109 research outputs found

    Tea Parties, Whigs, and Compromise: The Historical Roots of U.S. Government-Business Relations

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    This article reviews the politics of government-business relations in the US from 1776 to the present. It argues that two major political interests, the agrarian democrats and the nationalist Whigs, created the context for discussion of economic policy that continues today. At times, pragmatic compromises have resolved the differences between these interests. The lessons from this history are instructive for today, and suggest potentially viable policies and coalitions to address business issues

    The Sustainable Development of U.S. Air Transportation: The Promise and Challenge of Institutional Reform

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    Sustainable development is a concept that has had great influence on natural resource policy; however, to date, it has had limited influence on transportation. This article examines how well U.S. air transportation practice meets the goal of sustainability and finds current practice to be unsustainable. Forecasted trends suggest that this problem will get worse. Neither current pollution control policies nor technological progress are sufficient to solve the problem. One potential solution is reduced use of air travel, however, the goals of mobility and speed of travel would be inhibited. Taxes could reduce the external costs caused by air pollution, however, there are administrative and political barriers to this. Institutional reform seems to be the logical solution, and the process to achieve this reform is described

    Fiscal Crisis in Federal Reserve Districts 9 and 10 “Plains States”

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    The states in these two districts include all of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska and Oklahoma, and parts of Wisconsin, Michigan (Upper Peninsula), New Mexico and Missouri. The region is generally more rural and lower in population density than the nation. Economically, the area is more reliant on agriculture, and in some areas, energy and mining. It is less reliant than the nation on manufacturing, financial services and tourism. Cities in this region are generally smaller than national averages. In their fiscal structure, no personal income tax is imposed in Montana and South Dakota. All these states impose a sales tax. There is substantial variation in municipal revenue sources

    Infrastructure Financing: A Guide for Local Government Managers

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    U.S. local governments play a key role in funding, operating, and maintaining local roads, bridges, airports, transit facilities, drinking water and sewer systems, and other types of infrastructure. However, as is widely publicized, local governments across the United States are facing a serious infrastructure deficit and are exploring new ways to finance needed expansions, upgrades, and repairs. More than half of U.S. city mayors highlighted infrastructure issues during their State of the City speeches in 2015 (National League of Cities 2015). According to a new survey sponsored by the U.S. Conference of Mayors (2016), aging and underfunded infrastructure is the greatest challenge confronting mayors. Eroding infrastructure threatens citizens’ safety and quality of life

    Sustainable Highways: Destination or Mirage?

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    Highway travel is forecasted to increase steadily worldwide in the foreseeable future. However, this pattern is unsustainable environmentally, economically, financially, and socially. Federal legislation, in particular the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, has made progress toward the goal of sustainability, and technological improvements offer potential for reduced emissions, but both potentials have not been fully realized. Reduced use and redesigned taxes are unlikely possibilities. Ultimately, institutions will have to change. The European Union offers an example of how the institutional change can be implemented in a durable way. This change is important not just for environmental reasons but also for long-term prosperity

    The Idea of Sustainable Development in Public Administration

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    This article introduces the Focus Issue on Sustainable Development by first discussing the environmental problems caused by unsustainable development and then the shortcomings caused by a piecemeal approach to policy development and implementation. The idea of sustainability appears to fit well with other core values of public administration, which is a consistent theme throughout each of the articles in this issue. Definitions of sustainability are discussed, followed by two relevant models. Finally, each article in the focus issue is introduced

    \u3ci\u3eSustainability Makes Dollars and Sense\u3c/i\u3e

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    Environment Omaha has suggested many changes in the metropolitan Omaha area in the hopes of improving Omaha’s environment. We all want a better environment, but is it practical? What will it cost and what improvements can we expect? This document provides answers to these questions focusing on each of the five content areas of Environment Omaha’s study: the natural environment, urban form and transportation, building construction, resource conservation, and community health.https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/facultybooks/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Comment on Assessing China\u27s 1994 Fiscal Reforms: An Intermediate Report

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    To boost the fiscal revenue, i.e., government revenue over GOP and central government revenue over government total revenue, China conducted the 1994 fiscal reforms. According to some observers, the results of the initial reforms were mixed. This study reveals, contrary to most examinations of previous studies, the 1994 fiscal reforms have been an enormous success in achieving the original policy purposes, although remaining problems still present a daunting task for the Chinese government. This paper examines the factors triggering the 1994 fiscal reforms, reveals the contents and accomplishments of the reforms, explores unfinished tasks and ultimately proposes some policy implications

    A Review of State Procurement and Contracting

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    Are states effectively managing contracting and procurement activities? Are they striking the right balance between central administrative control and empowerment through delegation? How effective is training and monitoring? How do these practices compare to the principles of best practice? What role will information technology play in the future for procurement and contracting? As part of the Government Performance Project, budget, procurement, and contracting managers in 48 states were surveyed, providing descriptions of their procurement and contracting practices. There are numerous developments that speak to the practical details of contemporary public management. Five key findings are (1) information technology needs are challenging states, with some responding well, but others struggling, (2) in most states staff training needs to be improved, (3) restrictions prohibiting best value purchasing need to be removed, (4) states can learn from and improve practices by partnering with other governments and private organizations, and (5) most states use a hybrid of both centralized and decentralized management structures when it comes to contracting and procurement