7 research outputs found

    Measuring Neutron Star Radius with second and third generation Gravitational Wave Detector Networks

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    The next generation of ground-based interferometric gravitational wave detectors will observe mergers of black holes and neutron stars throughout cosmic time. A large number of the binary neutron star merger events will be observed with extreme high fidelity, and will provide stringent constraints on the equation of state of nuclear matter. In this paper, we investigate the systematic improvement in the measurability of the equation of state with increase in detector sensitivity by combining constraints obtained on the radius of a 1.4 M⊙1.4 \, \mathrm{M}_{\odot} neutron star from a simulated source population. Since the measurability of the equation of state depends on its stiffness, we consider a range of realistic equations of state that span the current observational constraints. We show that a single 40km Cosmic Explorer detector can pin down the neutron star radius for a soft, medium and stiff equation of state to an accuracy of 10m within a decade, whereas the current generation of ground-based detectors like the Advanced LIGO-Virgo network would take O(105)\mathcal{O}(10^5) years to do so for a soft equation of state.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, supplemental materials at https://github.com/sugwg/bns-eos-ngg

    The Peak of the Fallback Rate from Tidal Disruption Events: Dependence on Stellar Type

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    A star completely destroyed in a tidal disruption event (TDE) ignites a luminous flare that is powered by the fallback of tidally stripped debris to a supermassive black hole (SMBH) of mass M∙M_{\bullet}. We analyze two estimates for the peak fallback rate in a TDE, one being the "frozen-in" model, which predicts a strong dependence of the time to peak fallback rate, tpeakt_{\rm peak}, on both stellar mass and age, with 15 days≲tpeak≲1015\textrm{ days} \lesssim t_{\rm peak} \lesssim 10 yr for main sequence stars with masses 0.2≤M⋆/M⊙≤50.2\le M_{\star}/M_{\odot} \le 5 and M∙=106M⊙M_{\bullet} = 10^6M_{\odot}. The second estimate, which postulates that the star is completely destroyed when tides dominate the maximum stellar self-gravity, predicts that tpeakt_{\rm peak} is very weakly dependent on stellar type, with tpeak=(23.2±4.0 days)(M∙/106M⊙)1/2t_{\rm peak} = \left(23.2\pm4.0\textrm{ days}\right)\left(M_{\bullet}/10^6M_{\odot}\right)^{1/2} for 0.2≤M⋆/M⊙≤50.2\le M_{\star}/M_{\odot} \le 5, while tpeak=(29.8±3.6 days)(M∙/106M⊙)1/2t_{\rm peak} = \left(29.8\pm3.6\textrm{ days}\right)\left(M_{\bullet}/10^6M_{\odot}\right)^{1/2} for a Kroupa initial mass function truncated at 1.5M⊙1.5 M_{\odot}. This second estimate also agrees closely with hydrodynamical simulations, while the frozen-in model is discrepant by orders of magnitude. We conclude that (1) the time to peak luminosity in complete TDEs is almost exclusively determined by SMBH mass, and (2) massive-star TDEs power the largest accretion luminosities. Consequently, (a) decades-long extra-galactic outbursts cannot be powered by complete TDEs, including massive-star disruptions, and (b) the most highly super-Eddington TDEs are powered by the complete disruption of massive stars, which -- if responsible for producing jetted TDEs -- would explain the rarity of jetted TDEs and their preference for young and star-forming host galaxies.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, ApJL accepte

    Characterizing Gravitational Wave Detector Networks: From A♯^\sharp to Cosmic Explorer

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    Gravitational-wave observations by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and Virgo have provided us a new tool to explore the universe on all scales from nuclear physics to the cosmos and have the massive potential to further impact fundamental physics, astrophysics, and cosmology for decades to come. In this paper we have studied the science capabilities of a network of LIGO detectors when they reach their best possible sensitivity, called A#, and a new generation of observatories that are factor of 10 to 100 times more sensitive (depending on the frequency), in particular a pair of L-shaped Cosmic Explorer observatories (one 40 km and one 20 km arm length) in the US and the triangular Einstein Telescope with 10 km arms in Europe. We use a set of science metrics derived from the top priorities of several funding agencies to characterize the science capabilities of different networks. The presence of one or two A# observatories in a network containing two or one next generation observatories, respectively, will provide good localization capabilities for facilitating multimessenger astronomy and precision measurement of the Hubble parameter. A network of two Cosmic Explorer observatories and the Einstein Telescope is critical for accomplishing all the identified science metrics including the nuclear equation of state, cosmological parameters, growth of black holes through cosmic history, and make new discoveries such as the presence of dark matter within or around neutron stars and black holes, continuous gravitational waves from rotating neutron stars, transient signals from supernovae, and the production of stellar-mass black holes in the early universe. For most metrics the triple network of next generation terrestrial observatories are a factor 100 better than what can be accomplished by a network of three A# observatories.Comment: 45 pages, 20 figure

    Detectability of Sub-Solar Mass Neutron Stars Through a Template Bank Search

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    We study the detectability of gravitational-wave signals from sub-solar mass binary neutron star systems by the current generation of ground-based gravitational-wave detectors. We find that finite size effects from large tidal deformabilities of the neutron stars and lower merger frequencies can significantly impact the sensitivity of the detectors to these sources. By simulating a matched-filter based search using injected binary neutron star signals with tidal deformabilities derived from physically motivated equations of state, we calculate the reduction in sensitivity of the detectors. We conclude that the loss in sensitive volume can be as high as 78.4%78.4 \% for an equal mass binary system of chirp mass 0.17 M⊙0.17 \, \textrm{M}_{\odot}, in a search conducted using binary black hole template banks. We use this loss in sensitive volume, in combination with the results from the search for sub-solar mass binaries conducted on data collected by the LIGO-Virgo observatories during their first three observing runs, to obtain a conservative upper limit on the merger rate of sub-solar mass binary neutron stars. Since the discovery of a low-mass neutron star would provide new insight into formation mechanisms of neutron stars and further constrain the equation of state of dense nuclear matter, our result merits a dedicated search for sub-solar mass binary neutron star signals.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, supplemental materials at https://github.com/sugwg/sub-solar-ns-detectabilit