166 research outputs found

    Transience, Recurrence and Critical Behavior for Long-Range Percolation

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    We study the behavior of the random walk on the infinite cluster of independent long range percolation in dimensions d=1,2d=1,2, where xx and yy a re connected with probability ∼β/∥x−y∥−s\sim\beta/\|x-y\|^{-s}. We show that when d<s<2dd<s<2d the walk is transient, and when s≥2ds\geq 2d, the walk is recurrent. The proof of transience is based on a renormalization argument. As a corollary of this renormalization argument, we get that for every dimension dd, if d<s<2dd<s<2d, then critical percolation has no infinite clusters. This result is extended to the free random cluster model. A second corollary is that when d≥2d\geq 2 and d<s<2dd<s<2d we can erase all long enough bonds and still have an infinite cluster. The proof of recurrence in two dimensions is based on general stability results for recurrence in random electrical networks. In particular, we show that i.i.d. conductances on a recurrent graph of bounded degree yield a recurrent electrical network.Comment: Mario Wuetrich pointed out a gap in one of the proofs in this (more than 10 years) old paper. Here is the corrected version. 43 pages, no figure

    Limiting velocity of high-dimensional random walk in random environment

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    We show that random walk in uniformly elliptic i.i.d. environment in dimension ≥5\geq5 has at most one non zero limiting velocity. In particular this proves a law of large numbers in the distributionally symmetric case and establishes connections between different conjectures.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOP338 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A quenched invariance principle for certain ballistic random walks in i.i.d. environments

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    We prove that every random walk in i.i.d. environment in dimension greater than or equal to 2 that has an almost sure positive speed in a certain direction, an annealed invariance principle and some mild integrability condition for regeneration times also satisfies a quenched invariance principle. The argument is based on intersection estimates and a theorem of Bolthausen and Sznitman.Comment: This version includes an extension of the results to cover also dimensions 2,3, and also corrects several minor innacuracies. The previous version included a correction of a minor error in (3.21) (used for d=4); The correction pushed the assumption on moments of regeneration times to >

    Quenched invariance principle for simple random walk on percolation clusters

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    We consider the simple random walk on the (unique) infinite cluster of super-critical bond percolation in Zd\Z^d with d≥2d\ge2. We prove that, for almost every percolation configuration, the path distribution of the walk converges weakly to that of non-degenerate, isotropic Brownian motion. Our analysis is based on the consideration of a harmonic deformation of the infinite cluster on which the random walk becomes a square-integrable martingale. The size of the deformation, expressed by the so called corrector, is estimated by means of ergodicity arguments.Comment: 38 pages (PTRF format) 4 figures. Version to appear in PTR

    On the speed of Random Walks among Random Conductances

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    We consider random walk among random conductances where the conductance environment is shift invariant and ergodic. We study which moment conditions of the conductances guarantee speed zero of the random walk. We show that if there exists \alpha>1 such that E[log^\alpha({\omega}_e)]<\infty, then the random walk has speed zero. On the other hand, for each \alpha>1 we provide examples of random walks with non-zero speed and random walks for which the limiting speed does not exist that have E[log^\alpha({\omega}_e)]<\infty.Comment: 22 pages, 4 picture
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