37 research outputs found

    A new frontier in construction investments: Data Centres and technical factors affecting risk profile

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    Abstract. The interest of Construction investors towards Data Centres is a novelty that however is not supported by an adequate level of knowledge of the technical characteristics that distinguish this particular building type. In fact, these are complex buildings, which are rarely dealt with in the literature (real estate and construction) and very different from the typical asset class of the real estate market, for which it requires a very high level of specialization. From an investor's point of view, although there are some reference standards that define some minimum quality standards, we need to widen our attention, focusing on all the technical / technological factors that influence the business model. The paper deals with this problem, trying to identify the different elements that influence the risk profile of the investment (thus omitting risk factors of another kind) and structuring them in clusters. Specifically, the paper focuses on the cost factors (passive cycle of the business model) that accompany the investment or the real estate asset "data centres" in its life cycle

    Smart furniture and smart city

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    "S [m2]ART, looking at the city by metro" is an industrial and development research project funded by the MIUR under Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation projects on social inclusion and welfare and security topics. Politecnics of Turin and Milan are partners of the project together with Telecom Italia (coordinator), Reply, Metalco, Thema Progetti Group and an ICT company of the ICT industry. The project aims at experimenting with a scalable system of smart urban furnishings, integrated into the city as a network “node”, offering innovative services to the inhabitants and at the same time providing the municipal administration with a network of sensors capable of monitor phenomena and dynamics of the urban environment. The role of the research group within the project was to define specific contributions in two areas: the definition of innovative services to be delivered to citizens through S[m2]ART urban furnishings and the definition of requirements relating to the sustainability of materials and materials technologies for the construction and furnishing of furniture. The paper presents the results of the research, describing, in particular, the involvement and collaboration between stakeholders (public administration and end users) and industrial partners. The research results are the framework for the definitive and executive design of intelligent urban furniture that could be installed and monitored later in the cities of Turin and Milan. The research has practical and socio-economic implications [1]. The project is designed in the light of a balance between a service offering able to meet innovative needs [2]and business opportunities of private partners involved with the goal of defining a sustainable business plan[3]. In addition, a network of sensors for the monitoring of urban environment data is envisaged, enabling public administrations to collect useful data to improve the quality of services provided to citizens

    Il nuovo prodotto edilizio residenziale

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    Definire un edificio come un bene assimilabile ad un qualsiasi prodotto, sottende l’applicazione del concetto di industrializzazione all’edilizia; il che richiama anzitutto una programmazione attenta ed efficiente del processo produttivo, finalizzata al soddisfacimento del quadro esigenziale di riferimento. In questa configurazione occorre guardare anzitutto alle esigenze dei fruitori, ma anche a quelle degli attori della filiera (a partire dall’investitore), puntando con decisione alla qualità del prodotto finale. Ma quali requisiti e quali prestazioni dovrebbero esprimere gli edifici residenziali in rapporto alle esigenze di un utente finale sempre più “globalizzato”, alle necessità dell’odierno mercato, in Italia, e dei suoi operatori più evoluti? Il testo cerca di descrivere le peculiarità del “nuovo” prodotto edilizio residenziale, analizzando alcuni attributi fondamentali: casa confortevole, sicura, “alla moda”, flessibile e differenziata, casa-infrastruttura sociale, tecnologica e intelligente, sostenibile e certificata. L’analisi viene accompagnata da argomentazioni strettamente attinenti al processo produttivo: dalle esigenze degli sviluppatori/investitori immobiliari del real estate al trend dell’odierno mercato della residenza in Italia e alla relativa segmentazione dei prodotti-casa, dal marketing al business plan, dal Life Cycle Assessment al Life Cycle Cost, dal quadro dei protocolli di certificazione volontaria ai sistemi di valutazione prestazionale/rating, fino alla gestione evoluta dell’edificio residenziale-condominiale (property e facility management). Il testo si rivolge a progettisti, costruttori, gestori e più in generale ai professionisti del settore delle costruzioni/immobiliare, ma anche agli studenti, soprattutto di Architettura e Ingegneria, che desiderino esplorare quegli aspetti propedeutici, indispensabili, che sempre più influenzano e influenzeranno il progetto

    La valutazione del rischio

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    La valutazione del rischio nell'ambito degli investimenti immobiliari (risk management), specie dopo un periodo di difficoltĂ  su scala globale come quello in corso, assume un'importanza sempre crescente nel mercato immobiliare/real estate