46 research outputs found

    Accelerated Share Repurchases

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    Accelerated share repurchases (ASRs) are credible commitments by firms to repurchase shares immediately. Including an ASR in a repurchase program reduces the flexibility that firms have to alter an announced program in response to subsequent changes in the price and liquidity of its shares, unexpected shocks to cash flow and/or investment, etc. Thus, we investigate whether firms’ decisions to include ASRs in their repurchase programs are associated with factors expected to influence the costs of lost flexibility and the benefits of enhanced credibility and immediacy. We find robust evidence consistent with the costs of lost flexibility and the benefits of credibility and immediacy being important determinants of ASR adoption. Additionally, we find that ASR announcements are associated with positive average abnormal stock returns

    The Buffering Effect of Brands for Companies Facing Legislative Homogenization: Evidence from the Introduction of Sarbanes-Oxley

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    Brands not only enhance the positive impact of marketing initiatives, but also buffer the firm from the full consequences of unexpected and negative market shifts. While this protective effect has been demonstrated for firm-specific events (e.g., product recalls, public relations crises), its impact has not been observed in response to market-wide environmental shifts. Our study demonstrates the buffering properties of strong brands in exactly such a context: the passing of new legislation. By examining responses to the introduction of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, we show that (1) firms exhibit a rapid and homogeneous response as they comply and adjust strategy to a new environmental incentive/cost structure; (2) from a marketing perspective, this homogeneity in competitive responses leads to a systemic decrease in marketing efficiency; and (3) stronger brands existing prior to this environmental shift help buffer their companies from this loss in efficiency. We further show that this advantage only holds for the strongest of brands in the market

    The Timing and Source of Long-Run Returns Following Repurchases

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    This paper investigates the timing and source of anomalous positive long-run abnormal returns following repurchase authorizations. Returns between program authorization and completion announcements are indistinguishable from 0. Abnormal returns occur only after completion announcements. Long-run returns are largely attributable to announcement returns at subsequent authorizations and takeover attempts; that is, anomalous post-authorization returns are not persistent drifts but rather step functions. These findings have important implications for prior papers examining this most persistent and widespread anomaly. Further, our results serve to refocus the search for a rational explanation for the anomaly on subsequent repurchase announcements and takeover bids.12 month embargo; Published online: 21 April 2017This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Do Target CEOs Sell Out Their Shareholders to Keep Their Job in a Merger?

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    CEOs have a potential conflict of interest when their company is acquired: they can bargain to be retained by the acquirer and for private benefits rather than for a higher premium to be paid to the shareholders. We investigate the determinants of target CEO retention by the acquirer and whether target CEO retention affects the premium paid by the acquirer. The probability that a CEO is retained increases with a private bidder, the performance of the target, and with the fraction of target shares held by insiders. Regardless of the bidder type, we find no evidence that the premium paid is lower when the CEO is retained by the acquirer. Strikingly, the target stock price increases more at the announcement of an acquisition by a private firm when the CEO is retained than when she is not. This result holds whether the private acquirer is a private equity firm or an operating company and for management buyouts.

    Corporate Culture and M&A Activity

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    Accelerated share repurchases

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    Accelerated share repurchases (ASRs) are credible commitments by firms to repurchase shares immediately. Including an ASR in a repurchase program reduces the flexibility that firms have to alter an announced program in response to subsequent changes in the price and liquidity of its shares, unexpected shocks to cash flow and/or investment, etc. Thus, we investigate whether firms' decisions to include ASRs in their repurchase programs are associated with factors expected to influence the costs of lost flexibility and the benefits of enhanced credibility and immediacy. We find robust evidence consistent with the costs of lost flexibility and the benefits of credibility and immediacy being important determinants of ASR adoption. Additionally, we find that ASR announcements are associated with positive average abnormal stock returns.Payout policy Accelerated share repurchase Liquidity

    Why Do Private Acquirers Pay So Little Compared to Public Acquirers?

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    We find that the announcement gain to target shareholders from acquisitions is significantly lower if a private firm instead of a public firm makes the acquisition. Non-operating firms like private equity funds make the majority of private bidder acquisitions. On average, target shareholders receive 55% more if a public firm instead of a private equity fund makes the acquisition. There is no evidence that the difference in premiums is driven by observable differences in targets. We find that target shareholder gains depend critically on the managerial ownership of the bidder. In particular, there is no difference in target shareholder gains between acquisitions made by public bidders with high managerial ownership and by private bidders. Such evidence suggests that the differences in managerial incentives between private and public firms have an important impact on target shareholder gains and that managers of firms with diffuse ownership may pay too much for acquisitions.