23 research outputs found

    Vertisol Soil fertility Indicators inRotational grazing on the Cauto Valley.

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    The behavior of some Vertisol soil fertility indicators was randomly studied for four years, at a milk production unit on the Cauto River Valley, Cuba. Brachiaria humidicola cv CIAT 679 pasture was used without irrigation and fertilization. Grazing intensity had mean variation values, of 243 UGM/ha in the rainy season and 190 UGM/ha in the dry season. The daily grazing stripe depended on pasture availability. The occupation time was 2 days. No signif-icant variations were observed in time, or associated to grazing intensity in terms of physical properties of the soil. The apparent density decreased according to the season (P < 0.05) and the highest value was observed in the dry sea-son (1.42 and 1.18 g/cm3 ). The grazing stripe variable brought benefits to the balance of exchangeable ions, with a higher ratio of Ca2+/Mg2+and Mg2+/K+. Interaction between season and grazing was produced in mobile forms of soil nitrogen and NO3 -, NH4 + and NFH, higher during the rainy season in the grazing areas. Stripe grazing does not diminish the main soil fertility indicators; however, it does favor nitrogen mobility and mineralization, depending on the most suitable grazing stripe variable for this kind of soil

    Agronomic Behavior of Cenchrus purpureus Varieties Tolerant to Salinity

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    A study was made at the Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages, at the Jorge Dimitrov Agricultural Research Institute to determine the effect of cutting age (60, 90, 120 days), and cultivar (CT-500 and CT-115) of new varieties of Cenchrus purpureus on some yield components . The effects of cutting age (3), cultivar (2), and their interaction (3 x 2), on yields and some agronomic variables were controlled by a randomized block design. Interaction did not to affect the morphological variables of leaves and stems, though it did affect plant height. The cultivars had significant differences (P < 0.001) for the ages of 60 and 90 days; whereas for the number of basal shoots and percent of dry matter in the whole plant, CT-115 was significantly higher at 60 and 120 days, respectively. The total growth rate and biomass duration significantly phased out at 90 days, in favor of CT-500. Both varieties showed potential for high dry matter production per hectare, and only differed (P < 0.001) from the 120 days in the forage areas with saline soils. These results must be considered as preliminary data for the design of a variety structure in saline forage areas

    Capacities for Sustainable Production of Beef in Eastern Cuba

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    Alternatives for calf and cattle fattening were validated, and capacities for beef production in grazing conditions were improved in the eastern part of Cuba. The reproductive behaviors of female Charolais, Creole and Zebu were evaluated for artificial insemination, along with the population data from the cattle fattening units. The herds from those breeds showed higher productivity, especially Charolais, which was higher than the other two. Only thirtysix percent of overall beef production is generated during the fattening stage; 43 % of weight achieved during fattening is produced in the calves, during reproduction. When fattening was started in the late rainy season, or early dry season, the final weights were significantly higher than the starting weights of animals that initiated fattening sometime else in the year. This can be linked to the relative contribution made by the concentrate supplement administered in the first months of fattening, around 30 % of the animal ingestion capacity, with effects on food conversion, and mitigating declines in availability and the quality of pasture in that period. If efficient exploitation capacities are created for these breeds, greater beef yields may be achieved, which will have a positive effect on cattle recovery in Cuba

    Indicadores de la fertilidad de un suelo Vertisol en condiciones de pastoreo racional en el Valle del Cauto.

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    Durante cuatro años y con diseño completamente aleatorio se estudió el comportamiento de algunos indicadores de la fertilidad de un suelo Vertisol sometido al pastoreo porcionado, en una unidad de producción de leche del Valle del Cauto, Cuba. El pasto base fue la especie Brachiaria humidicola cv CIAT 679 sin riego y fertilización. La inten-sidad de pastoreo varió como promedio de 243 UGM/ha en época lluviosa a 190 UGM/ha en la poco lluviosa. El ta-maño de la porción diaria de pastoreo fue variable según disponibilidad de pasto. El tiempo de ocupación fue de dos días. No se encontraron variaciones significativas con el tiempo ni asociadas a la intensidad de pastoreo en las propiedades físicas del suelo. La densidad aparente varió con la época del año (P < 0,05) y el mayor valor se encontró durante la poco lluviosa (1,42 y 1,18 g/cm 3). El manejo variable de la porción de pastoreo benefició el balance de iones intercambiables con mayor relación Ca 2+/Mg 2+ y Mg 2+ /K +. Hubo interacción de época del año y pastoreo en las formas móviles del nitrógeno del suelo, y los valores de NO3-, NH4+y NFH fueron superiores durante la época llu-viosa en el área bajo pastoreo. El empleo del pastoreo porcionado no deprime los principales indicadores de la ferti-lidad del suelo; en cambio, favorece lamovilidad y mineralización del nitrógeno, relacionado con el manejo variable de la porción de pastoreo, adecuado para el tipo de suelo.Fertility indicators of Vertisol soil under rational grazing in Cauto Valley.ABSTRACTThe performance of some Vertisol soil fertility indicators under the effect of the rational grazing was studied with a totally random design, during four years, in a milk production farm in Cauto Valley. Brachiaria humidicolacv. CIAT 679 was the base grass without watering nor fertilization. The grazing intensity varied from 243 UGM/ha in rainy season to 190 UGM/ha in dry season. The size of the daily grazing portion was variable according to grass yield. The occupation time was two days. There weren’t significant variations with the time nor associated to the grazing intensity in the physical properties of the soil. The apparent density varied with the year season (P < 0.05) and the biggest value was during the dry season (1,42 and 1.18 g/cm 3). The variable management of the grazing por-tion benefitted the ratio of interchangeable ions with greater relationship Ca 2+/Mg 2+and Mg 2+ /K +. There was influence of year season and grazing in the nitrogen mobile forms of the soil, and the NO 3-, NH 4+ and EHN values were superior during the rainy season in the area under grazing. The application of the portioned rational grazing doesn't depress the main indicators of soil fertility but rather it favors the nitrogen mobility and mineralization, related to the variable management of the grazing portion, appropriate for the type of soil

    Comportamiento agronómico de cultivares de Cenchrus purpureus tolerantes a la salinidad

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    Con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de la edad de corte (60, 90 y 120 días) y del cultivar (CT-500 y CT-115), sobre algunos componentes del rendimiento en nuevas variedades de Cenchrus purpureus, se desarrolló un estudio en la Estación Experimental del Pastos y Forrajes del Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias Jorge Dimitrov. Según diseño de bloques al azar y en arreglo factorial se controlaron los efectos edad de corte (3), el cultivar (2) y su interacción (3 x 2), sobre el rendimiento y algunas variables agronómicas que definen el mismo. Se observó que la interacción no afectó las variables morfológicas de hojas y tallos, pero si la altura de la planta, los cultivares mostraron diferencias significativas (P < 0,001) para las edades de 60 y 90 días, mientras que, para el número de hijos basales y el porcentaje de materia seca en la planta íntegra, el CT-115 fue significativamente superior en las edades de 60 y 120 días, respectivamente. La tasa de crecimiento absoluto y duración de la biomasa se desfasaron significativamente a los 90 días a favor del CT-500. Ambas variedades demostraron el potencial productivo de materia seca por hectárea y solo se diferenciaron (P < 0,001) para la edad de 120 días en condiciones de áreas forrajeras con limitantes de salinidad en el suelo. Se recomienda considerar los resultados del presente estudio como datos preliminares para el diseño de la estructura varietal de áreas forrajeras salinizadas. ABSTRACTTo determine the effect of cutting age (60, 90, 120 days), and cultivar (CT-500 and CT-115) on some yield components in new varieties of Cenchrus purpureus, a study was made at the Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages, at the Jorge Dimitrov Agricultural Research Institute. The effects of cutting age (3), cultivar (2), and their interaction (3 x 2) on yields and some agronomic variables were controlled by a randomized block design. Interaction did not to affect the morphological variables of leaves and stems, though it did affect plant height. The cultivars had significant differences (P < 0.001) for the ages of 60 and 90 days; whereas for the number of basal shoots and percent of dry matter in the whole plant, CT-115 was significantly higher at 60 and 120 days, respectively. The total growth rate and biomass duration significantly phased out at 90 days, toward CT-500. Both varieties showed potential for high dry matter production per hectare, and only differed (P < 0.001) from the 120 days in the forage areas with saline soils. These results must be considered as preliminary data for the design of a variety structure in saline forage areas.

    Effect of Ecotype and Cutting Frequency on Forage Yields of Moringa oleifera Lam in the Cauto Valley

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    The study took place at the Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages to evaluate the effect of the cut frequency (45 and 60 days) on forage yields of Moringa oleifera ecotypes Nicaragua and Criolla, with irrigation and organic fertilization, on fluvisol, in the Cauto Valley. A randomized block design with 2x2 factorial design and four replicas was used. The plants were cut 10 cm high from the ground, and variables plant height, shoot amount and thickness, number of leaves, leaf/stem ratio, total dry matter (DM) yields, and dry leaves and stems, were determined. Except for the number of shoots, all the variables were significant for the cutting frequency (P < 0.001). The number of leaves was the only variable with a difference for the ecotype factor (P < 0.05). The highest yields in total dry matter were achieved at 60 days (3.8 t.ha-1). However, the experiment only lasted 180 days with gradual reduction in production, caused by the competition between M. oleifera and invading graminaceae. The study concluded that the cutting frequency of 60 days produced increased yields of DM. However, the cutting height favored the presence of invading plants, with decreasing yields and sustainability of forage production

    Forage Yields and Structure of Moringa oleifera cv Nicaragua at Different Cutting Frequencies

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    The effect of the cutting frequency (45 and 60 days) on the morphological and productive behavior of Moringa oleifera Lam vc Nicaragua with irrigation and organic fertilization, on little differentiated fluvisols in Cauto Valley, in 2012. A randomized block design with four repetitions was applied. The cutting frequency affected the morphological variables (P≤ 0.001), but not DM from leaves, stems, and total yields (P≥ 0.05). The cutting times for both frequencies predisposed great variability between the first (February-March) and the third (June-July) cuts. The best plant height values were achieved in 60 days (P≤0.001), in comparison to 45 days, whereas the number and thickness of leaves per shoots varied (P≤ 0.001) at different cutting times based on innate plant features, not on the cutting frequency. Leaf proportion was higher (P≤0.001) in the 45-day frequency, and the DM yields ha-1 from leaves and DM ha-1 only differed in the first 45-day cut, in comparison to the other averages within the same cutting frequency, and the 60-day cut. The structure and productive behavior of Moringa were influenced by the cutting frequencies and times, whereas the cutting frequency alone just modified the structural variables

    Análisis económico-financiero de una unidad básica de producción cooperativa

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    An economic an financial appraisal of a typical livestock cooperative collective venture in Valle del Cauto, Granma province, Cuba, was performed. A data-base was built taking into account the information collected from surveys to the venture administra- tion board and the statistical and financial registers from 1996, 1997, and 1998. Technical indexes such as soil use and herd struc- ture, and financial indexes like solvency and debt level at a short run were discussed. The average guideline for animal current production inventory and bills to be collected and paid were also analyzed. This last analysis showed the venture financial status. There was just a 9,6% and 9% solvency to pay debts in the years under study. They invested 1,31; 1,28 and 1,16 pesos (national currency) from foreing resources for each own financing peso.  Este trabajo se realizó en una unidad básica de producción cooperativa (UBPC) ganadera, representativa del Valle del Cauto, provincia de Granma, Cuba, con el objetivo de analizar el comportamiento de los indicadores económico-financieros que inciden en su actividad económica. La base de datos se confeccionó con encuestas realizadas a los miembros de la junta directiva de la UBPC, y con la información proveniente de los registros estadísticos y los estados financieros correspondientes a tres años de los últimos ejercicios aprobados (1996, 1997 y 1998). Se analizan de forma particular indicadores técnicos como el uso del suelo y estructura del rebaño; también se estudiaron indicadores financieros como liquidez y grado de endeudamiento a corto plazo; así como algunas razones de actividad, como plazo promedio de inventario de producción animal en proceso y cuentas por cobrar y pagar. El análisis de las razones muestra la situación financiera que presenta la UBPC. El índice de prueba ácida en el período demuestra que sólo el 9, 6 y 9 % respectivamente de sus activos a liquidar a corto plazo cubren sus deudas para el período anali- zado. Por cada peso de financiación propia utilizan 1,31; 1,28 y 1,16 pesos de recursos ajenos para estos años, respectivamente

    Capacidades para la producción sostenible de carne vacuna en la región oriental cubana.

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    Se  validaron  alternativas para la producción de terneros y ceba vacuna y se fortaleció las capacidades  para la producción de carne vacuna en pastoreo en la región oriental cubana. Se evaluó el comportamiento reproductivo de hembras de las razas Charolais, Criolla y Cebú, bajo inseminación artificial y los datos poblacionales de los centros de ceba vacuna. Los rebaños de las estas razas mostraron productividades superiores a 148 kg de peso destetados por cada hembra en la reproducción, siendo la Charolais superior a la Criolla y la Cebú. En el proceso de ceba sólo se genera el 36 % de la producción total de carne en pie que se obtiene  en el sistema integralmente; el 43 % del peso que procede de la ceba, se genera  como terneros en los rebaños en la reproducción.  Cuando la ceba se inició al final de las lluvias o en  los meses de inicio de la temporada poco lluviosa, los pesos finales fueron significativamente superiores a los que iniciaron la ceba en el resto del año; esto se relaciona al aporte relativo, durante los primeros meses de ceba del suplemento concentrado a la ración, que oscila alrededor del 30 % de la capacidad de ingestión de los animales e influye en la conversión de alimentos y mitiga la reducción de la disponibilidad y calidad del pasto en es-te período. Si se crean las capacidades para la explotación eficiente de los rebaños de estas razas, se pueden obtener mayores volúmenes de producciones de carne, lo que permite la recuperación ganadera cubana.Capacities for Sustainable Production of Beef in East Cuba.ABSTRACTAlternatives for calf and cattle fattening were  validated, and capacities for beef production in grazing conditions were improved in the Eastern part of Cuba. The reproductive behavior of female Charolais, Creole and Zebu was evaluated for artificial insemination, along with the population data from the cattle fattening units. The herds from those breeds showed higher productivity, especially Charolais, which was higher than the other two. Only thirty-six percent of overall beef production is generated during the fattening  stage; 43 % of weight achieved during fattening is produced in the calves, during reproduction. When fattening   was started in the late rainy season, or early dry season, the final weights were significantly higher than the starting weights of animals that initiated fattening sometime else in the year. This can be linked to the relative contribution made by the concentrate supplement administered in the first months of fattening, around 30 % of the animal ingestion capacity, with effects on food conversion, and mitigating declines in availability and the quality of pasture in that period.  If efficient exploitation capacities are created for these breeds, greater beef yields may be achieved, which will have a positive effect on cattle recovery in Cuba

    Comportamiento productivo de los rebaños de cría de bovinos en el Valle del Cauto, Cuba

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    The productive behavior of bovine breeding herds from 27 farms located in a low basin of Cauto River in Las Tunas province, Cuba, was studied during a four-year period of time. In order to evaluate the already existing productive systems, the following indexes were analyzed: herd management, herd feeding, and some other aspects related to handling. Variables from production efficiency, handling conditions, as well as processes and procedures defining technological alternatives applied to the farms were checked over. Multivariational statistical techniques of principal components were used to define a number of factors which de- termine the productive behavior of herds, taken as the production of liveweight/breeder/year. Besides, a hierarchical analysis of the farms was carried out as to characterize them all. According to the evaluated indexes, farms were divided into three groups: I. Farms having a complete artificial insemination where management procedures guaranteeing a decrease in post-calving anestrus were applied and a load adjustment to real herd capacity was performed; II. Herds raised in open ranges, and III. The remaining farms with a complete artificial insemination. Farms from groups I and II attained a higher productive efficiency, which demon- strates that such efficiency depends on production and reproduction planning and these systems load capacity.Se caracterizó durante cuatro años el comportamiento productivo de los rebaños de cría de bovinos de 27 fincas ubicadas en la cuenca baja del río Cauto, en la provincia Las Tunas, Cuba. Para la evaluación de los sistemas productivos se tomaron en conside- ración los indicadores siguientes: el manejo de los rebaños, la alimentación y otros aspectos de las condiciones de tenencia. Se controlaron las variables correspondientes a la eficiencia de la producción, condiciones de tenencia y a los procesos y procedi- mientos que definen las alternativas tecnológicas utilizadas en las fincas estudiadas. Se emplearon las técnicas estadísticas multi- variadas componentes principales para definir los factores que determinan el comportamiento productivo de los rebaños, medida como la producción de peso vivo/reproductora/año y el análisis de conglomerado jerárquico para tipificar las fincas. Según los indicadores evaluados se determinaron tres grupos: de las fincas en I. A. completo, donde se aplicaron procedimientos de manejo que garantizan la disminución del anestro postparto y se ajustó la carga a la capacidad de carga del sistema pastoril; los rebaños en patios y el resto de las fincas en IA. completo. En las fincas de los grupos I y II se logra la mayor eficiencia productiva, demos- trándose que está determinada por organización de la producción, y la reproducción y por la capacidad de carga de estos sistemas