E., Contributions of C3 and C4 plants to higher trophic levels in an Amazonian savanna (1999) Oecologia, 119Matthews, B., Mazumder, A., A critical evaluation of intrapopulation variation of δ13C and isotopic evidence of individual specialization (2004) Oecologia, 140, pp. 361-371Matthews, B., Mazumder, A., Consequences of large temporal variability of zooplankton δ15N for modeling fish tropic position and variation (2005) Limnol Oceanogr, 50, pp. 1404-1414(2002) The Cerrados of Brazil: Ecology and Natural History of a Neotropical Savanna, , Oliveira PS, Marquis RJ (eds) Columbia University Press, New YorkPaterson, G., Drouillard, K.G., Haffner, G.D., Quantifying resource partitioning in centrarchids with stable isotope analysis (2006) Limnol Oceanogr, 51, pp. 1038-1044Phillips, D.L., Gregg, J.W., Source partitioning using stable isotopes: Coping with too many sources (2003) Oecologia, 136, pp. 261-269Polis, G.A., Age structure component of niche width and intra-specific resource partitioning: Can age groups function as ecological species? (1984) Am Nat, 123, pp. 541-564Price, T., Diet variation in a population of Darwin's finches (1987) Ecology, 68, pp. 1015-1028Robinson, B.W., Wilson, D.S., Margosian, A.S., Lotito, P.T., Ecological and morphological differentiation of pumpkinseed sunfish in lakes without bluegill sunfish (1993) Evol Ecol, 7, pp. 451-464Rosa, R., Lima, S.C.C., Assunção, W.L., Abordagem preliminar das condições climáticas de Uberlândia (MG) (1991) Sociedade e Natureza, 3, pp. 91-108Roughgarden, J., Evolution of niche width (1972) Am Nat, 106, pp. 683-718Roughgarden, J., Niche width: Biogeographic patterns among Anolis lizard populations (1974) Am Nat, 108, pp. 429-442Roughgarden, J., (1979) Theory of Population Genetics and Evolutionary Ecology: An Introduction, , Macmillan New YorkSample, B.E., Cooper, R.J., Greer, R.D., Whitmore, R.C., Estimation of insect biomass by length and width (1992) Am Midl Nat, 129, pp. 234-240Schindler, D.E., Density-dependent changes in individual foraging specialization of largemouth bass (1997) Oecologia, 110, pp. 592-600Slatkin, M., Ecological causes of sexual dimorphism (1984) Evolution, 38, pp. 622-630Svanbäck, R., Bolnick, D.I., Intraspecific competition affects the strength of individual specialization: An optimal diet theory model (2005) Evol Ecol Res, 7, pp. 993-1012Swanson, B.O., Gibb, A.C., Marks, J.C., Hendrickson, D.A., Trophic polymorphism and behavioral differences decrease intraspecific competition in a cichilid, Herichthys minckleyi (2003) Ecology, 84, pp. 1441-1446Sweeting, C.J., Polunin, N.V.C., Jennings, S., Tissue and fixative dependent shifts of δ13C and δ15N in preserved ecological material (2004) Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 18, pp. 2587-2592Sweeting, C.J., Jennings, S., Polunin, N.V.C., Variance in isotopic signatures as a descriptor of tissue turnover and degree of omnivory (2005) Funct Ecol, 19, pp. 777-784Taper, M.L., Case, T.J., Quantitative genetic models for the coevolution of character displacement (1985) Ecology, 66, pp. 355-371Tieszen, L.L., Boutton, T.W., Tesdahl, K.G., Slade, N.A., Fractionation and turnover of stable carbon isotopes in animal tissues: Implications for δ13C analysis of diet (1983) Oecologia, 57, pp. 32-37Van Valen, L., Morphological variation and width of ecological niche (1965) Am Nat, 99, pp. 377-390Vander Zanden, M.J., Rasmussen, J.B., Variation in d15N and d13C trophic fractionation: Implications for aquatic food web studies (2001) Limnol Oceanogr, 46Warburton, K., Retif, S., Hume, D., Generalists as sequential specialists: Diets and prey switching in juvenile silver perch (1998) Environ Biol Fish, 51, pp. 445-454Werner, T.K., Sherry, T.W., Behavioral feeding specialization in Pinaroloxias inornata, the "darwin's Finch" of Cocos Island, Costa Rica (1987) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 84, pp. 5506-551

    Does plasticity enhance or dampen phenotypic parallelism? A test with three lake-stream stickleback pairs

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    Parallel (and convergent) phenotypic variation is most often studied in the wild, where it is difficult to disentangle genetic vs. environmentally induced effects. As a result, the potential contributions of phenotypic plasticity to parallelism (and nonparallelism) are rarely evaluated in a formal sense. Phenotypic parallelism could be enhanced by plasticity that causes stronger parallelism across populations in the wild than would be expected from genetic differences alone. Phenotypic parallelism could be dampened if sitespecific plasticity induced differences between otherwise genetically parallel populations. We used a common-garden study of three independent lake–stream stickleback population pairs to evaluate the extent to which adaptive divergence has a genetic or plastic basis, and to investigate the enhancing vs. dampening effects of plasticity on phenotypic parallelism. We found that lake–stream differences in most traits had a genetic basis, but that several traits also showed contributions from plasticity. Moreover, plasticity was much more prevalent in one watershed than in the other two. In most cases, plasticity enhanced phenotypic parallelism, whereas in a few cases, plasticity had a dampening effect. Genetic and plastic contributions to divergence seem to play a complimentary, likely adaptive, role in phenotypic parallelism of lake–stream stickleback. These findings highlight the value of formally comparing wild-caught and laboratory-reared individuals in the study of phenotypic parallelism