533 research outputs found

    Letter from Somerville, Massachusetts

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    Renovation has been the mainstay of the Community Builders Cooperative (CBC) since it was founded 23 years ago.Construction industry - Massachusetts

    Tax-Increment Financing: The Need for Increased Transparency and Accountability in Local Economic Development Subsidies

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    Examines the risks to the public of creating tax-increment financing districts to encourage economic development. Proposes stronger guidelines for tax-increment financing program design, governance process, transparency, and developers' accountability

    Following the Money: How the 50 States Rate in Providing Online Access to Government Spending Data

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    Grades states' efforts to provide public spending data through Web portals; lists the benefits of "transparency 2.0," including cost-efficient and targeted spending; and outlines best practices for comprehensive, one-stop, one-click searchable sites

    Road Work Ahead: Holding Government Accountable for Fixing America's Crumbling Roads and Bridges

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    Examines the poor maintenance of roads and bridges; their consequences, including costs; and underlying causes, including pressure from special interest groups and untargeted transportation policies. Recommends fixing existing infrastructure first

    Following the Money 2011: How the 50 States Rate in Providing Online Access to Government Spending Data

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    Grades states' progress in launching or enhancing transparency 2.0 Web sites that provide comprehensive, one-stop access to searchable and downloadable databases of government spending. Outlines benefits such as savings, challenges, and recommendations

    Out of the Shadows: Massachusetts Quasi-Public Agencies and the Need for Budget Transparency

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    Examines the budget and operational information that utility, transportation, and other quasi-public agencies disclose, including online. Calls for higher transparency standards to increase efficiency and prevent corruption. Highlights best practices

    The Right Track: Building a 21st Century High-Speed Rail System for America

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    Provides an overview of U.S. investment in high-speed intercity passenger rail, its economic and environmental benefits, analyses by region, and key steps for building an efficient network, including balancing private investment with public safeguards

    Do Roads Pay for Themselves? Setting the Record Straight on Transportation Funding

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    Analyzes the history, political context, and future plausibility of the claim that highways pay for themselves through "user fees" such as gasoline taxes. Calls for investing in transportation systems based on comprehensive cost-benefit analyses

    Private Roads, Public Costs: The Facts About Toll Road Privatization and How to Protect the Public

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    Provides an overview of trends in toll road privatization and discusses implications for the public, including loss of control, financial risk, and lack of transparency. Proposes principles that would protect the public interest in privatization deals

    Privatization and the Public Interest: The Need for Transparency and Accountability in Chicago's Public Asset Lease Deals

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    Examines the appeal and risks of infrastructure privatization and Chicago's history with privatization deals. Recommends public interest principles for future deals, rules and processes for vetting proposals, and a commitment to government transparency
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