25 research outputs found

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    Le boom rĂ©cent de l’art actuel en Turquie traduit l’élargissement du marchĂ© international de l’art contemporain aux pays souvent considĂ©rĂ©s comme pĂ©riphĂ©riques. L’augmentation sensible du nombre des institutions et des collectionneurs ces derniĂšres annĂ©es cache un long processus de modernisation qui s’est inscrit dans la formation du champ artistique turc au milieu du xixe siĂšcle. Les rĂ©formistes ottomans et les rĂ©publicains jacobins ont encouragĂ© l’importation des courants artistiques occidentaux en Turquie. Lorsque l’État turc a rĂ©duit l’importance accordĂ©e Ă  la culture avec la dĂ©mocratisation du pays, le pouvoir Ă©conomique naissant s’est associĂ© au champ politique dans la mise en Ɠuvre de la politique culturelle, renforçant ainsi le processus de lĂ©gitimation de la bourgeoisie comme classe dominante. La reproduction des idĂ©aux politiques au sein du mĂ©cĂ©nat culturel est suivie d’une reconversion culturelle des Ă©lites Ă©conomiques qui vient affermir l’intĂ©gration de l’art contemporain turc dans le marchĂ© international de l’art.The recent boom in contemporary art in Turkey reflects the international market expansion of contemporary art in countries often considered peripheral. The increase in the number of institutions and collectors during these last years hides a long process of modernization that influenced the background of the Turkish art field in the mid nineteenth century. Ottoman Reformists and Republican Jacobins have encouraged the importation of Western art movements in Turkey. Whith the democratization of the country, the Turkish state has reduced the importance given to the culture, the new economic power has been associated with the political field to implement the cultural policy, increasing the process of legitimization of the middles class as a ruling class. Reproduction of political ideals in the cultural sponsorship is followed by a cultural reconversion of economic elites that increases the integration of Turkish contemporary art in the international art market

    Channel Model of Molecular Communication via Diffusion in a Vessel-like Environment Considering a Partially Covering Receiver

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    By considering potential health problems that a fully covering receiver may cause in vessel-like environments, the implementation of a partially covering receiver is needed. To this end, distribution of hitting location of messenger molecules (MM) is analyzed within the context of molecular communication via diffusion with the aim of channel modeling. The distribution of these MMs for a fully covering receiver is analyzed in two parts: angular and radial dimensions. For the angular distribution analysis, the receiver is divided into 180 slices to analyze the mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation of these slices. For the axial distance distribution analysis, Kolmogorov- Smirnov test is applied for different significance levels. Also, two different implementations of the reflection from the vessel surface (i.e., rollback and elastic reflection) are compared and mathematical representation of elastic reflection is given. The results show that MMs have tendency to spread uniformly beyond a certain ratio of the distance to the vessel radius. By utilizing the uniformity, we propose a channel model for the partially covering receiver in vessel-like environments and validate the proposed model by simulations

    Voxel-based simulation approach for molecular communications via diffusion

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    © . This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Molecular communications via diffusion (MCvD) systems are easily simulated for micro-scale topologies and applications. On the other hand, due to the high path loss, there is a need for the emission of a very large number of molecules to have a detectable signal for the macro-scale topologies. Therefore, the simulation of macro-scale MCvD systems or applications has its own challenges. In this work, a voxel-based simulator for MCvD is proposed and analyzed. The proposed simulator is able to consider a very large amount of molecules since it does not track every molecule, instead it simulates the aggregate behavior. We assess the correctness of such a simulation approach through comparative studies with a particle-based (i.e., per-molecule) simulation. We present the effect of voxel side-length on the modeling accuracy and devise a framework for selecting the optimal voxel side-length for high-accuracy simulations.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Co-existence of cecal volvulus with situs inversus totalis: A case report

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    AbstractDetorsion, cecopexy, cecostomy and tube cecostomy are the treatment options for acute cecal volvulus if there is no intestinal ischemia. Resection required if intestinal viability, necrosis, gangrene or perforation exists. After resection, primary anastomosis or ileostomy can be performed. First colonoscopic decompression testing may be appropriate in terms of saving time for elective surgery. The co-existance of situs inversus totalis with cecal volvulus may cause uncertainty of the definite diagnosis and delay of surgical procedure. This is a case report about cecal volvulus together with situs inversus totalis

    Effect of receiver shape and volume on the Alzheimer disease for molecular communication via diffusion

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    The work of I. Isik and M. E. Tagluk was supported by the Inonu University Project of Scientific Research Unit (BAP) under the project number FBA-2018-1013. The authors thank HP Turkey section for providing a powerful computer for computational tasks in this study. The work of H.B. Yilmaz is supported by the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under grant no. 118C274. The work of I. Demirkol was supported by the Spanish Government, MINECO, through project RYC-2013-13029Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Survey on Modulation Techniques in Molecular Communication via Diffusion

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    This survey paper focuses on modulation aspects of molecular communication, an emerging field focused on building biologically-inspired systems that embed data within chemical signals. The primary challenges in designing these systems are how to encode and modulate information onto chemical signals, and how to design a receiver that can detect and decode the information from the corrupted chemical signal observed at the destination. In this paper, we focus on modulation design for molecular communication via diffusion systems. In these systems, chemical signals are transported using diffusion, possibly assisted by flow, from the transmitter to the receiver. This tutorial presents recent advancements in modulation and demodulation schemes for molecular communication via diffusion. We compare five different modulation types: concentration-based, type-based, timing-based, spatial, and higher-order modulation techniques. The end-to-end system designs for each modulation scheme are presented. In addition, the key metrics used in the literature to evaluate the performance of these techniques are also presented. Finally, we provide a numerical bit error rate comparison of prominent modulation techniques using analytical models. We close the tutorial with a discussion of key open issues and future research directions for design of molecular communication via diffusion systems.Comment: Preprint of the accepted manuscript for publication in IEEE Surveys and Tutorial

    Transmitter localization in vessel-like diffusive channels using ring-shaped molecular receivers

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Molecular communication via diffusion in vessellike environment targets critical applications such as detection of abnormal and unhealthy cells. In this work, we derive the analytical formulation of the channel model for diffusion dominated movement, considering ring-shaped (i.e., patch) observing receivers and Poiseuille flow with the aim of localization of the transmitter cell. Then, we derive formulations using this channel model for two different application scenarios. We assume that the emission start time is known in the first scenario, and unknown in the second one. We successfully localize the transmitter cell using a single receiver for the first scenario, whereas two receivers are used to localize the transmitter cell in the second scenario. Lastly, the devised analytical framework is validated with simulations.Postprint (author's final draft

    RAPPORT SCIENTIFIQUE FINAL pour le programme recherche cofinancé par la Région des Pays de la Loire : PLURILINGUISMES : PRATIQUES, REPRESENTATIONS, ACQUISITIONS, ENSEIGNEMENT (acronyme : PLURI-L)

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    Bilan scientifique final + bibliographie donnĂ©e en document annexeBilan scientifique final du Projet rĂ©gional recherche des Pays de la Loire "Plurilinguismes : Pratiques, ReprĂ©sentations, Acquisitions, Enseignement" (Acronyme PLURI-L), 2009-2014.Grace au soutien apportĂ© par la RĂ©gion des Pays de la Loire, les Ă©quipes du projet PLURI-L se sont efforcĂ©es de mieux comprendre les enjeux liĂ©s au plurilinguisme au sein de cette rĂ©gion, souvent considĂ©rĂ©e, de façon superficielle, comme « monolingue ». Elles se sont intĂ©ressĂ©es essentiellement aux acteurs de l’école aux niveaux primaire, secondaire et supĂ©rieur. De plus, et Ă  des fins de comparaison, des Ă©tudes ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es parallĂšlement sur des contextes Ă©ducatifs francophones et plurilingues, prĂ©sents et passĂ©s, extĂ©rieurs Ă  ceux de la France hexagonale.Les Ă©quipes de PLURI-L ont d'abord Ă©tudiĂ© ce qui se passait dans la RĂ©gion des Pays de la Loire du cĂŽtĂ© des pratiques, des reprĂ©sentations, et des compĂ©tences plurilingues observables Ă  l’école et Ă  l’universitĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats d’une enquĂȘte (questionnaires, observations, entretiens,
) ont montrĂ© que la plupart des enseignants considĂšrent la diversitĂ© culturelle des classes comme un atout et ont des attitudes globalement ouvertes Ă  la diversitĂ© langagiĂšre, qui n’est gĂ©nĂ©ralement pas vue comme un frein aux apprentissages. Ces attitudes constituent un terrain favorable au dĂ©veloppement de pratiques Ă©ducatives visant le dĂ©veloppement de la compĂ©tence plurilingue des Ă©lĂšves, pratiques pour lesquelles les enseignants semblent nĂ©anmoins assez dĂ©munis. A l'universitĂ©, l’apprentissage des langues reste souvent cloisonnĂ©, mais les Ă©tudiants les plus avancĂ©s dans les cursus de langues et ceux qui ont appris ou apprennent plusieurs langues dĂ©veloppent une attitude de plus grande ouverture Ă  la pluralitĂ©.Les Ă©quipes PLURI-L ont mis en Ă©vidence le rĂŽle des langues du rĂ©pertoire sur le plan identitaire et social, ainsi que l’impact que peut avoir la prise en considĂ©ration de ces dimensions sur la construction d'une Ă©cole plus apte Ă  prendre en compte la diversitĂ© de ses publics. Elles ont proposĂ© des interventions expĂ©rimentales sous forme de recherches-actions pour tenter de mettre sur pied des programmes de sensibilisation Ă  la diversitĂ© linguistique et culturelle et pour mesurer la faisabilitĂ© de la mise en place d’une conception intĂ©grative de l’enseignement de plusieurs langues dans le systĂšme Ă©ducatif. Dans l’enseignement scolaire, diffĂ©rentes expĂ©riences ont confirmĂ© l'intĂ©rĂȘt des enfants pour les langues qu'ils parlent, mais aussi pour celles que parlent leurs camarades. L'effet positif de cette rĂ©flexion a pu ainsi ĂȘtre dĂ©montrĂ© sur le plan du dĂ©veloppement personnel des enfants vers plus d'ouverture mais aussi, vers de meilleures capacitĂ©s d’analyse du fonctionnement des langues et, plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement, sur l'amĂ©lioration du rapport aux apprentissages et Ă  l’école. Des parents ont Ă©tĂ© associĂ©s aux projets concernant la diversitĂ© culturelle et linguistique et leur participation ainsi que leur intĂ©rĂȘt ont Ă©tĂ© consĂ©quents. Dans l'enseignement supĂ©rieur, l'action s'est concentrĂ©e sur la mise en place de dispositifs visant Ă  favoriser le contact des langues et le dĂ©cloisonnement, de façon Ă  susciter une prise de distance Ă  la fois langagiĂšre et culturelle. L’effet de certaines composantes personnelles sur l’intĂ©rĂȘt pour une telle approche a Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence. La majoritĂ© des Ă©tudiants avancĂ©s des parcours de langues perçoivent les langues comme interconnectĂ©es et font preuve de plus de tolĂ©rance quant Ă  l'acceptation des degrĂ©s divers de performance dans les langues de leur rĂ©pertoire. Pour finir, ce projet a permis de montrer sous quelles formes il s’avĂšre possible d’accompagner les enseignants et plus largement les Ă©ducateurs, par des formations, par la participation Ă  des recherches-action, et par la mise Ă  leur disposition de ressources pĂ©dagogiques pour qu’ils puissent mieux comprendre pourquoi et comment dĂ©velopper les compĂ©tences plurilingues de leurs Ă©lĂšves ou de leurs Ă©tudiants

    Le modèle centre-périphérie à l’épreuve : historicité et ancrage de la production artistique à Istanbul

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    Published online 09 February 2018Under Creative Commons 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)La globalisation du monde de l’art, tout en Ă©largissant les horizons des acteurs et des observateurs occidentaux vers de nouveaux territoires, focalise leur attention sur des espaces et des temps restreints. L’engouement pour l’effervescente scĂšne artistique d’Istanbul, oĂč a Ă©mergĂ© au cours de la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie nombre de musĂ©es, de foires et de galeries, tend ainsi Ă  masquer l’historicitĂ© des pratiques artistiques en Turquie. Les rares Ă©tudes qui intĂšgrent cette perspective historique ont tendance Ă  montrer une histoire linĂ©aire d’un « art turc » qui suit les Ă©volutions de l’histoire de l’art mondial. Contre cette vision universalisĂ©e de l’art, cet article propose des outils thĂ©oriques et mĂ©thodologiques pour mieux comprendre comment les diffĂ©rentes façons de faire et de penser l’art ont Ă©tĂ© appropriĂ©es au sein des organisations des mondes de l’art. Dans un premier temps, nous nous appuyons sur la socio-histoire des pratiques artistiques et des acteurs du monde de l’art pour identifier les ruptures esthĂ©tiques et organisationnelles. Dans un second temps, nous montrons comment l’analyse lexicomĂ©trique et la cartographie permettent d’identifier et de situer des conventions diffĂ©rentes au cƓur de mondes de l’art qui coexistent dans la pĂ©riode contemporaine.The globalisation of the art world, while expanding the horizons of Western actors and observers towards new territories, focuses their attention on restricted times and spaces. The excitement for the vibrant art scene of Istanbul, where, in the last decade, numerous museums, fairs and galleries have emerged, tends to hide the historicity of artistic practices in Turkey. The few studies that integrate this historical perspective tend to argue that the history of “Turkish art” follows the evolution of global art. Against this universalized vision of art, this article proposes theoretical and methodological tools to better understand how the different ways of making and thinking art have been appropriated within art world organisations. Firstly, we draw on social history of artistic practices and of the art world, in order to identify aesthetical and organisational ruptures. Secondly, we show how lexicometric analysis and cartography enable to identify and situate different conventions within art worlds that coexist in contemporary times