1 research outputs found
Scientific Opinion on the assessment of dairy cow welfare in smallâscale farming systems
- Author
- Abuelo
- Alawneh
- Alawneh
- Alban
- Alban
- Alban
- Alsaaod
- Alvasen
- Alvasen
- Amory
- Arnott
- Atashi
- Baird
- Bareille
- Barker
- Barker
- Barker
- Barrier
- Barrier
- Barrier
- Barrier
- Barrier
- Beaudeau
- Becker
- Becker
- Becker
- Bendixen
- Bennedsgaard
- Bensaha
- Benzaquen
- Berchtold
- Berge
- Bergsten
- Bergsten
- Bicalho
- Bicalho
- Bielfeldt
- Blackie
- BlaĆŸejczykâMajka
- BonnevilleâHebert
- Bramley
- Breiman
- Brenninkmeyer
- Brown
- Bruijnis
- Bruun
- Burow
- Burow
- Calamari
- Catrileo
- Chambers
- Chapinal
- Chapinal
- Chapinal
- Chavent
- Chesterton
- CicconiâHogan
- CicconiâHogan
- Clarkson
- Clarkson
- Coignard
- Coleman
- Collard
- Compton
- Coneglian
- Cook
- Cook
- Cook
- Correa
- Costa
- Cox
- Cox
- Curtis
- Cyples
- Dantzer
- De Nardi
- De Vries
- Dimitri
- Dippel
- Dippel
- Donovan
- Dubuc
- Dufour
- EEA (European Environment Agency)
- EFSA (European Food Safety Authority)
- Elbers
- Erb
- Espejo
- Esposito
- Fabian
- Fall
- Fall
- FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
- FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
- Faye
- Ferris
- Fjeldaas
- Fogsgaard
- Fogsgaard
- Fourichon
- Galvao
- Galvao
- Gandini
- Gandini
- Gao
- Garcia
- Garcia
- Garro
- Gitau
- Giuliodori
- Goff
- Golder
- Goldhawk
- Gordon
- Green
- Greghi
- Groenevelt
- Groenevelt
- Gröhn
- Gröhn
- Guo
- Gustafson
- Gustafson
- Gustafsson
- Hamilton
- Hardeng
- Haskell
- Haskell
- Heath
- Heilig
- Hernandez
- HernandezâMendo
- Hiemstra
- Hoedemaker
- Holzhauer
- Holzhauer
- Honorato
- HosseinâZadeh
- HosseinâZadeh
- Hovi
- Huang
- Hubert
- Huxley
- Huxley
- Ingvartsen
- Itle
- Ito
- Ivemeyer
- Jawor
- Julien
- Kaneene
- Keil
- Kielland
- Kleen
- Kmicikewycz
- Koeck
- Koeck
- Koepf
- Kristiansen
- Kronfeld
- Kujala
- Kujala
- KupczyĆski
- Leach
- Leach
- Leach
- Lean
- Lean
- Lean
- LeBlanc
- Lim
- Livesey
- Loberg
- Loker
- Lund
- Madouasse
- Maizon
- Manson
- Manson
- Manson
- Martinez
- Mata
- Mattiello
- Maulfair
- Mayen
- McDougall
- MedranoâGalarza
- Mee
- Mee
- Mee
- MiguelâPacheco
- Mill
- Morris
- Moya
- Mulligan
- MĂŒllerâLindenlauf
- Nasrollahi
- Navarro
- Nielsen
- Nocek
- Norring
- Notz
- Nyman
- Nyman
- Nyman
- O'Driscoll
- O'Driscoll
- O'Driscoll
- Oikawa
- Olson
- Onyiro
- Padel
- Palmer
- Pastell
- Perea
- Piepers
- Pol
- Popescu
- Proudfoot
- Qu
- Regula
- Reijs
- Ribeiro
- Richert
- Richert
- Richert
- RouhaâMĂŒlleder
- Ruegg
- Rutherford
- Ruud
- Sant'anna
- SantmanâBerends
- Sarjokari
- Schulz
- SepulvedaâVaras
- SepulvedaâVaras
- Shoshani
- Simensen
- Simoes
- SkarĆŒyĆska
- Smith
- Sogstad
- Somers
- Stafford
- StengÀrde
- Stevenson
- Stiglbauer
- Sullivan
- Sundrum
- Suthar
- Svensson
- Thoefner
- Tranter
- Trevisi
- Vaarst
- Vaarst
- Vaarst
- Valle
- Van Hertem
- Van Knegsel
- Vanholder
- Vermunt
- Von Borell
- Von Keyserlingk
- Vyas
- Ward
- Wells
- Wells
- Westwood
- Yin
- Yunta
- Zurbrigg
- Zwald
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study