5 research outputs found

    Modi: man, myth or movement?

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    Siddharth Bannerjee deconstructs frontrunner Narendra Modi and appraises the electoral prospects of the Bharatiya Janata Party in the upcoming Indian elections

    Kejriwal’s resignation: principled stand or strategic calculation?

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    Siddharth Bannerjee analyses the circumstances surrounding Arvind Kejriwal’s resignation from his post as Delhi Chief Minister

    The professionalisation of Indian elections: reflections on BJP’s 2014 campaign

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    Siddharth Bannerjee examines the mediated modalities of the BJP’s incredibly successful political campaign during the 2014 Indian elections

    Which electoral strategy will work in India’s upcoming elections?

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    Siddharth Bannerjee analyses the campaign strategies of the Congress Party, BJP and AAP in the run up to India’s national elections

    The aam aadmi enters politics: analysing the outcome of Delhi’s State Assembly elections

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    Siddharth Bannerjee examines the strategies that helped the Aam Aadmi Party make historic gains in last week’s State Assembly elections in Delhi