16 research outputs found

    Methodology of Big Data acquisition from mobile telephony and possibilities of their use in travel modelling

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    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie przykładowych możliwych źródeł danych o wielkim wolumenie (Big Data) ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem metody pozyskania danych z telefonii komórkowej – kart SIM oraz potencjału ich wykorzystania w modelowaniu podróży na poziomie makroskopowym. Na podstawie doświadczeń zdobytych podczas zakupu danych typu big data od kilku dostawców dla jednostek samorządowych w województwie pomorskim opisano najważniejsze zagadnienia metodyczne związane problematyką pozyskania i weryfikacji danych Big Data o rozmieszczeniu i przemieszczeniach ludności.The objective of this article is to present examples of possible data sources of great volume (Big Data) with particular emphasis on methods of obtaining data from mobile networks (SIM cards) and potential for its application in travel modelling on a macroscopic level. Based on experience gained during purchasing Big Data from several providers for regional government units in the Pomeranian voivodeship, the most essential methodical issues of data collecting and verification about population location and trips were described

    Research on residents' travel for the mode choice modeling

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    Modelowanie wyboru środka transportu jest zagadnieniem złożonym i wymaga zastosowania zaawansowanych narzędzi matematycznych, jak również wiarygodnych danych wejściowych, pozyskiwanych przede wszystkim z kompleksowych badań ruchu. Zarówno polskie, jak i zagraniczne źródła literatury zalecają uwzględnienie w modelowaniu wyboru środka transportu nie tylko odległości oraz czasu podroży, ale także innych zmiennych. Pozyskanie wartości dla większości z tych zmiennych powinno zachodzić w ramach kompleksowych badań ruchu, które różnią się swym zakresem oraz metodologią w poszczególnych miastach. W artykule streszczono główne wyniki prac autora w zakresie modelowania podziału zadań przewozowych oraz wskazano czynniki, dla których zaleca się pozyskiwać dane w ramach kompleksowych badań ruchu na potrzeby modelowania wyboru środka transportu.The mode choice modeling is a complex issue and requires the use of advanced mathematical tools, as well as reliable input data, obtained primarily from comprehensive traffic research. Both Polish and foreign sources of literature recommend in mode choice modeling considering not only distance and travel time, but also other variables. Acquisition of values for many of these variables should take place as part of comprehensive traffic surveys, which differ in their scope, and methodology in individual cities. The article summarizes the main results of the author's work in the area of mode choice modeling and indicates the factors for which it is recommended to acquire data as part of comprehensive traffic studies for that researches

    Problems of planning development of the transport system in metropolitan areas on the example of the Gdansk-Gdynia-Sopot metropolitan area

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    Problemy rozwoju systemów transportowych w metropoliach wynikają ze specyfiki tych obszarów, ich skali i struktury przestrzennej. Obszary te charakteryzują się dużą wewnętrzną integracją funkcjonalną oraz dobrze rozwiniętą siecią transportową. Dynamicznie rozwijające się obszary metropolitalne mają odrębne systemy zarządzania finansami, rozwiązania prawne oraz administrację, a także własne organy planowania i zarządzania, które mogą dokonywać zmian jakościowych, w tym w zakresie rozwoju systemów transportowych. Brak tych systemów i organów powoduje problemy w transporcie i zbyt wolne tempo zmian jakościowych. Pomimo skoku cywilizacyjnego dokonanego w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu w zakresie planowanych inwestycji transportowych, cały system transportowy naszej metropolii ma wiele słabych stron. W artykule przedstawiono problemy planowania rozwoju systemu transportowego w obszarach metropolitalnych na przykładzie Obszaru Metropolitalnego Gdańsk-Gdynia-SopotThe problems of the development of transport systems in metropolitan areas arise from the specific features of this area, its scale and spatial structure. These areas are characterized by a large scale of internal functional integration (strong functional links) and a well-developed transport network. The rapidly developing metropolitan areas have a distinct system of financial and legal and administrative management and their own planning and management bodies capable of making qualitative changes, including in the development of transport systems. The lack of these systems and bodies is causing problems in transport operations in metropolitan areas and too slow pace of qualitative changes. Despite the civilizational leap that has been made in the last decade in the field of planned transport investments, the whole transport system has many weak points. The paper presents problems of planning development of the transport system in metropolitan areas on the example of the Gdansk-Gdynia-Sopot metropolitan area

    Modelling the loss of time caused by traffic incidents on motorways

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    For each road incident important factors like location, capacity reduction, traffic management, duration of road incidents and amount of traffic should be defined. All performer operations and effects of incidents affect the capacity of the road, average speed, time loss, vehicle queues and traffic jams. In the article road incidents were divided into planned and unexpected. Statistical analysis prepared using the database of traffic events which occurred on highways and expressways in Pomeranian Voivodeship is presented considering location of incidents on each road, frequency and duration of incidents and duration of rescue operation. Furthermore, the cases used to calibrate the model are characterised. Subsequently, the method of estimation of time loss resulting from incidents is presented. Within the methodology, mathematical and simulation models are distinguished. The tools for dynamic traffic modelling are also presented. In the last part of the article, the method of calculation value of time loss is presented

    Modelling the loss of time caused by traffic incidents on motorways

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    For each road incident important factors like location, capacity reduction, traffic management, duration of road incidents and amount of traffic should be defined. All performer operations and effects of incidents affect the capacity of the road, average speed, time loss, vehicle queues and traffic jams. In the article road incidents were divided into planned and unexpected. Statistical analysis prepared using the database of traffic events which occurred on highways and expressways in Pomeranian Voivodeship is presented considering location of incidents on each road, frequency and duration of incidents and duration of rescue operation. Furthermore, the cases used to calibrate the model are characterised. Subsequently, the method of estimation of time loss resulting from incidents is presented. Within the methodology, mathematical and simulation models are distinguished. The tools for dynamic traffic modelling are also presented. In the last part of the article, the method of calculation value of time loss is presented

    Identification of safety hazards and their sources in tram transport

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    Both in Poland and in most countries of the European Union, the tram infrastructure is extensively expanding. Contemporary low-floor trams are constructed according to different technical assumptions than typical railway vehicles or high floor trams. In Poland such vehicles rides often on lines designed according to standards developed to the classical vehicles. At the same time, the intensity of road traffic and the number of people using cycling are increasing in cities, which causes into a greater number of dangerous situations at the contact points between various modes of transport. The scope of this article is the analysis of safety hazards in tram transportation and indication of methods for their reduction. It will be a specific analysis of the risk occurring in tram transport. The article presents a division and description of factors that pose a safety hazard to tram traffic. Threats were divided due to the reason for its occuring and due to its effects. The reasons were divided into Human Factor – Vehicle – Road – Traffic - Surroundings. Based on the analysis conducted on the tram network in Gdańsk and on the used rolling stock, the main safety hazards of tram traffic were identified

    Identification of safety hazards and their sources in tram transport

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    Both in Poland and in most countries of the European Union, the tram infrastructure is extensively expanding. Contemporary low-floor trams are constructed according to different technical assumptions than typical railway vehicles or high floor trams. In Poland such vehicles rides often on lines designed according to standards developed to the classical vehicles. At the same time, the intensity of road traffic and the number of people using cycling are increasing in cities, which causes into a greater number of dangerous situations at the contact points between various modes of transport. The scope of this article is the analysis of safety hazards in tram transportation and indication of methods for their reduction. It will be a specific analysis of the risk occurring in tram transport. The article presents a division and description of factors that pose a safety hazard to tram traffic. Threats were divided due to the reason for its occuring and due to its effects. The reasons were divided into Human Factor – Vehicle – Road – Traffic - Surroundings. Based on the analysis conducted on the tram network in Gdańsk and on the used rolling stock, the main safety hazards of tram traffic were identified

    Bicycle Traffic Model for Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning

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    Modelling tools and transport models are required to assess the impact of measures for the effective planning of cycling routes in cities. This paper presents the methodology for developing a four-stage macroscopic model of bicycle traffic for the city of Gdynia, and its use in planning new bicycle routes, considering a modal shift. The model presented in this paper allows for the evaluation of the influence of the characteristics of the cycling infrastructure, along with the development of the cycling network based on the choice of cycling as an alternative to other modes of transport, by taking into account the modal shift. The model takes into account the influence of the longitudinal gradient, link, and surface type of cycling routes on the distribution and demand for bicycle traffic. The results of our research allow us to assess the impact of planned cycling routes on the reduction in the volume of car traffic, which is crucial for reducing energy consumption and negative environmental impacts. Experiences from the application of the model in Gdynia suggest that the model provides a strong basis to support mobility planning and monitoring processes in cities worldwide. Cities should take into account the methods proposed in this paper when planning the development of their transport systems

    Methodology for assessing the safety of tram transport in Gdańsk

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    Zarówno w Polsce, jak i w większości krajów Unii Europejskiej infrastruktura tramwajowa intensywnie się rozwija. Współczesne tramwaje niskopodłogowe zbudowane konstruowane są zgodnie z innymi rozwiązaniami technicznymi niż typowe pojazdy szynowe lub tramwaje wysokopodłogowe. W Polsce takie pojazdy jeżdżą często na liniach zaprojektowanych zgodnie ze standardami opracowanymi dla klasycznych pojazdów. Jednocześnie zwiększa się natężenie ruchu drogowego i liczba osób korzystających z rowerów w miastach, co powoduje większą liczbę niebezpiecznych sytuacji w punktach kontaktowych między różnymi środkami transportu. Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa w transporcie tramwajowym oraz wskazanie metod ich redukcji. Jest to swoista analiza ryzyka występującego w transporcie tramwajowym. W artykule przedstawiono podział i opis czynników, które stanowią zagrożenie bezpieczeństwa dla ruchu tramwajowego. Zagrożenia zostały podzielone ze względu na przyczyny i skutki. Powody zostały podzielone na czynnik ludzki – pojazd – ruch drogowy – otoczenie. Na podstawie analizy przeprowadzonej na sieci tramwajowej w Gdańsku oraz na wykorzystywanym w Gdańsku taborze, zidentyfikowano główne zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa ruchu tramwajowego.Both in Poland and in most of the countries in European Union, the tram infrastructure is developing intensively. Contemporary low-floor trams are constructed on the base of different technical solutions than typical rail vehicles or high-floor trams. In Poland, such vehicles often operate on lines designed in accordance with standards developed for typical rail vehicles. At the same time, the volume of road traffic and the number of people who use bicycles in cities is increasing, causing more dangerous situations at contact points of different modes of transport. The article is devoted to the analysis of safety hazards in tram transport and the indication of methods for their reduction. It is a specific analysis of the risk occurring in tram transport. The article presents the division and description of factors causing a threat to the safety of tram traffic. Threats have been divided for reasons and effects. Among reasons the human factor – vehicle – traffic – surroundings have been listed. Based on the analysis carried out on the tram network in Gdańsk and on the rolling stock used in Gdańsk, the main threats to tram traffic safety were identified

    Growing role of walking and cycling and the associated risks

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    Increasing the role of active mobility, including walking and cycling, is one of the tools for developing sustainable urban transport systems as recommended by the EU. The article describes the trends in pedestrian and bicycle traffic in Poland and its share in urban modal split. It identifies and describes the main sources of risks to pedestrian and cycle safety. Recommendations are proposed on how to ensure that pedestrians and cyclists can use traffic safely