6 research outputs found

    Corporate Governance in Asia: A Comparative Study

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    The World Bank has done 10 Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC) studies of corporate governance for Asi an countries. The template it used was based on the categories used in an Organisation for Economic Co operation and Development publication (OECD, 2004)

    Financial Reporting and Corporate Governance in Developing Countries: A literature Review

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    Transparency is one of those terms that have many facets. It is used in different ways. It can refer to the openness of governmental functions. It can also refer to a country’s economy. Or it can refer to various aspects of corporate governance and financial reporting. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 1998) lists transparency as one element of good corporate governance. Kulzick (2004) and others (Blanchet, 2002; Prickett, 2002) view transparency from a user perspective. According to their view, transparency includes the following eight concepts: accuracy, consistency, appropriateness, completeness, clarity, time- liness, convenience, and governance and enforcement. This paper focuses on just one aspect of transparency – timeliness

    Corporate Governance System and Its Role in Activating Islamic Bank’s Management and Supervision

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    This paper examines corporate governance (CG) characteristics and relates them to earnings management (EM) behaviours in the context of a large emerging sector, Islamic banking industry. Main differences are found with regard to philosophical aspects, including objectives of the bank, natures of contract involved, key players in theCG practice as well as the relationships between the players. We verified that these aspects provide strong justification for an additional layer in the CG of an Islamic bank being the Shari'ah Supervisory Board (SSB). The mechanism and tools for the effective implementation of CG are relatively the same as the conventional system

    Competitive Advantage of Palestinian Economy in Light of Porter Model

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    This paper examines work as guidance in formulating the relationship between Israeli and Palestinian Economy, in the context of fulfilling the requirements of Palestinian state as there are two scenarios related to trade relations between Palestinians & Israeli Economy, if it’s custom union or free trade area, the shape of this relation Consist a framework for Economic Policies for Palestinian state. By reason of the findings of Michael Porter in 1998, this research focused on the determinants of competitive advantage as written by Michael Porter is done. In determining if the Palestinian economy has improved through the years, the parameters used in 1998 were adopted. The researcher adopted the determinants used by Porter in his study of the Palestinian Economy in 1998. Using these as parameters, the programs under the different areas in the PIF was assessed to come up with a paradigm to establish a competitive advantage for the State of Palestine based on the different areas of investment

    Overview of the Basel Capital Adequacy Framework

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    This paper examines Capital Adequacy Framework that specifies the approaches for quantifying the Risk- Weighted Assets (RWA) for credit risk, market risk and operational risk. The computation of the risk-weighted assets is consistent with Pillar 1 requirements set out by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) in their respective documents - “International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards: A Revised Framework” issued in June 2006 and the “Capital Adequacy Standard (CAS)” issued in December 2005. While the Bank believes that such customization could be justified, a pragmatic approach is adopted for implementation. Higher prudential requirements and risk management standards would be introduced gradually taking into consideration industry feedback during the consultation process

    To What Extent Do the Investment Programs in the Infrastructure Sector Comply with the Determinants of National Competitive Advantage?

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    The paper has examined what needed has to spend on infrastructure projects that would support the private sector, create real work opportunities, and improve productivity. We’re also not spending evenly on sectors that could contribute to a sustainable economic stimulus, make our products more competitive, and attract investment capital. The PIF has in fact taken on this role. Even though it cannot cover everything, it is working in a number of sectors, including communications, energy, and housing all sectors that spur growth.The fiscal situation, as any observer of Palestine’s economy knows, remains unstable. Obviously expenditure goes primarily to salaries and current expenditures as a result of the extraordinary circumstances. And obv iously this situation can only deepen Palestine’s dependence on donors