23 research outputs found

    Blurring the Boundaries Citizen Action Across States and Societies

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    Taking a "citizen's perspective", looking upwards and outwards, these studies offer a unique insight into how citizens see and experience states and other institutions which affect their lives, as well as how they engage, mobilise and participate to make their voices heard

    Half-truths and illusions in the Kenyan Elections #KenyaDecides

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    Kenyans did well to reject the pessimistic coverage of their elections by the foreign press, but LSE’s Nicholas Benequista argues that the Kenyan national media also had its failings

    Kenyan elections and the media: complex illusions (guest blog)

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    LSE researcher Nick Benequista is researching networked journalism in East Africa. Here’s his take from Nairobi on the complexities of media coverage of the tightly-contested Kenyan elections

    Journalism from the ‘Silicon Savannah’: the vexed relationship between Nairobi’s newsmakers and its ICT4D community

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    During the course of a year-long knowledge exchange initiative called the Networked News Lab, a small group of Kenyan journalists and a PhD researcher from the London School of Economics and Political Science sought to identify opportunities for collaboration between newsmakers and practitioners from the field of information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D). In almost every instance, the project failed to promote cooperation between the two groups, though it succeeded in highlighting the fundamental issues that separate them. Drawing from interviews, project documents and participant observation, this chapter describes the incompatibilities between the two communities and what they suggest about current efforts to strengthen journalism in Africa through the application of ICTs

    Keeping the Corporation Honest in Visakhapatnam, India

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