34 research outputs found

    GFP-tagged multimetal-tolerant bacteria and their detection in the rhizosphere of white mustard

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    The introduction of rhizobacteria that tolerate heavy metals is a promising approach to support plants involved in phytoextraction and phytostabilisation. In this study, soil of a metal-mine wasteland was analyzed for the presence of metal-tolerant bacterial isolates, and the tolerance patterns of the isolated strains for a number of heavy metals and antibiotics were compared. Several of the multimetal-tolerant strains were tagged with a broad host range reporter plasmid (i.e. pPROBE-NT) bearing a green fluorescent protein marker gene (gfp). Overall, the metal-tolerant isolates were predominately Gram-negative bacteria. Most of the strains showed a tolerance to five metals (Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb and Cd), but with differing tolerance patterns. From among the successfully tagged isolates, we used the transconjugant Pseudomonas putida G25 (pPROBE-NT) to inoculate white mustard seedlings. Despite a significant decrease in transconjugant abundance in the rhizosphere, the gfp-tagged cells survived on the root surfaces at a level previously reported for root colonisers

    Traffic Video and VANET data fusion algorithm

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    Modern Intelligent Transport Systems incorporate the traffic control strategies that are based not only on long term traffic analysis and forecasts, but also on the real time events detection like accidents or high congestion. The flexibility of these systems depends on accurate and precise data set describing the current state of road network. To estimate it, the data from various sources like: video surveillance, induction loops or vehicles itself (Vehicle to Infrastructure communication -V2I) is gathered. Excluding detection errors, the video surveillance data is a reliable source of general information about the traffic flow. On the other hand, the vehicle communication can provide less reliable, but more detailed information about a particular vehicle like: its engine state or planned manoeuvre. Unreliable or forged C2I information can be used to disturb traffic or to gain a higher priority on the road. The paper reviews the fusion algorithms that are used to merge data from video tracking algorithms and vehicular networks. Based on the survey, a weighted fusion algorithm is proposed that estimates the acquired data reliability. The algorithm uses the video surveillance data as a filter for C2I communication. Finally, applications for microscopic traffic models and safety issues are taken into consideration

    Remote access into virtual web laboratory - application in medicine

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    The paper introduces the need of improving skills level of students using Internet network. The solution has been discussed on an example with remarks for the medical diagnostic devices. The laboratory, which is not large enough, for performing all needed training courses, can be provided the trainee after their main work hours. The elaborated solution is supported by various training interfaces, provided by standard Learning Management System (LMS) and the applications controlling machine called Multimedia Applications Management Shell (MAMS). The example platforms were supported by networking Debian Linux services and an open-source technology that is used freely, by many developers

    The on-line works of virtual laboratory example solutions

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    The paper presents the one e-content example used as a pattern solution for distance learning resources development at the University of Silesia. The Intranet technologies were used as networking services for training processes control and future distribution services at the University of Silesia distance learning network. The given solution provides the development team at Distance Learning Technologies Centre with various unifications and library units of four courses that are under development at present in Department of Computer Systems, institute of Informatics. All the applications are running on MAMS (Multimedia Applications Management Shell) environment as a common frame structure for every e-lesson. The MAMS applications are provided with several mechanisms that allow monitoring the user knowledge level and study progress. Various examples of the applications layout and their characteristic features are presented in this contribution

    Software and hardware solutions to improve traffic safety

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    Artykuł przedstawia opis rozwiązaą sprzętowych oraz standardów transmisji wykorzystywanych w pojazdach do zwiekszenia bezpieczeństwa ruchu. Druga część artykułu jest poświęcona implementacji programowo-sprzętowej systemu monitorowania temperatury oraz wilgotności panującej na zewnątrz pojazdów. Rozwiązania aktualnie stosowane w pojazdach opierają pomiary wyłącznie na bieżącej wartości opisanych parametrów, najczęsciej tylko temperatury. Artykuł proponuje rozszerzenie pomiarów o wilgotność w ciągu sześciu godzin dla dokładniejszej prognozy i uwzględnienia szybkozmiennych warunków pogodowych.The papers presents the hardware solution description and protocols used in automotive industry. Additionally, the paper proposes hardware-software model for black ice detection by external temperature and humidity level measurement. The solutions, used nowodays, are focusing mostly on current temperature reading. Paper proposes to extend the readings by humidity level. Moreover, the histories of features values are created within last 6 hours to define threats on road more precisely based on weather conditional variance