77 research outputs found

    The right to food and food diversity in the Italian Constitution

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    Il contributo analizza la tutela apprestata dalla Costituzione italiana al diritto al cibo che, pur non essendo espressamente menzionato, viene ricavato attraverso l'analisi di principi ed azioni sottese alla nostra Carta che ne riconoscono il valore: il principio lavorista, la lotta alla povertĂ , la retribuzione del lavoratore...

    Validation of the italian version of the Cluster Headache Impact Questionnaire (CHIQ)

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    Background: The Cluster Headache Impact Questionnaire (CHIQ) is a specific and easy-to-use questionnaire to assess the current impact of cluster headache (CH). The aim of this study was to validate the Italian version of the CHIQ. Methods: We included patients diagnosed with episodic CH (eCH) or chronic CH (cCH) according to the ICHD-3 criteria and included in the “Italian Headache Registry” (RICe). The questionnaire was administered to patients through an electronic form in two sessions: at first visit for validation, and after 7 days for test-retest reliability. For internal consistency, Cronbach’s alpha was calculated. Convergent validity of the CHIQ with CH features and the results of questionnaires assessing anxiety, depression, stress, and quality of life was evaluated using Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Results: We included 181 patients subdivided in 96 patients with active eCH, 14 with cCH, and 71 with eCH in remission. The 110 patients with either active eCH or cCH were included in the validation cohort; only 24 patients with CH were characterized by a stable attack frequency after 7 days, and were included in the test-retest cohort. Internal consistency of the CHIQ was good with a Cronbach alpha value of 0.891. The CHIQ score showed a significant positive correlation with anxiety, depression, and stress scores, while showing a significant negative correlation with quality-of-life scale scores. Conclusion: Our data show the validity of the Italian version of the CHIQ, which represents a suitable tool for evaluating the social and psychological impact of CH in clinical practice and research

    Geomorphology and sedimentology of Porto Pino, SW Sardinia, Western Mediterranean

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    This paper presents a detailed (1:4000) geomorphological, sedimentological and ecological map of a Mediterranean microtidal wave-dominated beach system and adjacent inner shelf. This map is an innovative cartographic product that integrates a range of processes of present and past timeframes. It is part of a larger cartography on the coastal geomorphology of Sardinia (Italy) aiming to facilitate coastal management practices and future scientific research. The study area is located in SW Sardinia (Italy), and focuses on Porto Pino beach, an important tourist destination of semi-pristine nature, facing environmental pressures common to many coastal Mediterranean settings. In this context, the main human impact on coastal dune habitats is described and a full environmental characterization of the beach system is presented

    Gravity instabilities in the Dohrn canyon (Bay of Naples, Southern Tyrrhenian sea): potential wave and run-up (tsunami) reconstruction from a fossil submarine landslide

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    We discuss a mathematical model for wave and run-up generated submarine landslides in the canyons of the Bay of Naples (Magnaghi-Dohrn canyon system). The morpho-bathymetry and submarine gravity instabilities of such incisions have been investigated through the interpretation of a high resolution DEM. The canyons are located in a sector of the bay where there is a variable interaction of volcanic activity (Phlegrean Fields and Ischia and Procida islands) with sedimentary processes due to the Sarno-Sebeto rivers. At present the Naples canyon-system is inactive, as is shown by the Holocene sedimentary drapes deposited during the present sea-level highstand but gravity instabilities occurred in the recent past at the canyons' heads. In particular the Dohrn Canyon is characterized by a double regressive head, while the Magnaghi Canyon shows a trilobate head, formed by the junction of three main tributary channels and coincident with the retreat of the shelf break around the 140 m isobath. The results of a simulation of failures in the above source areas show that the amplitude of wave run-up, expressed in terms of sea floor depth percentage, may range up to 2.5% of the water depth at the sea bottom
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