5 research outputs found

    Intertisyel (kornual) gebeliğin laparoskopik tedavisi, vaka sunumu

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.We report a successful laparoscopic management of an interstitial pregnancy of a 24- year-old single woman, treated by cornuostomy. The patient was first managed with methotrexate treatment. After the 2. methotrexate administration, the patient suffered from low abdominal pain, and intraabdominal bleeding signs were reported by transvaginal ultrasonograpy. The hemoglobin level was decreased from 12.8 gr/dl to 11.8 gr/dl and the beta hCG level was increased from 8,314 mIU/l to 11,541 mIU/l. The laparoscopic approach to interstitial pregnancy was presented and other management strategies such as medical treatment and laparotomy have been reviewed

    İntertisyel (kornual) gebeliğin laparoskopik tedavisi, vaka sunumu

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    24 yaşında bekar bir bayan hastada görülen intertisyel (kornual) ektopik gebelik vakasının laparoskopik kornuostomi uygulanarak, başarılı bir şekilde tedavisi sunulmuştur. Tanı konulmasını takiben; önce metotreksat tedavisine alınan hastada, 2. metotreksat uygulaması sonrası gelişen kasık ağrısı şikayeti nedeniyle yapılan transvajinal ultrasonografide, intraabdominal kanama bulguları görülmüştür. Hemoglobin seviyesinin 12.8 gr/dl’den 11.8 gr/dl’ye düşmesi ve beta hCG düzeyinin 8,314 mIU/ml’den 11,541 mIU/ml’ye yükselmesi üzerine, hasta laparoskopiye alınmıştır. Bu makalede intertisyel gebeliklerde laparoskopik uygulamalar ve diğer tedavi seçenekleri (medikal tedavi ve laparotomi) irdelenmiştir.We report a successful laparoscopic management of an interstitial pregnancy of a 24- year-old single woman, treated by cornuostomy. The patient was first managed with methotrexate treatment. After the 2. methotrexate administration, the patient suffered from low abdominal pain, and intraabdominal bleeding signs were reported by transvaginal ultrasonograpy. The hemoglobin level was decreased from 12.8 gr/dl to 11.8 gr/dl and the beta hCG level was increased from 8,314 mIU/l to 11,541 mIU/l. The laparoscopic approach to interstitial pregnancy was presented and other management strategies such as medical treatment and laparotomy have been reviewed

    Comparison of chromosomal abnormality rates in ICSI for non-male factor and spontaneous conception

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.OBJECTIVE: To compare cytogenetic data of first-trimester missed abortions in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) for non-male factor-mediated and spontaneous pregnancies. METHODS: Using karyotype analysis, we conducted a retrospective cohort trial of missed abortions following ICSI for non-male factor and spontaneous pregnancies. Patients experienced missed abortions during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Dilation and curettage procedure was performed followed by cytogenetic evaluations. Two patient groups were created: ICSI (n = 71) and spontaneous pregnancies (n = 81). At least 20 GTG-banded metaphases were analyzed in each case for cytogenetic analyses. Statistical analyses were performed using NCSS 2007 Statistical Program software. The significance level and confidence interval for all analyses were set to p < 0.05 and a 95% confidence interval, respectively

    Prenatal diagnosis of Comel-Netherton syndrome with PGD, case report and review article

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.Introduction Comel-Netherton syndrome (C-NS) is an autosomal recessive disorder of the skin, hair and immune system first reported by Comel in 1949 and Netherton in 1958 (1, 2). This syndrome presents at or soon after birth with generalized erythroderma, scaling, and/or continuous peeling of the skin resembling nonbulloous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma or peeling skin syndrome. In the neonatal period, 20% of the babies suffer from hypernatremic dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, perturbed thermoregulation, failure to thrive and recurrent infections which may result in neonatal demise [3–5]. The skin lesions are often pruritic, resemble atopic eczema, and show an unstable, undulating course. They are usually accompanied by hair shaft abnormalities that develop during early childhood and may result in diffuse alopecia. The hallmark of C-NS is trichorrhexis invaginata (bamboo hair), but other abnormalities, including pili torti (twisted hair) and trichorrhexis nodosa (hair of varying diameter) have been observed. Markedly elevated IgE levels, allergic reactions to food and common antigens, malnutrition, and increased susceptibility to skin, respiratory tract or systemic infections are also characteristic [6, 7]. There are nearly 150–160 cases of C-NS reported in the literature, its incidence might be 1/200.000 [6] due to challenging diagnostic problems during infancy and early childhood. This syndrome has overlapping features with atopic dermatitis and other recessive ichthyosis. Most patients with C-NS are sporadic cases however, there are reports of affected siblings and of consanguinity in about 10% of the families with C-NS which is common in autosomal recessive inheritance [8–10]. In this study, we present two consanguineous Turkish families (two sisters married with two brothers) of prenatal diagnosis of Netherton syndrome and successful intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) pregnancies using PGD and a review of literature. To our knowledge, this is the first report of PGD and ICSI in Comel-Netherton syndrom

    Sezaryen hastalarında HBsAG, anti-HCV, anti-HIV seroprevelansının araştırılması

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.Maternal HBV ve HCV taşıyıcılığı, gebelik ilişkili komplikasyonlar ve perinatal advers sonuçların bağımsız risk faktörü olduğundan dikkatli sürveyans gereklidir. Hepatit taşıyıcılarında daha yüksek oranda preterm doğum, rahim içi gelişme geriliği, erken membran rüptürü, plasenta ayrılması ve sezeryan görüldüğü bildirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı sezaryen olmak üzere hastanemize başvuran gebe popülasyonda Hepatit B, Hepatit C ve HIV seroprevelansını belirlemektir