67 research outputs found

    Hit med nye frø af gamle sorter

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    Den stigende interesse for at dyrke grøntsager i sin egen mark, have, terrasse og urtepotte har øget efterspørgslen på frø af arter og sorter med særlige egenskaber. I nogle tilfælde er det ensbetydende med ”gamle sorter”, men det behøver ikke at være godt, bare fordi det er gammelt

    Frøproduktion af efter- og grøngødningsafgrøder

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    Frøproduktion af efter- og grøngødningsafgrøde

    Advances in Nutrient Management of Grass Seed Crops

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    Nutrient management of herbage grass seed crops is just as complex as for other agricultural crops when the aim is to optimise economic net return and minimise environmental impact. The use of economic optimum nitrogen (N) application rate (ECO-N) defined as the N application rate that maximise net return for the seed grower is an easy and applicable method for seed growers. Besides the economic advantages of implementing ECO-N there is an additional positive environmental effect as ECO-N is lower than the N rate that maximises seed yield and a lower N application rate will concomitantly lower the potential risk of N leaching. Another interesting but not yet implemented method for N management in grass seed production is the use of canopy reflectance and calculation of crop index or using data for multivariate data analysis to measure plant N status and predict seed yield. The use of canopy reflectance in combination with critical N dilution curves is very interesting and promising. The practical way of using these methods would be to measure plant N status, compare estimated plant N status with critical N status and intervene by applying more N if necessary. Grass seed production is a biological complex process and focusing on N will only succeed if other nutrients, water and the seed yield potential are not a limiting factor for the final seed yield

    Hvad er værdien af genetisk mangfoldighed i jordbruget?

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    Indlæg ved Plantekongres 2019: Hvad er værdien af genetisk mangfoldighed i jordbruget

    Nitrogen Uptake and Utilisation in Red Fescue (\u3cem\u3eFestuca rubra\u3c/em\u3e var. \u3cem\u3erubra\u3c/em\u3e) for Seed Production

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    Application and utilisation of nitrogen (N) is important from both an agronomic and environmental point of view. Increased utilisation of applied N will increase seed yield and the amount of N removed in the harvested straw and seed and concomitantly lower the amount of N than can potentially leach to ground and surface water. From an agronomic viewpoint it is important to understand the relationship between higher N uptake and seed yield. We know from several field experiments that the current year has a large impact on the uptake and utilisation of applied N due to soil available water, temperature and precipitation. On the other hand we have only limited knowledge in the area of utilisation of seed yield potential in combination with utilisation of N. Aims of the current study were therefore to explain seed yield increase by nitrogen (N) use efficiency (NUE), N uptake efficiency (NUpE), N utilization efficiency (NUtE) and number of fertile tillers in two red fescue field experiments in 2004 and 2005

    Identifikation af nye arter til frøproduktion - frøbehandling

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    PowerPoint præsentation: Identifikation af nye arter til frøproduktion - frøbehandlin

    Sen afpudsning begrænser angreb af kløversnudebiller

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    Hvidkløver til frø er usikker at dyrke - selv i konventionel produktion. Det er svært at opnå en passende tæthed af planter, undgå ukrudt og få afgrøden skårlagt og høstet under gunstige vejrforhold. Som økolog må man samtidig acceptere, at der er kløversnudebiller i marken. Og at billernes larver ernærer sig af hvidkløverfrø

    Høj kvalitet af grønsagsfrø ved tunnelproduktion

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    Der har tidligere været produktion af mange forskellige grønsager i Danmark, men for nogle arter, som fx gulerod, er produktionen flyttet til Frankrig og Italien, hvor der opnås en højere frøkvalitet. I Forskningsprogram frøavl II blev det besluttet at undersøge, om økologisk produktion af grønsagsfrø kan gennemføres i tunneller i Danmark. Siden år 2000 er der dyrket gulerod, porre og blomkål i en 5 x 50 m stor tunnel opstillet ved Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, Forskningscenter Flakkebjerg

    Ukrudtsbekæmpelse ved udlæg af græsfrø på økologiske frøavlsbedrifter

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    Resultater og erfaringer med ukrudtsbekæmpelse i græsfrøudlæg til økologisk produktion af græsfr