1 research outputs found

    The consciousness of being alive. A forgotten transcendental condition of community and togetherness

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    It is imposing itself with increasing urgency the need to re-establish at the basis of every movement of our humanity, impoverished by technological-objectifying rationalism, the awareness of and attention to that mysterious but effective intersubjective \u201cunderstanding\u201d - the Habermasian "Verst\ue4ndigung" of an \u201calmost-transcendental-performative value\u201d - that manifests itself as a preliminary condition for every actuation of communicative/cooperative intentionality. This understanding is rooted in the existential consciousness of being alive of the subjects of communication/cooperation and thus reveals that human being is effectively in communication with the world and with other human beings through life, before than by reason and consciousness: it was upon this proto-human-living-being that depended any philogenetic advance in hominization and to it today as well, the progress of human civilization is inescapably linked [cf.: M. Tomasello]. We owe B. Malinowski for the twentieth century rediscovery of \u201cphatic communion\u201d as ontological and vital dimension of intersubjective communication and therefore anthropological basis of referential communication, according to Roman Jakobson. Only a darkening or obsolescence of oneself as \u201cvortex of the universal sense,\u201d active in the \u201cturmoil of a generating progress [\u2026] of the immensurable stream of life\u201d [A.-T. Tymieniecka], can explain the vain rush of today\u2019s man to replace the original resource of communicative being, emanating from the consciousness of being alive, with inevitably sectorialized and objectifying systemic thought [cf. N. Luhmann] and expert systems [cf. A. Giddens]. The phenomenology of life of A.-T. Tymieniecka shows the human consciousness of being alive as the proper basis for every formation of community and togetherness. This contribution intends to promote the recovery of this consciousness of being alive