13 research outputs found

    Histologische, elektronenmikroskopische, immunhistologische und IR-spektroskopische Untersuchungen an der Haut 2000 Jahre alter Moorleichen

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    Haut- und Haarproben von Moorleichen wurden histologisch, elektronenmikroskopisch, immunhistologisch und IR-spektroskopisch untersucht. Histologisch konnten bei allen Hautproben die KollagenbĂŒndel des Koriums nachgewiesen werden. Epidermis war nicht erhalten. Elektronenoptisch waren bei allen Moorleichen Kollagenfasern mit einem Durchmesser von 45 - 110 nm und der typischen PeriodizitĂ€t zu erkennen. Bakteriensporen mit einem Durchmesser von 0,83 ±\pm 0,051 ÎŒ\mum waren sichtbar. Keine der Hautproben zeigte eine ReaktivitĂ€t mit den verwendeten Antikörpern. Spektroskopisch konnten Kollagen Typ-I und Typ-III in den Hautproben nachgewiesen werden. Anhand der IR-Spektren wurden Ă€ußerliche VerĂ€nderungen an Haut und Haaren der Moorleichen dokumentiert. Histologie, Elektronenmikroskopie und IR-Spektroskopie demonstrieren die guten Konservierungseigenschaften des Moores fĂŒr den Kollagen-Anteil der Haut. Nur der Ă€ußere Teil von Haut und Haaren wurde durch Gerbungsprozesse verĂ€ndert

    Hidradenitis suppurativa/Acne inversa in der Genitoanalregion

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    Die Hidradenitis suppurativa/Acne inversa (HS/AI) ist eine chronisch rezidivierende inflammatorische Hauterkrankung. Erhebungen zeigen, dass bevorzugt MĂ€nner einen perianalen, perinealen und glutealen Befall aufweisen, wohingegen bei Frauen die Axillen sowie die submammĂ€re und inguinale Region vermehrt betroffen sind. Der Befall der Genitoanalregion ist mit einer stĂ€rkeren EinschrĂ€nkung der LebensqualitĂ€t und einer grĂ¶ĂŸeren Belastung der sexuellen Gesundheit assoziiert als andere Lokalisationen. DarĂŒber hinaus kann die HS/AI in der Genitoanalregion zu schwerwiegenden Komplikationen fĂŒhren. Die perianale Fistelbildung, das pubogenitale Lymphödem und das Plattenepithelkarzinom zĂ€hlen zu den 3 schwersten Komplikationen, deren Kenntnis entscheidend fĂŒr ein adĂ€quates Therapiemanagement ist.Hidradenitis suppurativa/acne inversa (HS/AI) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. Several studies showed that perianal, perineal and gluteal involvement is more common in men. Axillary, submammary and inguinal localizations seem to be more prevalent in women. Involvement of the genitoanal region is associated with a higher reduced quality of live and sexual health compared to other locations. Moreover HS/AI in the genitoanal region can lead to serious complications. The knowledge of perianal fistula formation, pubogenital lymphedema and squamous cell carcinoma, which are three of the most severe complications, is critical for adequate treatment

    Multivariate analysis of prognostic factors in patients with nodular melanoma

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    Purpose\bf Purpose Nodular melanoma (NM) is associated with worse disease outcome when compared to superficial spreading melanoma (SSM). We aimed to perform a single-center analysis of prognostic factors in patients with NM and compare the data with SSM patients. Methods\bf Methods We studied 228 patients with NN and 396 patients with SSM. Patients with in situ melanomas or stage IV at diagnosis were not included in the study. Data were analyzed using the Mann–Whitney test, Chi-square test, Kaplan–Meier curves including the log-rank test, and logistic regression model. Results\bf Results When compared to patients with SSM, patients with NM had less likely lower Clark level, higher tumor thickness, less likely tumor regression, more often ulcerated tumors, and less likely a history of precursor lesions such as a nevus. Within a 5-year follow-up we observed significantly more disease relapses and deaths in NM patients than in SSM patients. On multivariate analysis, disease relapse in NM patients was independently predicted by tumor thickness and positive SLNB, whereas melanoma-specific death of NM patients was independently predicted by male sex and tumor thickness. Histologic regression also remained in the logistic regression model as a significant independent negative predictor of NM death. Conclusions\bf Conclusions We did not observe that NM subtype was per se a significant independent predictor for disease relapse or melanoma-specific death. Among the well-known prognostic factors such as tumor thickness and male sex, NM is also associated with other unfavorable factors such as absence of regression

    Does very early timing of lymph node surgery after resection of the primary tumour improve the clinical outcome of patients with melanoma?

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    Background\bf Background In patients with cutaneous melanoma (CM), the time span between resection of the primary tumour and sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) as well as the subsequent interval between SLNB and complete lymph node dissection (CLND) varies greatly. Aim\bf Aim To determine whether very early timing of SLNB after resection of the primary tumour, or timing of CLND after SLNB affect the clinical outcome of patients with CM, compared with longer time intervals. Methods\bf Methods We compared the time spans between complete resection of the primary tumour and SLNB, and the interval between SLNB and CLND in a cohort of 896 patients with melanoma who had undergone SLNB. An interval between primary resection and SLNB or between SLNB and CLND of up to 7 days was classified as very early (VE‐SLNB and VE‐CLND, respectively). This time span was compared with intervals of > 7 days. Univariate and multivariate statistics were performed. Results\bf Results VE‐SLNB was significantly associated with the presence of micrometastases. However, this was probably due to tumour thickness being significantly higher in patients with VE‐SLNB compared with patients with later SLNB. Importantly, VE‐SLNB was not significantly associated with disease relapse and VE‐CLND was not associated with melanoma‐specific death. Conclusions\bf Conclusions VE‐SLNB and VE‐CLND neither improved nor worsened the clinical outcome of patients. Thus, timing of SLNB and CLND has no influence on the overall clinical outcome of patients with melanoma. Our findings support the rational planning of lymph node surgery after resection of the primary tumour and provide help for effective patient counselling

    Current medical and surgical treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa

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    Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease presenting with recurrent inflammatory lesions in intertriginous body regions. HS has a pronounced impact on patients' quality of life and is associated with a variety of comorbidities. Treatment of HS is often complex, requiring an individual approach with medical and surgical treatments available. However, especially in moderate-to-severe HS, there is an urgent need for new treatment approaches. In recent years, increased research has led to the identification of new potential therapeutic targets. This review aims to give a comprehensive and practical overview of current treatment options for HS. Furthermore, the clinically most advanced novel treatment approaches will be discussed

    The role of hormones in hidradenitis suppurativa

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    Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory disease manifesting in inverse body regions. In a systematic review, the role of hormones in HS will be presented to better understand the pathomechanisms of HS. The review is based on the PRISMA criteria. Systematic research was carried out using keywords. Subsequently, the data were analyzed based on the clinical response and other relevant information. The main focus of our systematic review was on HS manifestation, exacerbation, sex hormones, antiandrogen therapy, thyroid function, polycystic ovary syndrome, insulin resistance, and adipokines. In HS, there appears to be a dysregulated adipokine release that is shifted towards pro-inflammatory adipokines. Insulin resistance is significantly more common in HS than in healthy patients regardless of BMI, age, and gender. Insulin resistance in HS patients leads to further cardiovascular disease. The mechanism of insulin resistance and role of adipokines should be investigated in future studies to better provide the pathomechanisms of HS. The role of androgens seems to be important in a certain subgroup of female patients. Anti-androgenic therapy can be useful and helpful in some patients. However, further studies are needed to better understand the hormonal relationship in HS

    Waiving subsequent complete lymph node dissection in melanoma patients with positive sentinel lymph node does not result in worse outcome on 20-year analysis

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate long-term outcomes of melanoma patients who had micrometastasis on sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy. We focused on the comparison between melanoma patients with and without complete lymph node dissection (CLND) following a positive SLN biopsy result. Patients without CLND did not significantly differ from patients with CLND in regard to age, gender, tumor thickness, tumor ulceration, capsule infiltration of SLN, and invasion level of SLN. On 10-year analysis, we did not observe a significantly increased risk for melanoma relapse or melanoma-specific death in patients who did not undergo CLND after the detection of micrometastases on SLN biopsy. On 20-year analysis, again, the patients without CLND had no significantly increased risk of melanoma relapse and worse melanoma-specific survival. Hence, our 10-year survival data confirm the current notion that waiving CLND in SLN-positive patients does not result in clinical disadvantages with respect to melanoma-specific survival. For the first time, we demonstrate on 20-year survival analysis that relapse rates and melanoma-specific survival does not significantly differ between patients with or without CLND on long-term follow-up

    Microbial profile and antimicrobial susceptibility of bacteria found in inflammatory hidradenitis suppurativa lesions

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    Background:\textit {Background:} The role of bacterial colonization in hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) lesions is poorly understood. To date, data on the related microbial profile and especially on bacterial resistance rates are scarce. Methods:\textit {Methods:} The results of bacterial cultures and susceptibility patterns of the isolated microorganisms obtained from deep portions of HS lesions from patients who underwent surgery at our HS Centre between 2010 and 2015 were retrospectively evaluated. Results:\textit {Results:} Analyses of 113 bacterial samples from 113 HS patients revealed bacterial growth in 95 samples (84.1%). Polymicrobial growth was found in 51 samples (45.1%). Coagulase-negative staphylococci\it staphylococci and Staphylococcus aureus\textit {Staphylococcus aureus} were the most commonly isolated bacteria, followed by Proteus mirabilis\textit {Proteus mirabilis} and Escherichia coli\textit {Escherichia coli}. Data on susceptibility testing were available for 68 samples, which yielded 129 isolates. The isolated strains were primarily resistant to penicillin G, followed by erythromycin, clindamycin and ampicillin. The highest effectiveness against isolates was observed for fosfomycin, imipenem, fluoroquinolones (moxifloxacin, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin), and cotrimoxazole. Conclusions:\textit {Conclusions:} Our findings on bacterial species and their topographical distribution revealed that the microbial flora in HS lesions reflects commensal flora of the skin. Due to the susceptibility rate and immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties, cotrimoxazole may represent an alternative antibiotic agent and should be considered for therapy in HS patients

    Primary thyroid dysfunction is prevalent in hidradenitis suppurativa and marked by a signature of Hhypothyroid graves’ disease

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    Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic skin disease that can have an association with endocrine disorders. There is conflicting information in the literature regarding the role of the thyroid gland in HS. This study aimed to close this knowledge gap and investigate how thyroid disease is involved in patients with HS. We carried out a case–control study with a total of 160 patients, of whom 108 were patients with HS and 52 were controls matched for age and sex. Parametric and non-parametric methods were used to analyze the results. We calculated structural parameters of thyroid homeostasis to detect subclinical thyroid disease, non-thyroid disease syndrome and other forms. The severity of HS was not associated with thyroid hormone levels and antibodies (p\it p > 0.05). HS patients with or without hypothyroidism had decreased FT4 levels and a decreased thyroid secretory capacity (SPINA-GT). Titers of TSH receptor autoantibodies (TRAb) were significantly higher in smoking HS patients compared to non-smokers (median: 1.18 vs. 1.08; p\it p = 0.042). The rate of subclinical hypothyroidism was significantly higher in HS patients; thus, subclinical hypothyroidism is an important comorbidity of HS (p\it p < 0.05). Further studies are needed to investigate whether the chronic inflammation of HS is a cause of increased rates of (subclinical) hypothyroidism