81 research outputs found
The article focuses on new collocations which are created in Russian and Polish on the basis of borrowings, especially Anglicisms. Particular attention is paid to similarities and differences observable in the processes of loan assimilation in these languages. The analysis of translation strategies and the study of relations between the units of translation and their corresponding equivalents adopted by the translator show that the readiness to the implementation of borrowings and the status of the same loan in the SL and the TL can be different. These factors to some extent determine the choice of occasional equivalents such as caiques, hybrids, or descriptions.The article focuses on new collocations which are created in Russian and Polish on the basis of borrowings, especially Anglicisms. Particular attention is paid to similarities and differences observable in the processes of loan assimilation in these languages. The analysis of translation strategies and the study of relations between the units of translation and their corresponding equivalents adopted by the translator show that the readiness to the implementation of borrowings and the status of the same loan in the SL and the TL can be different. These factors to some extent determine the choice of occasional equivalents such as caiques, hybrids, or descriptions
Koncept PRZYJAŹŃ w dyskursie dyplomatycznym
Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa: Jedność w różnorodności. Wokół słowiańskiej aksjosfery. EUROJOS XIV (11−13 września 2018) ‒ zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy 800/P-DUN/2018 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę
Kolokacja i wyraz – uwagi o relacjach synonimii oraz ekwiwalencji
Polish collocations, the author discusses synonymic relations between the well-established collocations and single-word synonyms known as synthetic that correspond them. Most attention has been paid to verb-noun collocations which can often be replaced by a single word, or a verb. This linguistic material is ideal to deal with semantic and stylistic equivalence / identity and morphological relationship between a combination of words and a single-lexeme synonym as well as collocations of a given language that lack their single-word synonyms. The paper also highlights complex collocation-word relations in terms of translation if two different language systems are contrasted. Thus, the author cites certain pairs of Russian collocations and their Polish singleword synonyms that have been abstracted in the lexicographical studies. Besides verb-nominal collocations, the paper discusses some examples of attributive and adverbial collocations and the possibility of replacing them by a single word.Niniejsze badania koncentrują się na problematyce połączeń konwencjonalnych. Autorka na licznych przykładach kolokacji rosyjskich i polskich omawia relacje synonimii pomiędzy tymi połączeniami oraz ich jednowyrazowymi odpowiednikami. Najwięcej uwagi poświęcono kolokacjom werbo-nominalnym, które to najczęściej mogą być zastąpione jednym wyrazem, czyli bliskoznacznym czasownikiem. Na tym materiale przedstawiono problem równoważności / tożsamości semantycznej i stylistycznej oraz możliwego pokrewieństwa morfologicznego kombinacji wyrazów oraz jednowyrazowego synonimu. Wskazano też przykłady kolokacji nieposiadających odpowiednika jednowyrazowego w systemie tego samego języka. W pracy zwraca się także uwagę na złożone relacje kolokacji i wyrazu w konfrontacji dwóch systemów językowych oraz z punktu widzeniaprzekładu. W tym celu przytoczono wyabstrahowane w badaniach leksykograficznych pary kolokacji rosyjskich i ich polskich odpowiedników jednoleksemowych. Poza kolokacjami werbo-nominalnymi omawia się przykłady kolokacji atrybutywnych i adwerbialnych oraz możliwość zastąpienia ich ekwiwalentnym wyrazem
Internetowe gatunki tekstów - z perspektywy tłumacza
The article contains some conclusions regarding the types of Internet language texts. They refer to conventional language structure as viewed by the translator. The main conclusion reveals that one can notice some pattern formation as the types of internet language stabilise. The examples in the study show inter-language differences between Polish and Russian language structure. The differences in Internet language texts can take a lexical or grammatical form. The ample source of language solutions are parallel texts.The popularity of Internet communication has produced separate models of Internet texts such as internet forum, internet chat, an email, an electronic form, and a website www. They are no different to the traditional written texts or the newer audiovisual ones as their functionality is based on some patterns that can be chosen for suitable language solutions.The differences between Russian and Polish languages can be seen in the simplest Internet engine’s formula. Its common pattern can be noticed on official governmental and business websites. The communication exchange will be distorted if conventional language structures are broken. By using inappropriate grammatical and lexical forms the sender may cause ambiguity. Not all translators who create websites in a foreign language respect conventional language structures. Therefore, it is neccesary to stress the importance of the Internet translation models which can not be avoided today.Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje spostrzeżenia poczynione na materiale internetowych gatunków tekstów. Rozważania dotyczą skonwencjonalizowanych zachowań językowych w poleceniach i komunikatach internetowych
Opuszczenia – konieczność czy wolny wybór tłumacza. Uwagi o statusie tekstu przekładu
The article focuses on the issue of omissions in Russian-Polish translations of journalistic texts. The material for the study consisted of a number of texts from the ‘Forum’ weekly, and the collocation was selected as the unit for analysis. One of the most characteristic features of reprints of foreign press articles are numerous omissions of lexical and supralexical units. In this article, the author points out the objective and subjective conditioning of omissions in texts of this type. The consequences of using this strategy are also presented. One of the most serious consequences of considerable reductions of text during the process of translation can be the impoverishment of the text’s sense, change of its pragmatics as well as intentionality. Moreover, it is also connected with inevitable loss of the text’s aesthetics and functionality. The problem of omissions is also directly re lated to the issue whether a text with omissions can be granted the status of translation. As the author notices, radically shortened texts, as well as those pragmatically altered, should be denied the status of translation. Nevertheless, regardless of the degree of content reduction, most of the texts in ‘Forum’ function as translations.Artykuł poświęcony jest problematyce opuszczeń w przekładzie tekstu publicystycznego. Badania prowadzone są na materiale tygodnika „Forum”. Jedną z najpoważniejszych konsekwencji, jakie pociąga za sobą znaczna redukcja tekstu podczas procesu przekładu, może być zubożenie sensu oraz zmiana pragmatyki i intencjonalności przekładanego tekstu. Problematyka opuszczeń bezpośrednio wiąże się z kwestią statusu tekstu jako tekstu przekładu
Nazwa własna w leksykografii i dydaktyce przekładu
This paper addresses the issue of how proper nouns function in intercultural communication. Proper nouns are discussed in terms of translation teaching and bilingual lexicography. This paper is to draw young translators’ attention to proper nouns, familiarise them with translation techniques and potential problems with proper noun translation that can result in certain gaps and lexicographic inconsistencies. The lexicographic material of Polish proper names translated into Russian is used to discuss that issue. The author of the study focuses on the Polish toponyms and their derivatives. The paper provides numerous names of places and regions that have their well-established Russian counterparts and toponyms whose counterparts are optional, unstable or even unreliable. The practice of translating proper nouns and the principle of transcription are studied on the basis of Polish cities/towns with their derivational bases ending with -ow, e.g. Krakow, Rzeszow, Augustow. Referring to dictionary data, maps, translated and parallel texts, the paper also indicates different ways of writing the same toponyms in Russian. Translating place names that are noun-adjective or adjective-adjective compounds, e.g. Biała Podlaska, Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Nowy Sącz can be questionable. It emerges that lexicographers’ guidelines on the declension of that type of proper nouns are ambiguous. By referring to other works on that subject, the author indicates certain methods to overcome the problem of troublesome declension of such compounds in Russian. The ways certain names of Polish voivodships are written in Russian can be arguable. For example, the Podlaskie voivodship can be written in three different ways in Russian. Derivatives of place names can become a starting point for studying productive adjectival suffixes in Russian, regular derivation and loan translation. That issue is also discussed, for instance, in case of adjectives that are included in compound names of national parks.Prezentowane badania dotyczą nazwy własnej jako obiektu leksykografii przekładowej i samego przekładu, także w ujęciu dydaktycznym. Analiza opiera się na materiałach turystycznych o Polsce adresowanych do odbiorców rosyjskojęzycznych, które jako teoretyk i dydaktyk przekładu wykorzystywałam w pracy. W artykule skupię się przede wszystkim na folderach turystycznych w tłumaczeniu na język rosyjski, których – być może z racji ich mniejszej objętości – powstaje i tłumaczy się więcej niż przewodników sensu stricto
Relations between types of social orientation and ways of constructing identity by young adults
The research investigates the relationship between an individual’s social orientation and their identity style. The identity style is understood, following Berzonsky (1989), as the manner in which important life decisions are taken, including those related to one’s identity and ways of coping with everyday problems. Having anticipated differences in ways of constructing identity, decision-making, and coping with problems, the author distinguishes three identity styles: informational, normative, and diffuse-avoidant. In turn, the research in social orientations distinguishes an individualistic and a collectivistic orientation (Reykowski, 1999). They are understood as forms of mentality connected with basic intuitions and beliefs related to the question of which type of a relation between an individual and the community is proper and just. The conducted research verifi ed the existence of sex differences in the construction of identity styles and adopted social orientation, as well as the relation between an individual’s identity style and their social orientation. Berzonsky’s revised Identity Style Inventory (ISI-3) and a questionnaire for the measurement of vertical and horizontal collectivism and individualism (KIRH; Adamska, Retowski, Konarski, 2005) were used to determine an individual’s identity style and social orientation, respectively. The KIRH enabled to identify two types collectivism (vertical and horizontal) and two types of individualism. The sample consisted of 657 subjects (340 female and 317 male), between 22 and 40 years of age. The conducted analysis revealed differences between female and male subjects as regards identity styles and social orientations as well as the relation between certain identity styles and specifi c social orientations
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