41 research outputs found

    With an open mind:Psychopathology and brain development throughout childhood and adolescence

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    This thesis addresses the development of psychopathology across childhood and adolescence. Studies address the continuity of psychopathology, associations with cognition and sleep, as well as brain development in children and adolescents with psychopathology. As a secondary goal, work in this thesis stimulates the use of open research practices

    With an open mind:Psychopathology and brain development throughout childhood and adolescence

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    This thesis addresses the development of psychopathology across childhood and adolescence. Studies address the continuity of psychopathology, associations with cognition and sleep, as well as brain development in children and adolescents with psychopathology. As a secondary goal, work in this thesis stimulates the use of open research practices

    The longitudinal bidirectional relationship between autistic traits and brain morphology from childhood to adolescence:a population-based cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: Autistic traits are associated with alterations in brain morphology. However, the anatomic location of these differences and their developmental trajectories are unclear. The primary objective of this longitudinal study was to explore the bidirectional relationship between autistic traits and brain morphology from childhood to adolescence. METHOD: Participants were drawn from a population-based cohort. Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses included 1950 (mean age 13.5) and 304 participants (mean ages 6.2 and 13.5), respectively. Autistic traits were measured with the Social Responsiveness Scale. Global brain measures and surface-based measures of gyrification, cortical thickness and surface area were obtained from T(1)-weighted MRI scans. Cross-sectional associations were assessed using linear regression analyses. Cross-lagged panel models were used to determine the longitudinal bidirectional relationship between autistic traits and brain morphology. RESULTS: Cross-sectionally, higher levels of autistic traits in adolescents are associated with lower gyrification in the pars opercularis, insula and superior temporal cortex; smaller surface area in the middle temporal and postcentral cortex; larger cortical thickness in the superior frontal cortex; and smaller cerebellum cortex volume. Longitudinally, both autistic traits and brain measures were quite stable, with neither brain measures predicting changes in autistic traits, nor vice-versa. LIMITATIONS: Autistic traits were assessed at only two time points, and thus we could not distinguish within- versus between-person effects. Furthermore, two different MRI scanners were used between baseline and follow-up for imaging data acquisition. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings point to early changes in brain morphology in children with autistic symptoms that remain quite stable over time. The observed relationship did not change substantially after excluding children with high levels of autistic traits, bolstering the evidence for the extension of the neurobiology of autistic traits to the general population. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13229-022-00504-7

    What senior academics can do to support reproducible and open research

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    Increasingly, policies are being introduced to reward and recognise open research practices, while the adoption of such practices into research routines is being facilitated by many grassroots initiatives. However, despite this widespread endorsement and support, open research is yet to be widely adopted, with early career researchers being the notable exception. For open research to become the norm, initiatives should engage academics from all career stages, particularly senior academics (namely senior lecturers, readers, professors) given their routine involvement in determining the quality of research. Senior academics, however, face unique challenges in implementing policy change and supporting grassroots initiatives. Given that - like all researchers - senior academics are motivated by self-interest, this paper lays out three feasible steps that senior academics can take to improve the quality and productivity of their research, that also serve to engender open research. These steps include a) change hiring criteria, b) change how scholarly outputs are credited, and c) change to funding and publishing with open research. The guidance we provide is accompanied by live, crowd-sourced material for further reading

    Child mental health problems as a risk factor for academic underachievement:A multi-informant, population-based study

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether child mental health problems prospectively associate with IQ‐achievement discrepancy (i.e., academic under‐ and over‐achievement) in emerging adolescence. The secondary aims were to test whether these associations are specific to certain mental health problems, to assess potential sex differences, and to examine whether associations are robustly observed across multiple informants (i.e., maternal and teacher‐reports). METHODS: This study included 1,577 children from the population‐based birth cohort the Generation R Study. Child mental health problems at age 6 were assessed by mothers and teachers using the Child Behavior Checklist and the Teacher's Report Form. The IQ‐achievement discrepancy was quantified as the standardized residuals of academic achievement regressed on IQ, where IQ was measured with four tasks from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children‐Fifth Edition around age 13 and academic attainment was measured with the Cito test, a national Dutch academic test, at the end of elementary school (12 years of age). RESULTS: Mental health problems at age 6 were associated with IQ‐achievement discrepancy at age 12, with more problems associating with greater academic underachievement. When examining specific mental health problems, we found that attention problems was the only mental health problem to independently associate with the IQ‐achievement discrepancy (adjusted standardized difference per 1‐standard deviation, mother: −0.11, p < 0.001, 95% CI [−0.16, −0.06]; teacher: −0.13, p < 0.001, 95% CI [−0.18, −0.08]). These associations remained after adjusting for co‐occurring mental health problems. The overall pattern of associations was consistent across boys and girls and across informants. CONCLUSION: Mental health problems during the transition from kindergarten to elementary school associate with academic underachievement at the end of elementary school. These associations were primarily driven by attention problems, as rated by both mothers and teachers—suggesting that strategies targeting attention problems may be a particularly promising avenue for improving educational performance irrespective of IQ, although this should be established more thoroughly through further research

    The Association Between Prenatal Infection and Adolescent Behavior:Investigating Multiple Prenatal, Perinatal, and Childhood Second Hits

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    Objective: Exposure to infection during pregnancy may be a potential risk factor for later psychopathology, but large-scale epidemiological studies investigating associations between prenatal infection and long-term offspring behavioral problems in the general population are scarce. In our study, we aimed to investigate (1) the association between prenatal infection and adolescent behavior, (2) putative underlying pathways (mediation) and (3) ‘second hits’ interacting with prenatal infection to increase the risk of adolescent behavior problems (moderation).Method: Our study was embedded in a prospective Dutch pregnancy cohort (Generation R; n=2,213 mother-child dyads). We constructed a comprehensive prenatal infection score comprising common infections for each trimester of pregnancy. At age 13-16 years, we assessed total, internalizing, and externalizing problems, and autistic traits using the Child Behavioral Checklist and the Social Responsiveness Scale, respectively. We investigated maternal lifestyle and nutrition, perinatal (placental health and delivery outcomes) and child health (lifestyle, traumatic events, infections) as mediators and moderators.Results: We observed associations of prenatal infection with adolescent total behavioral, internalizing, and externalizing problems. The association between prenatal infection and internalizing problems was moderated by higher levels of maternal psychopathology, alcohol and tobacco use, and a higher number of traumatic childhood events. We found no association between prenatal infection and autistic traits. Yet, children exposed to prenatal infections and maternal substance use, and/or traumatic childhood events had a higher risk of adolescent autistic traits.Conclusion: Prenatal infection may be a risk factor for later psychiatric problems as well as a disease primer making individuals susceptible to other hits later in life. <br/

    Bayesian evidence synthesis in case of multi-cohort datasets:An illustration by multi-informant differences in self-control

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    Abstract The trend toward large-scale collaborative studies gives rise to the challenge of combining data from different sources efficiently. Here, we demonstrate how Bayesian evidence synthesis can be used to quantify and compare support for competing hypotheses and to aggregate this support over studies. We applied this method to study the ordering of multi-informant scores on the ASEBA Self Control Scale (ASCS), employing a multi-cohort design with data from four Dutch cohorts. Self-control reports were collected from mothers, fathers, teachers and children themselves. The available set of reporters differed between cohorts, so in each cohort varying components of the overarching hypotheses were evaluated. We found consistent support for the partial hypothesis that parents reported more self-control problems than teachers. Furthermore, the aggregated results indicate most support for the combined hypothesis that children report most problem behaviors, followed by their mothers and fathers, and that teachers report the fewest problems. However, there was considerable inconsistency across cohorts regarding the rank order of children’s reports. This article illustrates Bayesian evidence synthesis as a method when some of the cohorts only have data to evaluate a partial hypothesis. With Bayesian evidence synthesis, these cohorts can still contribute to the aggregated results

    The association between body mass index and brain morphology in children: a population-based study

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    Brain morphology is altered in both anorexia nervosa and obesity. However, it is yet unclear if the relationship between Body Mass Index-Standard Deviation Score (BMI-SDS) and brain morphology exists across the BMI-SDS spectrum, or is present only in the extremes. The study involved 3160 9-to-11 year-old children (50.3% female) who participate in Generation R, a population-based study. Structural MRI scans were obtained from all children and FreeSurfer was used to quantify both global and surface-based measures of gyrification and cortical thickness. Body length and weight were measured to calculate BMI. Dutch growth curves were used to calculate BMI-SDS. BMI-SDS was analyzed continuously and in two categories (median split). The relationship between BMI-SDS (range − 3.82 to 3.31) and gyrification showed an inverted-U shape curve in children with both lower and higher BMI-SDS values having lower gyrification in widespread areas of the brain. BMI-SDS had a positive linear association with cortical thickness in multiple brain regions. This study provides evidence for an association between BMI-SDS and brain morphology in a large sample of children from the general population and suggests that a normal BMI during childhood is important for brain development. Future studies could determine whether lifestyle modifications optimize BMI-SDS result in return to more typical patterns of brain morphology

    Bayesian evidence synthesis in case of multi-cohort datasets: An illustration by multi-informant differences in self-control

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    The trend toward large-scale collaborative studies gives rise to the challenge of combining data from different sources efficiently. Here, we demonstrate how Bayesian evidence synthesis can be used to quantify and compare support for competing hypotheses and to aggregate this support over studies. We applied this method to study the ordering of multi-informant scores on the ASEBA Self Control Scale (ASCS), employing a multi-cohort design with data from four Dutch cohorts. Self-control reports were collected from mothers, fathers, teachers and children themselves. The available set of reporters differed between cohorts, so in each cohort varying components of the overarching hypotheses were evaluated. We found consistent support for the partial hypothesis that parents reported more self-control problems than teachers. Furthermore, the aggregated results indicate most support for the combined hypothesis that children report most problem behaviors, followed by their mothers and fathers, and that teachers report the fewest problems. However, there was considerable inconsistency across cohorts regarding the rank order of children's reports. This article illustrates Bayesian evidence synthesis as a method when some of the cohorts only have data to ev