366 research outputs found

    Schr\"odinger Deformations of AdS_3 x S^3

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    We study Schr\"odinger invariant deformations of the AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4 (or K3) solution of IIB supergravity and find a large class of solutions with integer and half-integer dynamical exponents. We analyze the supersymmetries preserved by our solutions and find an infinite number of solutions with four supersymmetries. We study the solutions holographically and find that the dual D1-D5 (or F1-NS5) CFT is deformed by irrelevant operators of spin one and two.Comment: 23 page

    A soliton menagerie in AdS

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    We explore the behaviour of charged scalar solitons in asymptotically global AdS4 spacetimes. This is motivated in part by attempting to identify under what circumstances such objects can become large relative to the AdS length scale. We demonstrate that such solitons generically do get large and in fact in the planar limit smoothly connect up with the zero temperature limit of planar scalar hair black holes. In particular, for given Lagrangian parameters we encounter multiple branches of solitons: some which are perturbatively connected to the AdS vacuum and surprisingly, some which are not. We explore the phase space of solutions by tuning the charge of the scalar field and changing scalar boundary conditions at AdS asymptopia, finding intriguing critical behaviour as a function of these parameters. We demonstrate these features not only for phenomenologically motivated gravitational Abelian-Higgs models, but also for models that can be consistently embedded into eleven dimensional supergravity.Comment: 62 pages, 21 figures. v2: added refs and comments and updated appendice

    High pressure investigation of the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet U_3Ni_5Al_19

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    Measurements of magnetic susceptibility, specific heat, and electrical resistivity at applied pressures up to 55 kbar have been carried out on single crystals of the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet U_3Ni_5Al_19, which crystallizes in the Gd_3Ni_5Al_19 orthorhombic structure with two inequivalent U sites. At ambient pressure, a logarithmic T-dependence of the specific heat and T-linear electrical resistivity below 5 K indicates non-Fermi liquid (NFL) behavior in the presence of bulk antiferromagnetic order at T_N=23 K. Electrical resistivity measurements reveal a crossover from non-Fermi liquid to Fermi liquid behavior at intermediate pressures between 46 kbar and 51 kbar, followed by a return to NFL T^{3/2} behavior at higher pressures. These results provide evidence for an ambient pressure quantum critical point and an additional antiferromagnetic instability at P_c=60 kbar.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    KK-Masses in Dipole Deformed Field Theories

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    We reconsider aspects of non-commutative dipole deformations of field theories. Among our findings there are hints to new phases with spontaneous breaking of translation invariance (stripe phases), similar to what happens in Moyal-deformed field theories. Furthermore, using zeta-function regularization, we calculate quantum corrections to KK-state masses. The corrections coming from non-planar diagrams show interesting but non-universal behaviour. Depending on the type of interaction the corrections can make the KK-states very heavy but also very light or even tachyonic. Finally we point out that the dipole deformation of QED is not renormalizable!Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, uses axodraw.sty, JHEP3.cls; v2:revised version with minor change

    Holographic renormalization and supersymmetry

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    Holographic renormalization is a systematic procedure for regulating divergences in observables in asymptotically locally AdS spacetimes. For dual boundary field theories which are supersymmetric it is natural to ask whether this defines a supersymmetric renormalization scheme. Recent results in localization have brought this question into sharp focus: rigid supersymmetry on a curved boundary requires specific geometric structures, and general arguments imply that BPS observables, such as the partition function, are invariant under certain deformations of these structures. One can then ask if the dual holographic observables are similarly invariant. We study this question in minimal N = 2 gauged supergravity in four and five dimensions. In four dimensions we show that holographic renormalization precisely reproduces the expected field theory results. In five dimensions we find that no choice of standard holographic counterterms is compatible with supersymmetry, which leads us to introduce novel finite boundary terms. For a class of solutions satisfying certain topological assumptions we provide some independent tests of these new boundary terms, in particular showing that they reproduce the expected VEVs of conserved charges.Comment: 70 pages; corrected typo

    Constructing Lifshitz solutions from AdS

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    Under general assumptions, we show that a gravitational theory in d+1 dimensions admitting an AdS solution can be reduced to a d-dimensional theory containing a Lifshitz solution with dynamical exponent z=2. Working in a d=4, N=2 supergravity setup, we prove that if the AdS background is N=2 supersymmetric, then the Lifshitz geometry preserves 1/4 of the supercharges, and we construct the corresponding Killing spinors. We illustrate these results in examples from supersymmetric consistent truncations of type IIB supergravity, enhancing the class of known 4-dimensional Lifshitz solutions of string theory. As a byproduct, we find a new AdS4 x S1 x T(1,1) solution of type IIB.Comment: 29 pages, no figures; v2 minor corrections, a reference adde

    Holographic Studies of Entanglement Entropy in Superconductors

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    We present the results of our studies of the entanglement entropy of a superconducting system described holographically as a fully back-reacted gravity system, with a stable ground state. We use the holographic prescription for the entanglement entropy. We uncover the behavior of the entropy across the superconducting phase transition, showing the reorganization of the degrees of freedom of the system. We exhibit the behaviour of the entanglement entropy from the superconducting transition all the way down to the ground state at T=0. In some cases, we also observe a novel transition in the entanglement entropy at intermediate temperatures, resulting from the detection of an additional length scale.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures. v2:Clarified some remarks concerning stability. v3: Updated to the version that appears in JHE

    Supersymmetric IIB Solutions with Schr\"{o}dinger Symmetry

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    We find a class of non-relativistic supersymmetric solutions of IIB supergravity with non-trivial B-field that have dynamical exponent n=2 and are invariant under the Schrodinger group. For a general Sasaki-Einstein internal manifold with U(1)^3 isometry, the solutions have two real supercharges. When the internal manifold is S^5, the number of supercharges can be four. We also find a large class of non-relativistic scale invariant type IIB solutions with dynamical exponents different from two. The explicit solutions and the values of the dynamical exponents are determined by vector eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the Laplacian on an Einstein manifold.Comment: 28 pages, LaTe

    Semiclassical Strings, Dipole Deformations of N=1 SYM and Decoupling of KK Modes

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    In this paper we investigate the recently found Îł\gamma-deformed Maldacena-Nunez background by studying the behavior of different semiclassical string configurations. This background is conjectured to be dual to dipole deformations of N=1\N=1 SYM. We compare our results to those in the pure Maldacena-Nunez background and show that the energies of our string configurations are higher than in the undeformed background. Thinking in the lines of (hep-th/0505100) we argue that this is an evidence for better decoupling of the Kaluza-Klein modes from the pure SYM theory excitations. Moreover we are able to find a limit of the background in which the string energy is independent of Îł\gamma, these strings are interpreted as corresponding to pure gauge theory effects.Comment: 31 pages, references added, new solutions in Section 7 presented, an appendix added, to appear in JHE
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