48 research outputs found
Hubungan Intensitas Menonton Tayangan Kekerasan di Televisi dan Intensitas Pemberian Punishment dengan Perilaku Bulyying di Kalangan Pelajar SMA
Abstract Bullying is an aggression act that goal to hurt, humiliate and coercion a weak victim psychologically and physicaly. The present study aims to examine the role of watching violent movie in televesion, and punishment reinforcement with bullying behavior among senior high school students. 128 students were involved in this study. The result showed that there is a relationship between watching violent movie in television and punishment reinforcement with bullying behavior. The implication of the study is discussed further in article.Keywords: intensity watching violent movie in television, punishment reinforcement and  bullying behavior.Â
This study aims to determine the teachers’ professionalism through the implementation of School Based Management (SBM) in SAHARA elementary school. The study applies qualitative approach with descriptive. The subject of this research is SAHARA elementary school, consists of ten people selected by purposive sampling technique. The study collected the data by using observation and interview. The data is processed by reducing the data, presenting the data, and drawing conclusion. The result indicates that the principal discusses the policy which will be applied by school. Moreover, the principal evaluates the progress by checking the learning device, teachers’ attendance, students’ learning achievement and the Teacher Competency Test conducted in cluster. The undertaken efforts clearly show the impact on the graduation of the first year. All the students are graduated with satisfactory result. It proves that the school achievement gained through the students’ success, the teachers maximizes the time on the teaching and learning process, teachers use various learning media. There is students have an increase in learning outcomes. Therefore, the improvement in teacher professionalism is through the implementation of school-based management.
Keywords: teachers’ profesionalism, school-based management
Hubungan Intensitas Menonton Tayangan Kekerasan di Televisi dan Intensitas Pemberian Punishment dengan Perilaku Bulyying di Kalangan Pelajar SMA
Abstract Bullying is an aggression act that goal to hurt, humiliate and coercion a weak victim psychologically and physicaly. The present study aims to examine the role of watching violent movie in televesion, and punishment reinforcement with bullying behavior among senior high school students. 128 students were involved in this study. The result showed that there is a relationship between watching violent movie in television and punishment reinforcement with bullying behavior. The implication of the study is discussed further in article.Keywords: intensity watching violent movie in television, punishment reinforcement and  bullying behavior.
Higiene Sanitasi Depot Air Minum Isi Ulang di Kecamatan Tanjung Redep Kabupaten Berau Kalimantan Timur
The purpose of this research was to observe the hygiene of refill drinking water operators, building and equipment sanitation also the sanitation facility of drinking water depo. This was a descriptive research with cross sectional approach. There were 6 refill drinking water depo at at Tanjung Redep, Berau, East Borneo which became observed. Data collected using questionnaire and check list. There were several of operators hygiene must be considered. They did not using special uniform for work and did not washing their hands before handling the water. Conditions of building and equipment were meet the standards. But the sanitation facilities were minimals, the wash basin for operators and its tools were not available. In general, hygiene and sanitation of drinking water depo were good. The coliform and E. coli parameters in production water were negative. It is sugessted to provide training about hygiene and sanitation for the owners and operators of refill drinking water depo. Keywords: hygiene and sanitation, refill drinking water dep
Faktor Determinan dan Motivasi Peserta KB Melalui Program KB Keliling untuk Memilih Metode Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang
This study aims to determine what factors influence the selection of MKJP (Long Term Contraception Method) through the mobile family planning program in Prabumulih City. This research method is a quantitative analysis using secondary data from the 2021 Family Data Collection (PK21). The results showed that the Nagelkerke R Square value was 0.117 and Cox & Snell R Square 0.010, indicating that the independent variable's ability to explain the dependent variable is 0.010 or 1 percent. Ninety-one percent of other factors outside the model define the dependent variable. In conclusion, the element that has a significant influence on the selection of long-term contraceptive methods is the factor of access to family planning services.
Keywords: Determinant Factors, Mobile Family Planning, Motivatio
Pengaruh Faktor Sosio Demografis terhadap Lama Mencari Kerja bagi Tenaga Kerja Terdidik di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
The number of labor force in South Sumatra Province when viewed from the percentage of the unemployed workforce for the uneducated workforce is 27% while the educated workforce is unemployed by 73%. The purpose of this study was to explain the influence of socio-demographic factors on the length of time looking for educated workers in South Sumatra Province. This study uses secondary data in the form of the 2017 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) South Sumatra Province and the use of multiple linear regression analysis (OLS). The results of the analysis of the research that has been carried out state that the respondents have the characteristics, namely that the majority are male with a high school / vocational high school education level and only a few have work experience. The average respondent was 26.79 years old, had an income of 2124029.59 rupiah and had a long time to look for work 17.31 months. The variables that were not related to the length of time looking for work were age, sex and education. The variables that have a significant relationship with the length of time looking for work are work experience and incom
Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru Melalui Implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS) Di SD Sahara Kabupaten Bandung
This study aims to determine the teachers’ professionalism through the implementation of School Based Management (SBM) in SAHARA elementary school. The study applies qualitative approach with descriptive. The subject of this research is SAHARA elementary school, consists of ten people selected by purposive sampling technique. The study collected the  data by using observation and interview. The data is processed by reducing the data, presenting the data, and drawing conclusion. The result indicates that the principal discusses the policy which will be applied by school. Moreover, the principal evaluates the progress by checking the learning device, teachers’ attendance, students’ learning achievement and the Teacher Competency Test conducted in cluster. The undertaken efforts clearly show the impact on the graduation of the first year. All the students are graduated with satisfactory result. It proves that the school achievement gained through the students’ success, the teachers maximizes the time on the teaching and learning process, teachers use various learning media. There is students have an increase in learning outcomes. Therefore, the improvement in teacher professionalism is through the implementation of school-based management
Pengaruh Faktor Sosio Demografis terhadap Lama Mencari Kerja bagi Tenaga Kerja Terdidik di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
The total workforce in South Sumatra Province is 4,123,669 people, who work 3,942,534 people, and those who are unemployed are 181,135 people if you look at the percentage of the unemployed workforce for the uneducated workforce is 27% while the educated workforce is unemployed by 73%. This study uses secondary data in the form of the 2017 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) South Sumatra Province and the use of multiple linear regression analysis (OLS). The results of the analysis of the research that had been conducted stated that the respondents had characteristics, namely that the majority were male at 74%, around 87.4% with a high school / vocational education level, and around 51.1% had work experience. The average respondent was 26.79 years old, had an income of 212 4029.59 rupiah,s and had a long time to look for work 17.31 months. The variables that were not related to the length of time looking for work were age, sex, and education. The variables that have a significant relationship with the length of time looking for work are work experience and income. Each work experience will increase the length of time to look for work in the respondents in South Sumatra Province by 5,132 months
Inovasi “Jebol” Akta Kelahiran Pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan bentuk inovasi layanan Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan registrasi penduduk, terutama untuk penduduk kelompok usia 0-17 tahun. Berdasarkan publikasi Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Anak Tahun 2019, disebutkan bahwa populasi penduduk yang berusia 0-17 tahun atau anak mendominasi sebanyak 32,24 %, sehingga perlu dilaksanakan registrasi penduduk dalam bentuk akta kelahiran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dokumentasi dan wawancara, kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif berdasarkan pengamatan secara induktif pada data dan hasil wawancara. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin telah mengembangkan inovasi pada pelayanan dinamis atau door to door dengan melaksanakan program Jebol “Jemput Bola” Penerbitan Akta Kelahiran yang bekerjasama dengan pelayanan lain dan komunitas masyarakat yaitu rumah sakit bersalin, klinik, dan forum kerjasama antar gereja untuk mendukung fungsi Dinas Kepedudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil dalam catatan Sipil. Dengan faktor pendukung yakni prosedur pelayanan yang sistematis, komitmen stakeholder dan kemauan masyarakat, dan faktor penghambat yakni keterbatan sistem informasi dan teknologi yang digunakan dan sosialisasi jadwal pelayanan kepada masyarakat.Kata Kunci: Registrasi Penduduk; Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil; Jemput Bola.