1,391 research outputs found

    B-flavor tagging at Belle II

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    We report on new flavor tagging algorithms developed to determine the quark-flavor content of bottom ([InlineMediaObject not available: see fulltext.]) mesons at Belle II. The algorithms provide essential inputs for measurements of quark-flavor mixing and charge-parity violation. We validate and evaluate the performance of the algorithms using hadronic [InlineMediaObject not available: see fulltext.] decays with flavor-specific final states reconstructed in a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 62.8 fb- 1, collected at the [InlineEquation not available: see fulltext.] resonance with the Belle II detector at the SuperKEKB collider. We measure the total effective tagging efficiency to be εeff=(30.0±1.2(stat)±0.4(syst))%for a category-based algorithm and εeff=(28.8±1.2(stat)±0.4(syst))%for a deep-learning-based algorithm

    Search for lepton-flavor-violating tau-lepton decays to ℓγ at Belle

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    Charged lepton flavor violation is forbidden in the Standard Model but possible in several new physics scenarios. In many of these models, the radiative decays τ± → ℓ±γ (ℓ = e, μ) are predicted to have a sizeable probability, making them particularly interesting channels to search at various experiments. An updated search via τ± → ℓ±γ using full data of the Belle experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 988 fb−1, is reported for charged lepton flavor violation. No significant excess over background predictions from the Standard Model is observed, and the upper limits on the branching fractions, B(τ± → μ±γ) ≤ 4.2 × 10−8 and B(τ± → e±γ) ≤ 5.6 × 10−8, are set at 90% confidence level. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    Measurements of q2 moments of inclusive B →xcℓ+νℓ decays with hadronic tagging

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    We present the measurement of the first to fourth order moments of the four-momentum transfer squared, q2, of inclusive B→Xcℓ+νℓ decays using the full Belle dataset of 711 fb-1 of integrated luminosity at the (4S) resonance where ℓ=e, μ. The determination of these moments and their systematic uncertainties open new pathways to determine the absolute value of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element Vcb using a reduced set of matrix elements of the heavy quark expansion. In order to identify and reconstruct the Xc system, we reconstruct one of the two B-mesons using machine learning techniques in fully hadronic decay modes. The moments are measured with progressively increasing threshold selections on q2 starting with a lower value of 3.0 GeV2 in steps of 0.5 GeV2 up to a value of 10.0 GeV2. The measured moments are further unfolded, correcting for reconstruction and selection effects as well as QED final state radiation. We report the moments separately for electron and muon final states and observe no lepton flavor universality violating effects

    Measurement of B (Bs →dsX) with Bs semileptonic tagging

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    We report the first direct measurement of the inclusive branching fraction B(Bs→DsX) via Bs tagging in e+e-→ (5S) events. Tagging is accomplished through a partial reconstruction of semileptonic decays Bs→DsXℓν, where X denotes unreconstructed additional hadrons or photons and ℓ is an electron or muon. With 121.4 fb-1 of data collected at the (5S) resonance by the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e- collider, we obtain B(Bs→DsX)=(60.2±5.8±2.3)%, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic

    Measurements of partial branching fractions of inclusive B →xuℓ+νℓ decays with hadronic tagging

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    We present measurements of partial branching fractions of inclusive semileptonic B→Xuℓ+νℓ decays using the full Belle dataset of 711 fb-1 of integrated luminosity at the ϒ(4S) resonance and for ℓ=e, μ. Inclusive semileptonic B→Xuℓ+νℓ decays are Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) suppressed and measurements are complicated by the large background from CKM favored B→Xcℓ+νℓ transitions, which have a similar signature. Using machine learning techniques, we reduce this and other backgrounds effectively, while retaining access to a large fraction of the B→Xuℓ+νℓ phase space and high signal efficiency. We measure partial branching fractions in three phase-space regions covering about 31% to 86% of the accessible B→Xuℓ+νℓ phase space. The most inclusive measurement corresponds to the phase space with lepton energies of EℓB\u3e1 GeV, and we obtain ΔB(B→Xuℓ+νℓ)=(1.59±0.07±0.16)×10-3 from a two-dimensional fit of the hadronic mass spectrum and the four-momentum-transfer squared distribution, with the uncertainties denoting the statistical and systematic error. We find |Vub|=(4.10±0.09±0.22±0.15)×10-3 from an average of four calculations for the partial decay rate with the third uncertainty denoting the average theory error. This value is higher but compatible with the determination from exclusive semileptonic decays within 1.3 standard deviations. In addition, we report charmless inclusive partial branching fractions separately for B+ and B0 mesons as well as for electron and muon final states. No isospin breaking or lepton flavor universality violating effects are observed

    Search for charged lepton flavor violating decays of ϒ (1S)

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    We present a search for the charged lepton-flavor-violating decays ϒ(1S) →ℓ±ℓ′∓ and radiative charged lepton-flavour-violating decays ϒ(1S) → γℓ±ℓ′∓ [ℓ,ℓ′ = e, μ, τ] using the 158 million ϒ(2S) sample collected by the Belle detector at the KEKB collider. This search uses ϒ(1S) mesons produced in ϒ(2S) → π+π− ϒ(1S) transitions. We do not find any significant signal, so we provide upper limits on the branching fractions at the 90% confidence level. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Search for Z′ →μ+μ- in the Lμ-Lτ gauge-symmetric model at Belle

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    We search for a new gauge boson Z′ that couples only to heavy leptons and their corresponding neutrinos in the process e+e-→Z′(→μ+μ-)μ+μ-, using a 643 fb-1 data sample collected by the Belle experiment at or near the ϒ(1S,2S,3S,4S,5S) resonances at the KEKB collider. While previous searches for Z′ performed a data-based estimation of the initial state radiation effect, our search for the Z′ is the first to include effects due to initial state radiation in the signal simulated samples that were used in estimating the detection efficiency. No signal is observed in the Z′ mass range of 0.212-10 GeV/c2, and we set an upper limit on the coupling strength, g′, constraining the possible Z′ contribution to the anomalous magnetic dipole moment of the muon

    Measurement of the energy dependence of the e \u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e e \u3csup\u3e−\u3c/sup\u3e → BB¯ , BB¯ \u3csup\u3e∗\u3c/sup\u3e and B\u3csup\u3e∗\u3c/sup\u3eB¯ \u3csup\u3e∗\u3c/sup\u3e exclusive cross sections

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    We report the first measurement of the exclusive cross sections e+e− → BB¯ , e+e− → BB¯ ∗, and e+e− → B∗B¯ ∗ in the energy range from 10.63 GeV to 11.02 GeV. The B mesons are fully reconstructed in a large number of hadronic final states and the three channels are identified using a beam-constrained-mass variable. The shapes of the exclusive cross sections show oscillatory behavior with several maxima and minima. The results are obtained using data collected by the Belle experiment at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e− collider. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Test of lepton flavor universality and search for lepton flavor violation in B → Kℓℓ decays

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    We present measurements of the branching fractions for the decays B → Kμ+μ− and B → Ke+e−, and their ratio (RK), using a data sample of 711 fb−1 that contains 772 × 106BB¯ events. The data were collected at the ϒ(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e− collider. The ratio RK is measured in five bins of dilepton invariant-mass-squared (q2): q2 ∈ (0.1, 4.0), (4.00, 8.12), (1.0, 6.0), (10.2, 12.8) and (\u3e 14.18) GeV2/c4, along with the whole q2 region. The RK value for q2 ∈ (1.0, 6.0) GeV2/c4 is 1.03−0.24+0.28 ± 0.01. The first and second uncertainties listed are statistical and systematic, respectively. All results for RK are consistent with Standard Model predictions. We also measure CP-averaged isospin asymmetries in the same q2 bins. The results are consistent with a null asymmetry, with the largest difference of 2.6 standard deviations occurring for the q2 ∈ (1.0, 6.0) GeV2/c4 bin in the mode with muon final states. The measured differential branching fractions, dℬ /dq2, are consistent with theoretical predictions for charged B decays, while the corresponding values are below the expectations for neutral B decays. We have also searched for lepton-flavor-violating B → Kμ±e∓ decays and set 90% confidence-level upper limits on the branching fraction in the range of 10−8 for B+ → K+μ±e∓, and B0 → K0μ±e∓ modes. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Search for the decay Bs0 →η′η

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    We report the results of the first search for the decay Bs0→η′η using 121.4 fb-1 of data collected at the I (5S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e-collider. We observe no significant signal and set a 90% confidence-level upper limit of 6.5×10-5 on the branching fraction of this decay