31 research outputs found

    Circular economy for durable products and materials : the recycling of plastic building products in Germany ; status quo, potentials and recommendations

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    The construction sector is the second largest area for the application for plastics. Due to the long life times of construction products, the implementation of the circular economy faces its own challenges. To investigate this challenge, the study covers a market study for Germany, voluntary take-back and recycling schemes of construction products, as well as the use of plastic recyclates in construction products. In addition, plastic packaging of construction products is covered. Opportunities and barriers to the use of recycled plastics in construction products are derived from the intersection of available technologies, recyclate supply, and technical requirements for construction products. The report concludes with recommendations to various stakeholders on how to promote the use of recyclates in construction products and their packaging. Important points here are the introduction of a recyclate quota for films as construction product packaging and the description of recycling possibilities and recyclate content in the technical documentation of construction products

    Promoting the high-quality recycling of plastics from demolition waste and enhancing the use of recycled materials in construction products in accordance with the European plastics strategy : final report

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    This study presents in detail: the use of plastic products and the opportunities for recyclate use in the construction sector, quantities of plastic used, take-back systems, recycling techniques, current recyclate use and plastic construction product packaging.Potentials for increasing high-quality recyclate use were identified. Existing hurdles and options for action for industry and politics are presented. Current recyclate use as well as its potential use are strongly dependent on the application area of plastics. The biggest hurdles for the use of recycled materials are product life time, dismantling and technical requirements

    Förderung einer hochwertigen Verwertung von Kunststoffen aus Abbruchabfällen sowie der Stärkung des Rezyklateinsatzes in Bauprodukten im Sinne der europäischen Kunststoffstrategie

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    In dieser Studie werden detailliert dargestellt: die Verwendung von Kunststoffprodukten und Möglichkeiten des Rezyklateinsatzes im Baubereich, verwendete Kunststoffmengen, Rücknahmesysteme, Verwertungstechniken, aktueller Rezyklateneinsatz und Bauproduktverpackungen aus Kunststoff. Potentiale zur Steigerung des hochwertigen Rezyklateinsatzes wurden identifiziert und bestehende Hürden und Handlungsoptionen für Politik und Wirtschaft dargestellt. Aktueller Rezyklateinsatz sowie technische und mengenmäßige Potentiale sind stark abhängig vom Einsatzbereich der Kunststoffe. Die größten Hürden für einen Rezyklateinsatz sind dabei Produktlebensdauer, Rückbaufähigkeit und technische Anforderungen

    Development of adsorbent coatings on thermal conductive structures for adsorption processes

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    The earth as we know it can only continue to exist if humanity finds a way to switch to a sustainable use of energy and resources. This work contributes to the research carried out to achieve this goal by improving the coating of adsorptive materials. These are used in heat transformation and drying processes that allow for efficient temperature and humidity control in buildings. A central component of these adsorptive coatings is the binder that acts as "glue" in the manufacturing of the coating. In this work the methods to evaluate binder performance regarding their thermal stability under the process conditions, their mechanical stability and their influence on the adsorptive properties of the coating were established. The coatings have to meet special requirements due to the thermal stresses and low pressure atmosphere they experience in these applications. A selection of silicone binders was then characterized with the established tests according to these requirements. Additionally a selection of inorganic binders was investigated because they allow for the use of high desorption temperatures and thus a high energy efficiency of the process. Out of these binders Silres® MP50E emerged as the most promising one due to very good adsorptive properties of the coating, its good temperature stability and ease of use. While some of the inorganic binders showed very good adsorptive properties and temperature stability the mechanical stability of all inorganic binders was not sufficient for their use in adsorption heat transformation technology. This is the first time that a broad selection of binders was evaluated with regards to adsorptive coatings and the results published in literature. With a suitable binder identified, the next step was to optimize the coating of the heat exchangers in order to work out how to manufacture the most efficient and powerful heat exchangers. Samples with different coating thicknesses were manufactured in small scale and full scale and their adsorption behavior was characterized. It could be shown for the first time that it is possible to increase energy efficiency by improving the mass ration of adsorber to coating and increase the delivered power at the same time. This was shown for small and full scale samples. It was shown that under the corresponding conditions the heat transfer from the coating layer to the adsorber metal substrate is the limiting step in the process. These results can now be used for the planning and construction of adsorbers. With knowledge of a suitable binder and how to coat efficient, powerful adsorbers, the coating process itself was improved to allow for industrial scale manufacturing. A central point here is the ability to control slurry rheology. Out of many rheology additives those that are suited for the application in adsorption heat transformation were identified and their influence on the slurry rheology thoroughly characterized. Additionally the process of slurry preparation could be simplified for several different adsorbents. Here it was shown that the supersonic deagglomeration step is not necessary to prepare a slurry. Extending the possible coating techniques and in addition to the dip coating process used so far, the spray coating of adsorptive coatings was established for the first time in literature. This process is widely used in the industry and allows for easier plugin into existing coating processes. For the coating of high resolution patterns a proof of concept of the screen printing process was carried out

    Development of adsorbent coatings on thermal conductive structures for adsorption processes

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    The earth as we know it can only continue to exist if humanity finds a way to switch to a sustainable use of energy and resources. This work contributes to the research carried out to achieve this goal by improving the coating of adsorptive materials. These are used in heat transformation and drying processes that allow for efficient temperature and humidity control in buildings. A central component of these adsorptive coatings is the binder that acts as “glue” in the manufacturing of the coating. In this work the methods to evaluate binder performance regarding their thermal stability under the process conditions, their mechanical stability and their influence on the adsorptive properties of the coating were established. The coatings have to meet special requirements due to the thermal stresses and low pressure atmosphere they experience in these applications. A selection of silicone binders was then characterized with the established tests according to these requirements. Additionally a selection of inorganic binders was investigated because they allow for the use of high desorption temperatures and thus a high energy efficiency of the process. Out of these binders Silres® MP50E emerged as the most promising one due to very good adsorptive properties of the coating, its good temperature stability and ease of use. While some of the inorganic binders showed very good adsorptive properties and temperature stability the mechanical stability of all inorganic binders was not sufficient for their use in adsorption heat transformation technology. This is the first time that a broad selection of binders was evaluated with regards to adsorptive coatings and the results published in literature. With a suitable binder identified, the next step was to optimize the coating of the heat exchangers in order to work out how to manufacture the most efficient and powerful heat exchangers. Samples with different coating thicknesses were manufactured in small scale and full scale and their adsorption behavior was characterized. It could be shown for the first time that it is possible to increase energy efficiency by improving the mass ration of adsorber to coating and increase the delivered power at the same time. This was shown for small and full scale samples. It was shown that under the corresponding conditions the heat transfer from the coating layer to the adsorber metal substrate is the limiting step in the process. These results can now be used for the planning and construction of adsorbers. With knowledge of a suitable binder and how to coat efficient, powerful adsorbers, the coating process itself was improved to allow for industrial scale manufacturing. A central point here is the ability to control slurry rheology. Out of many rheology additives those that are suited for the application in adsorption heat transformation were identified and their influence on the slurry rheology thoroughly characterized. Additionally the process of slurry preparation could be simplified for several different adsorbents. Here it was shown that the supersonic deagglomeration step is not necessary to prepare a slurry. Extending the possible coating techniques and in addition to the dip coating process used so far, the spray coating of adsorptive coatings was established for the first time in literature. This process is widely used in the industry and allows for easier plugin into existing coating processes. For the coating of high resolution patterns a proof of concept of the screen printing process was carried out

    Interaktion digitaler und räumlicher Strukturen in der B2B-Kreislaufführung von Kunststoffen

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    Ob die Rückführung von industriellen und gewerblichen Sekundärkunststoffen, das heißt von Abfällen bzw. von bereits wiederaufbereiteten Kunststoffrezyklaten, gelingen kann, ist von mehreren Faktoren wie insbesondere den spezifischen Materialeigenschaften, den Mengen, in denen sie anfallen, den aktuellen Marktpreisen (auch gegenüber Neuware) und auch der räumlichen Nähe von Sortier- bzw. Wiederaufbereitungsinfrastruktur abhängig. Trotz eigentlich guter Voraussetzungen für ein werkstoffliches Recycling, gelangen einzelne in Unternehmen anfallende Abfallchargen häufig in eine thermische Verwertung, weil sich ein Recycling wirtschaftlich nicht lohnt. Grund hierfür ist unter anderem, dass der Informationsaustausch zu den oben genannten Faktoren für Unternehmen häufig noch sehr mangelhaft ist. Aktuell in Entwicklung befindliche digitale Plattformen und Applikationen sowie zugehörige Geschäfts- und Betreibermodelle, welche Kunststoffverarbeiter untereinander sowie Wertstofferzeuger und -verwerter vernetzen sollen, können künftig höhere Recyclingquoten ermöglichen und ökologische Einsparpotenziale heben. Der Artikel führt Entwicklungen und Ergebnisse aktueller Forschungsprojekte zu solchen Vernetzungen zusammen, zeigt die aktuelle Situation des werkstofflichen Recyclings von industriellen und gewerblichen Kunststoffabfällen auf und beleuchtet welche Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Kreislaufführung von industriellen Kunststoffen gegeben sein müssen. Es wird insbesondere analysiert, in welcher Weise digitale Technologien und die durch sie erzielbare Informationstransparenz eine verbesserte Kreislaufwirtschaft bewirken können und in welcher Weise dies Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke räumlich beeinflussen kann

    Plastic credits - financing the transition to the global circular economy : final assessment report on the pilot regions Goa, Maharashtra, Kerala

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    The project "Plastic Credits - Financing the Transition to the Global Circular Economy" supports the implementation of a waste management structure in India's rural regions. By that it aims to improve the current waste collection and treatment structures in the pilot regions Goa, Maharashtra, and Kerala. Herein, the project focuses on low value plastics (LVP), and especially multi-layer plastics (MLP), that have no market value. In order to analyze the environmental impacts of the project, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was conducted. The considered environmental components comprise: greenhouse gas emissions, usage of primary resources, impacts on marine and terrestrial wildlife, standard of living, and economic costs