1 research outputs found

    Penerapan Knowledge management System Pada Perusahaan Bisnis Konsultasi PT. Piramedia Sejahtera Abadi (Red Piramid)

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    The article clarified the implementation of Knowledge Management System (KMS), analysis the benefit of implementation, and cultures the sharing knowledge on the company. The used research methods were Focus Group Discussion (FGD), information system strategy analysis, and Knowledge Management process. It can be concluded that the implementation of KMS is in high potential for the company. The selection on the implementation of Knowledge Management application on Red Piramid was based on the implication that will be happened to service and the possibility on the movement of KMS into strategic field. From the review result, it is also recommended that the use of Content Management System using intranet facility that is available on Red Piramid. Artikel menjelaskan penerapan sistem Knowledge Management System (KMS, menganalisis manfaat penerapan, dan membudayakan sharing knowledge pada perusahaan tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Focus Group Discussion (FGD), analisis strategi sistem informasi, dan proses Knowledge Management. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa penerapan aplikasi KMS terdapat dalam ranah high potential. Pemilihan penerapan aplikasi pada Red Piramid didasarkan pada implikasi yang akan terjadi terhadap jasa yang akan diterapkan serta kemungkinan bergeraknya penerapan KMS ke ranah stratejik. Dari hasil penilaian tersebut direkomendasikan pula penggunaan Content Management System menggunakan fasilitas intranet yang telah tersedia di Red Piramid